What should you expect from rest in Vrindavan?


Vrindavana (or VrindaVan) is a city in northern India and holy place of pilgrimage followers of Vaisnavism . Why this city? Yes, because many centuries ago on the site of the modern city there was a dense forest, in which, according to legend, the God of Krishna was playing 5 thousand years ago during her earthly incarnation. The city of Vrindavan is located just 15 km from Mathura, which is considered to be the birthplace of Krishna. Krishna had to be hidden from enemies Krishna had to settle in the village of Gokula (where there was a forest, and today - VrindaVan) from adoptive parents. Here he passes cows and played on his flute.

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By the way, about the forest: the name of the city happened from Vṛndāvana in Sanskrit: "Vṛndā" means "Tulasi" (small shrubs that are used in particular in Ayurvedic medicine; is considered a sacred plant in Vaisnavisme), and "VANA" means "grove" or "forest". True, in the last 250 years, Vrndavana's extensive forests were cut down - first by order of local raffle, and in recent decades - builders of apartment blocks and hotels. Accordingly, many forest animals and birds lost their home.

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Today in the town everywhere only monkeys yes cow (well, peacocks are sometimes raised). Macaki, by the way, very nimble: especially like sunglasses. You can only take them away by giving a monkey food. So, careful.

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The city is famous numerous temples dedicated to Krishna. According to some calculations, there are about 5 thousand them here, so sometimes Vrindan is called "The city of 5000 temples." Writing about them here I will not become too much beautiful. I will only say that 0din of the oldest preserved temples - the temple of Govinda Dev, built in 1590, and the city was founded in the same age. As for five thousand temples, it is true. It can be said that the temple here is literally every second home. Here you walk along the street - and the temple behind the temple! Temples are different - there are smaller, and more. There are low, and there are impressive temple complexes.Anyone can go to the temple. Moreover, his priest will be strongly called, and then blessings or another religious subject. No discrimination! You can move on a Tuk-Tuka - but, in general, with movements around the city are not soiled, you will always find on what to get there. Tukers there, by the way, those more comrades: If the driver begins to carry something wrong, they say, does not know the road, it is not worth spending time - another driver will be cleared to you in half a minute.

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Many hotels, by the way, are located in the temples. Interesting experience! Many of the temples work - this is understandable at least according to the lengthy of the door from the doors. The atmosphere in the city reigns truly rainbow, truly light is not an exaggeration. Even Rickshe drivers (not speaking about the rest) welcome each other with the words "Hare Krishna!", "Haarisk!" or "Light! Radha! " By the way, it is not at all the fact that they are familiar - everyone just smiles at each other.

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These holy names rushing through the flows from everywhere - from the temples, from the windows of the houses, from tape recorders (local listened by mantras), even from cell phones. And certainly, it is not necessary to doubt that a local resident will handle himself under Hare Krishna, and not some Beyonce there. In short, it is felt very powerful contrast in the behavior of the locals, in comparison with the rest of India. What can I say - yes, they even spit on the ground less (or do it quieter, I do not know). By the way, there is about 57 thousand people in Vrndavana. And it is also believed that the indigenous people of this city are precisely those who were lucky enough to be born - they are their last birth in this world and after death they are straightforward into the spiritual world.

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These lucky ones work out "small sins" in Karma, and then become completely liberated souls. That's why, probably, they are so radiant, cute, carefree as if. Yes, what can be said - a simple Indian people usually in the subtleties of philosophy is not going. Krishna is associated with them with ordinary joys of life, he is a real hero-lover for them (after all, he had 16 thousand wives and everyone gave birth to his son) causes a local genuine children's delight.

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Here's another interesting: Vrindavan is considered City of widow - Because of the large number of widows that come to these edges after the loss of their husbands. There are some estimates that in the city lives from 15,000 to 20,000 widows, which are engaged in the singing of Bhajanov in Ashramas. They serve rice and money, and often these women begging on the streets of the city. I had to intervene to local organizations, in order to provide all the help of these women and their children and provide them with at least a housing.

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What should you expect from rest in Vrindavan? 21646_9

In this city it is very nice to walk. You can, in addition to temples, go to Sacred River Yamuna , on the shores of which is Vrindavan - there also reigns a completely pacifying atmosphere. You can go to K. Radha-Kunda - Sacred Lake, which is a very romantic legend. True, the path from Vrndavana to Lake Far, and water in it, of course, stagnant and smells of tina.

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Shopping In the town of interesting. Especially memorable shopping shops and whole shops of clothing for ... gods. That is, it is clothing in which you can dress up the statue of God. From the side it seems it all benches with clothes for children - AN-No! Everything is there: from slippers to caps and trousers. Single divine puppet theater!

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Naturally, it would be cool for you to get on some festival in this city - at least Holi , Annual Hindu Spring Festival, which is here begin to celebrate earlier than in other cities of the country. There is a paint of various colors in the course - no, except for, black. Well, I think you're approximately what this holiday is.

In general, if you ask where exactly the first time to go to India - or rather, it is better to go for the spiritual grace, then the answer will be extremely confident - only in Vrindavan. Yes, not Varanasi, Rishikesh, and even more so, Goa, only in Vrindavan. It is not even much important what kind of religion you do not evenly, atheist you or believe, just drive there at least once. And if you are convinced Krishna, then take all the strength to move here to live here. Yes, quickly!

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