Useful information for those who are going to the bath-water


In order for holidays in the Bashka-water to be safely and left only pleasant memories, tourists are mostlance to apply special efforts. It is enough to take into account just a few nuances and a trip to a small resort village will turn into a fascinating journey.

The first feature is the right choice of the period for visiting the cozy resort of Makarskaya Riviera . The most favorable period for recreation in the Baska-Water is considered May-October. At this time, the village sets very comfortable weather in the village, when the daily air temperature is held at a mark of + 24-30 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature pleases in + 23-25 ​​degrees. Periodically emerging heat knocks down a special wind - Mistral, which brings with it fresh air from the sea. The earth warmly warm at night cool the light north wind Burin. As a result, the warm season in the tank-water passes gently, sunny and nice.

To move across the territory of a small resort, tourists will not require any transportation. All the most interesting and necessary in the tank-water is located within walking distance of each other. However, if you plan to diversify the beach holiday by visiting the nearby resorts of the rich in historical monuments and architectural attractions, then for these purposes, a car or a scooter can be rented for these purposes. In the resort village, M & M is working, caring for cars. Her office is right in the center of the Bashka-Water. Daily rental of the car, depending on the class, pulls 350-400 Croatian kun. In order to take temporary use, the car should be fulfilled at least 21 years. The driver needs to have international driving license, driving experience from two years and a credit card, decorated in his name. The deposit for a leased car is a prerequisite for practical in all rolling offices of Croatia.

To travel around the neighborhood-water-water, tourists may need a map of the country's road, which can be purchased for 40-50 Croatian kun in any spa newspaper kiosk. Also did not hurt to first become familiar with the local rules of the road. The fact is that the violation of the road rules in Croatia is facing tourists with a tangible fine. For a non-fastened belt, the safety belt will have to give from 500 kun, the speed exceeds is fraught with parting with several hundreds and even thousands of Croatian bills.

And also, tourists should be aware that not only the free motorway is held near the tank, but also a paid road. To pay for travel, it will require a special smart card. True, in some rented cars installed a remote payment device (ETC). This nuance must be clarified at the stage of registration of the lease.

As for tourists who want to explore the water-water and vicinity on two-wheeled transport, then they should go to the center of the village where bicycles and mopeds are issued. The cost of renting a bicycle for a day will be from 60 Croatian kun, the moped will be slightly expensive - in 190 Croatian kun.

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Despite the fact that the cycling routes in the water-water and the surrounding area are equipped with pointers, travelers will not prevent a special card that you can buy in the informational and tourist center of the village. It will not be marked with all possible cycling routes - from the easiest to very complex. By the way, the office of the tourist center is located just above the embankment on Blato Street.

Another pleasant feature of the Bashka-water can be considered quite understandable for Russian-speaking Tourists Croatian language. At the very least, the meaning of many everyday words with resting will be easy to disassemble. Plus, the Russian-Croatian phrase job, who does not take a lot of space in the suitcase, can be grabbed into the trip. By the way, the staff of the majority of hotels and hotels of the resort village also owns English. So establish communication with the benevolent local population will not work.

With the taper in the ball-water it is simple. They are accepted to leave the hotel staff, restaurants, taxi drivers and guides. The size of the tips left in public catering institutions is usually 10% of the count amount. Moreover, "extra" money is desirable to give the waiter personally in the hands, and not leave bills on the table. Taxi drivers usually independently round the cost of travel to the biggest, and the hotel staff expects thanks to 5-10 Croatian kun from tourists.

The exchange of currencies in the Bashka-Water can be made in the Splitska Bank, the separation of which is located on the embankment or in the post office, located at: Embankment of St. Nichola, 79. Back in order to exchange currency, tourists can look into the information tourist center or contact Recreation of your hotel. As for ATMs, they are mainly focused in the area of ​​the Embankment.

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In case of ailment, to acquire the necessary medicines, tourists can be in a pharmacy, which is all on the same embankment of St. Nicholas in the house at number 29 or on Blato Street, 6. If the medical consultation is required, then getting her vacationers will be able to in a small local hospital working on Supilne Street.

The water-water is considered quite safe to the resort for both family tourists and girls traveling on their own.

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Small stealing in the village, undoubtedly happens. Everything else is good. At this resort, even sanitary standards are surprised by their indicators. In the tank-water, on the assurance of local residents, water can be drunk directly from the tap.

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