What you need to know going to rest in Vrindavan?


So, Vrindavan. The city is unique, on the other in India not similar, Not "sent" tourist sphere . No, definitely, tourists are there, and feel good. But, in comparison with the Ardated tourist tourist destination, Vrndavan is still small and inconspicuous - especially for most "packagers" (but, of course, this is the most sacred and famous city for Krishnaitis). Therefore, so to speak, random people do not come here. That is, if you have found yourself here, then you personally invited Krsna himself (which is here, according to legend, and was born). It all looks like all pilgrims in the city know perfectly well what to do and where to follow them. They go there, here, with bags in their hands, they read "Hare Krishna". Practically no surprised-delightful look around, as it happens in European (and not only) cities.

What you need to know going to rest in Vrindavan? 21658_1

The only logical and legitimate desire of the tourist, who has just drove into this city - it is quickly to move. At all, good hotel (not the most ascetic) in Vrindavan find hard - It is easier to find something like that in Mathure than in this city. And in Vrindavan a lot of pilgrims. Therefore, often tourists will settle either with temples, either in hotels, but for incredibly high in Indian understanding of the price (and there will be quite ordinary amenities).

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Do not be afraid if evening Vrindavan will find you buzzing, ringing, wild. Morning city is beautiful . Morning will put everything in its place. But yes, in the town really A bunch of pilgrims - Everyone is walking, bypassing numerous temple complexes, go in elegant and cheerful. It smells like a holiday! Especially if they really arrived during some holiday. In the town Practically no - decent (in our understanding of this) restaurants , Moreover, typical tourist entertainment.

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When you go for a walk - immediately Excuse little things . It is preparing for those who do not want to feed a lot, but in more difficult the conscience does not allow. For example, however, do not submit a little bit of chumazum, local children who joyfully shout "Ha-Ari-for-Ol!" And stretch the handcle.

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Locals are enough well know english - With the exception of those who work with tourists (and there is somehow confidently). However, if you have a card on Hindi, it will be much easier to live. Local people are extremely friendly and radiant. Smile, no matter what. For example, directly near the bazaar along the street live whole families - ascend and eat in the open sky in something, very similar to the tents, only without entry. And they smile! It seems that poverty here does not cut eyes And the people are quite satisfied with what has already has. For example, he has the sun, good weather, the fact that they are generally alive. Even the most meaning here can somehow get out and live happily. In general, it is a powerful contrast with what is happening in our homeland. After all, here There are practically no frowning faces , everyone greets, smile in full mouth. With tourists and at all are treated extremely careful and patiently - As with kids. In Russia, for such meticulous questions, you would have long been sent much away, but here it will certainly be treated with amazing and patience.

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Second residents of the city - monkey . Of course, they live not only in Vrndavana, but here they are very disguised. For example, they love to tear sunglasses from tourists, attack and extrude fruit and sweets out of hand, and even plates - there is practically no chance to keep. By the way, for the fact of resistance, you can overlook the head of your head! And they can even climb into a balcony and pass through the balcony to the room (this is how Surprise may be in the morning!). Definitely, the macaics are harsh. Local nicknames this "Monkey Problem". In addition to people and macaques, on the streets of Vrindavan there are many other living beings - cows, birds, chips, pigs, goats, dogs - everyone lives here on equal rights and no one hits anyone.

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The city reigns the atmosphere of a fun fair, which at first discourages, and then raises the mood. The right thing in Vrndavana is ... Just be here. Yes, there are five thousand temples (by the way, it is not just words - it is), but they are simply physically impossible to consider and visit the other, and even more so in two days. If so to go into philosophy, then, since Vrindavan is a spiritual place, it is impossible to bypass it in principle, since all spiritual is unlimited. Therefore, do not even try to run somewhere. Do not take to "see everything" . So, what is good, the head and mood will sprinkle.Just sit down and sit on the shore of the river Yamuna (by the way, the local words "River", that is, the river, do not know - it is better to ask where "GAT" or "GHAT" is located), swim on the boat on the opposite bravery, wander around Town streets - Try to absorb this amazing atmosphere. . Can go to "Parikarm" . This is the so-called sacred "Circle" krishna, which is more like an oval. In fact, this is a route for pilgrims, long - well, maybe kilometers 10. There are some of them on it, and some go on a tuka or a bike (but more often it is "wrong" tourists). At the same time, it is necessary to perform ablutions in all Holy Ponds "Kundakh" , Water in which is never clean, but they are pretty beautiful.

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In general, even "incorrect" in Vrindavan in the shower. If it is not yet dumps in some places - so in general beauty! By the way, our compatriots are a lot. If there is some kind of "white", then, most likely, from Russia (probability of interest 70). Well, or, at a minimum, from the former CIS. Little sip is some kind of homeland!

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If you need to go somewhere on the train, then it is better to take to Railway Station Vaccorated because you do not guess in life that it is at all the station. It looks more like a kind of god forgotten, a very unbreakable building. On the market Immediately it is better not to acquire anything, it is necessary to resend it to the beginning. It is necessary to bargain, otherwise the goods will be sold on a very inflated price (for example, twice). Two code words - "How Much?" ("How much does it cost?") And "Discount" ("Discount") here know and understand well - you can safely be used.

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