Rest in the Baska-Water: How to get there?


On the picturesque coast of the Adriatic Sea at the foot of the majestic mountain biohoko sprawles the resort village of Baska-Water. Reach directly to the town with air traffic will not work. The fact is that there is no airport in the water-water. The international air port closest to the village is located in the city of Split, which is removed from the small resort to a distance of 77 kilometers. Another airport, receiving flights from Russia and Ukraine, is located in Dubrovnik. From this landing place to a tank-water of a total of 185 kilometers. But many tourists for one reason or another give preference to fly to Dubrovnik Airport.

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After landing the aircraft and passing all the necessary procedures, travelers are sitting on the bus and just over two hours turn out to be at the final destination - the village of Bashka-water. A bus ticket costs tourists somewhere around 100 Croatian kun. Plus, there are suitcases in the luggage compartment of the vehicle, then it is necessary to additionally pay extra 7 Croatian kun for each bulk bag. And yet, many regular buses departing from Dubrovnik Airport towards the water-water, the resort village itself is not visited. Travelers land right on the track, and then you have to walk. The distance to the center of the village, the truth is small. However, overcome it with suitcases and children (if this family journey) is not very convenient.

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In my opinion, the more suitable option is the flight to Split Airport. A ticket for such a flight will cost travelers from 2500 to 3,500 Croatian kun, depending on the company of the carrier and the number of transfers.

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Next, from the airport to the Bashka-water can be reached by bus, bus or taxi. The cost of the bus ticket will be approximately 40-45 Croatian kun. Driver will need to warn in advance so that he stops near the village. It should be clarified that a regular buses run between a small village and a split bus station to the center of the Bashka Water.

If the choice falls on a taxi, in this case, tourists should prepare about 750 Croatian kun. At best, the local taxi drivers will take 9 Croatian kun for a kilometer from foreign tourists.

Tourists with children may interest the option with a car rental. We can rent a vehicle directly at the airport Split. This procedure will notice 10-15 minutes. Further on the free motorway it turns out to get to the resort village. The main thing is not to skip the congress leading directly to the center of the bath-water.

As for the transfer from the airport building to the planned place of residence, then many hotels of the sea resort offer such a service to tourists. That's just it is not suiced. A trip on a passenger car is usually evaluated in 680 Croatian kun, and a comfortable trip to the minibus delays all 900 Croatian kuns.

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