What should you expect from rest in Vishakhapatnama?


Vishakhaptenem (or just Vazg) - City on the east coast of the Bengal Bay , in the staff of andchra-pradesh. It is at the same time the largest city city. The town with difficultly across the name was called him, by the way, in honor of the Vishkha - the second largest gopis, that is, the beloved Krishna. According to the legend, Vishakha was born on one day with a ladder (eternal beloved Krishna), and was as beautiful. It is said that the king of Anchs built somewhere here the temple in honor of this very Visakha, but he flooded with marine waters. There is also a legend that the city was named after Vishkha - one of the first female successors of the Buddha teachings.

Well, it will be with legends. To begin with, it is worth noting that from the point of view of the transport system, Vishakhaptenem is quite comfortable city This is his undoubted plus. This can be reached here at a good road (Highway number 5) from no less popular Chennai and Calcutta cities, not to mention smaller towns next door. In the city function Two speed buses. Naturally, there is Railway , I. international Airport Who, by the way, the most downloaded airport of the coastal part of the state. This airport is quite reminiscent of Pulkovo-2 - at least the size. Only passengers are smaller.

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Well, the port of the city is exactly one of the largest in all of India! On the motorbikes, moving around the visa is comfortable. And here Taxi There is no class in the city, so the tourist will fit City buses, motorbikes (in a small motorbike can accommodate up to five people not particularly strong) or Motorikshi. True, Rickish driver can charge any amount (most likely, what is the real fare for local, no one will say to you).

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Vishakhaptenem - the city is big. Here lives about 2 million people (I hope that Wikipedia can be trusted?), Most of which confess Hinduism ; However, Muslims and Christians are also fighting here - therefore in the city you can see a whole series Mosques and five times less Churches. . Buddhists also have, however, currently noted that their number is reduced. In any case, no religious tension in the city is completely felt - everyone lives in peace and harmony. By the way, the official language of the state - Telugu . However, if you know a little English You calmly understand this city (by the way, there is even an Anglo-Indian community!).

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Foreigners in this city with a difficult name happens a bit White people are still in the wonder. Here you are the second plus - to travel without wild crowd of compatriots and drunk Europeans (well, or not drunk). The locals are very friendly, they make hands, welcome the English word "Hi!", I will gladly agree to be photographed.

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In general, the city is interesting, and to visit here it certainly stands, although it is on another coast, rather than everyone's favorite state of Goa. What is interesting for tourists? And the fact that the town surround the ancient buddhist Temples Many of which were discovered relatively recently. Also the city is famous caves, reserves Near I. Mountains Oriental Gati . In this city and the surroundings there are quite a lot of curious places to which it would be worth looking.

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As for the city itself, for some reason, when visiting it is not a one-piece sensation. Perhaps because Vishakhaptene is Merge from the Old Town, countless growing new buildings and industrial regions . And all this is on the hills and mountains, along the gorgeous coast of the bay with beaches, rocks ... Of course, it is worth understanding that Visag - This is not at all resort town let even there even there are some beaches. Truth, not with snow-white or silver sand, but rather a reddish shade . Locals are bathed everywhere.

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And there are adequate causes, in particular, very powerful waves that sometimes come here. Some parts of the beaches are frankly tinted. And in general, do not compare local beaches with Goa beaches - there is no such infrastructure here, and from the city center to the beach at least half an hour ride on the motorbike.

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Still, Vishakhapatnam is first of all Industrial Center and Large Naval Base . And yes, therefore, there are processing plants that stretch for kilometers and power plants. Nevertheless, the air in the city is quite clean, because in the neighborhood - the bay. If the city is covered with a haze in the morning, then it is clear to the noon, and it is breathing.

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The city center is curious and modern (in particular, Jakadamba, shopping square), with modern shopping centers and traditional shops in the neighborhood. There is no collision of merchants.

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Nevertheless, India is India, and from "dirt" and antisanitarian will not leave. For example, the custom remains to cope a small need for a ditch (for men, of course), right in the very center - and this is with already liquidated wastewalks. But everything changes, and changing for the better. Monuments in the city - countless. Not almost every corner: are devoted to some people, events, dates: for a tourist it is convenient for something that you can navigate. Compared to the larger cities of India, there is no such bustle, a crowd of people, constantly hurrying to people and even slums. In general, Vizaga is not a tourist Mecca of India at all, and absolutely in vain. Attractions in it are no less than, for example, in Mumbai.

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Hotels in the city Not much for such a number of residents. And those that are, tourists are not crowded more often. And mostly, these are not cute guest houses and beach hotels, and large good dear hotel room complexes are 150-250, or small non-pure hotels. Guest houses in visage units.

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But restaurants - Pond Prudi! There are few places to relax local residents, if you do not consider the holiday location Zoo named after Indira Gandy. More or less equipped and pretty places, probably only three, and there are practically no places for tourists. In this, of course, the big minus of Vizaga, but it is necessary to treat it as the features of the city. Not all of them to be tourist! And here there is Tellud. . There is a Hollywood in California, there is a Baswood in Mumbai, and there is a Telwood, located next to Vishakhapatnam - Movies are filmed on Telugu. Such a interesting town!

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