What to take yourself on vacation in Baidayhe?


Green and cozy town of Baidayhe, located on the shore of the Bohaji Gulf of the Yellow Sea, belongs to the extended eleven kilometer beach strip, many parks with fountains, several unique medical centers and a sufficient number of entertainment places for multi-time tourists. And looking at this seaside resort it is hard to believe that quite recently he was just a small village, the inhabitants of which were invented by fishing. Now Baidayhe is famous for the whole of China as one of the popular resorts in which you can diverge to rest, to get and have fun.

Main entertainment in the resort town you can safely call the lazy fooling on the beach . By the way, the Baidayhe coast is conditionally divided into three zones - the West Beach, the central beach and the eastern mountains. The most visited is the central beach. It is divided into several small parts by rocky capes. Tiger cliffs and sparrow nest are considered the most interesting and cozy area of ​​the beach. And all due to the fact that here you can not only not fall under the sun, splashing in the sea, but also to run the kites. Young tourists this fun delivers a lot of pleasure. As for the entrance to the sea, then on the central beach it is flat, with a sandy bottom. Kids can be safely allowed into the water.

Most of the vacationers on this beach are Russian tourists and Chinese families with children who came to Baidayhe for several days from other corners of the country. In a word, everyone who loves comfort relaxed here. From the side of the city, the beach is surrounded by numerous cafes, souvenir shops, restaurants and rental points of umbrellas, chairs and even balls. By the way, colorful air snakes are sold in the local shop shops. Plus, there are many masseuses on the central beach, whose services are quite inexpensive. Tourists them most often ordered a foot massage or a relaxing massage.

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The Western Beach has the same developed infrastructure, but it is not so crowded. Locals are practically no local residents. Most likely, a Russian-speaking tourist or traveler from Europe will be most likely to the bedspread or beach towel. The sea on the western beach is deeper, but in some places come across. It is in these pointers that children are mainly also splashing. The necessary beach equipment can easily be rented on the spot, and feed the hungry kids and have a snack itself in one of the same restaurant or cafes. However, in search of food, it is absolutely optionally to leave the sun bed or covered. On the beach, it is also sching the merchants of corn, fruit water and other sweets.

Despite all the advantages and very beautiful panorama, the West Beach is not very suitable for recreation with children. It is in this beach zone of Baidaiheh most felt tides.

The eastern beach of the resort is characterized by the longest coastline and solitude. This place is surrounded by cypresses and pines will have to taste lovers of "wild rest" and fishing. There is no infrastructure without any infrastructure. However, there are many varieties of marine inhabitants. True, to admire the underwater inhabitants, tourists will work out only if you catch them out of the water or visit the beach during the lowrowment. Moreover, the castings turn a visit to the Eastern Beach in a fascinating pastime. With the departure of water on the sand, there are beautiful shells that can be assembled. This is where local residents are engaged and tourists repeating them.

In addition to the beach rest in the Eastern Mountain area, you can take a walk at once in several parks. Right on the seafront is located the park "Pigeon Gongyuan" (Geziwo Gongyuan). The entrance ticket to its territory costs about 25 yuan. The highlight of the park is the gazebo of admirement by the Sun, which is filled with tourists in the early morning. Many wish to admire the amicable phenomenon that the locals are called the "swimming sun in the sea". Really sunrise in Baidayhe looks fantastic. In addition to visiting the gazebos in the park, you can amitate small jellyfish and shrimp. For this, special small pier are constructed, and the tourists are given saccs. By the way, caught shrimp can be taken with you. Their cooking can be enjoyed a little later in any resort's restaurant. It will cost 10-15 yuan. Complete the Park Promenade, you can visit the Marine Gallery, which is located in the tunnel under the waterfall rock. The gallery exhibits are several dozen aquariums with fish, corals and other marine animals.

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  • In the summer, visit the park can be available on any day. It opens at 3 am. From October to April, the "pigeon nest" works from 8:00 to 18:00.

A little away from the Eastern Beach there is another park. It is located immediately on five mining vertices and is called Lianfengshan Gongyuan. A walk through this protected place will deliver many pleasant impressions, but at the same time heavily tired. But, despite this, visit the park still follows. The air in the park is saturated with many pleasant and useful flavors, and the surrounding nature pleases the eye. There is a high point of the park (153 meters above sea level), coming up to which tourists will be able to enjoy spectacular views of the sea and surroundings. Going down, it will be possible to look into the small Buddhist temple or in the cave of the lying Buddha. Arbors for recreation are installed throughout the park, in which you can simply sit, eat the grace with you the provincial and enjoy the surrounding beauty.

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  • Walking through the park "Lianfenshan" will cost tourists in 30 yuan. Additionally, you can spend on the electrocarbage, to which it helps move around the park. In the warm season for visitors, this place is open from 7:00 to 18:00. From the autumn in the spring, the park works from 8:00 to 18:00.

Complete the "park" entertainment program will allow a hike to the "Stone Lotus" park, which tourists easily discovered at the foot of the Mount Lianfeng. A special place in this small park is given to the temple of the goddess of the mercy of Bodhisattva Guanin, which patronizes all women. The temple consists of three halls open to everyone.

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As for night entertainment, they are practically absent in Baidayhe. The main evening fun is a walk along the embankment, illuminated by many lights, beautiful illumination and garlands on the trees.

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