Features of rest on Mafia Island


Immediately, I can disappoint lovers of cheerful leisure, stormy nightlife and entertainment show that you will not only do not like the visit to this island, but will not even give ten percent of what you are waiting for recreation. And this is not only from the fact that there are no similar entertainment establishments, but even hotels, in the usual understanding, with evening programs and animation staff.

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This is where hotels, if you can call them so, not more than a dozen, and with a very limited number of numbers or bungalows. In the largest, even with the maximum filling, no more than fifty people will be raised. So small demand and stream of tourists are fully provided by the currently available, objects. Externally, they resemble a typical African village, with a small number of houses. But do not think that tourists are not here from the fact that this island is not popular. If we put the phrase familiar to us, then it is simply not promoted in the tourist direction, and few people know about it, but who visited here once, dreams of getting here again and again.

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This is a simple explanation. Here come to completely retire with wildlife and forget about everyday life. And many it turns out well, because in some hotels there is even no Internet. What else remains to do in such a situation? Only communicate with the surrounding nature. And she is on the island, not just amazing, but also unique (if we talk about the underwater world). The southern tip of the island, in the village of Lytena, is the first marine reserve for more than twenty years ago.

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The underwater world, among coral reefs, with many marine inhabitants, attracts divers from different parts of our planet. If you believe the reviews who visited the mafia of diving lovers, then in Tanzania, this place is considered the best for diving, while, by one of their best in the Indian Ocean. And I will not claim this with complete confidence, because I am not a professional diver, but once knowing people talk about it, most likely it is.

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Some come here specifically to engage in snorkeling in a whale shark company who live in the area. But you should not worry. This largest, of the existing species, the fish has nothing to do with the bloodthirsty of its relatives, other types of sharks, since it feeds exclusively by planktones, and for a person is completely not dangerous. Moreover, she calmly floats in the presence of snorkeliists, who do not pay attention to them that they manage to even ride her.

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I want to note that other types of sharks, representing a threat to a person here, are practically not found. No wonder on the island there are several diving centers, which not only organize dive and provide all the necessary equipment, but also traine in scuba diving, followed by issuing a corresponding certificate.

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One of these diving centers is on the small island of Chole, which is located in the sixth meters from the mafia. By the way, there is one single hotel on this island. Chole Mjini. , houses in which are equipped with trees or raised on wooden pillars. Very original place, though not quite a cheap accommodation. But, as they say, it is necessary to pay for the unusualness and diversity.

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So, the underwater world in the area of ​​Mafia Island, this is a considerable trump card in choosing a resting area.

What else can be called in favor of this place? Perhaps I will note the availability of the local airport, which is located on the western part of the island, in the village of Kindoni.

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This is a pretty fast and convenient way to get to the island with mainland Tanzania. The distance from Mafia to Dar Es Salama is one hundred and twenty-seven kilometers and the flight lasts thirty minutes. You can get to the sea, which will be cheaper, but much longer, if you just do not use the high-speed boat.

Since the size of the island is relatively small (twenty kilometers in length and eight in width), many tourists enjoy bicycle rental on which you can travel and explore all its territory. Although on the mafia beaches, even in places of settlements, there are not many people, some prefer privacy on completely deserted and wild beaches that extend for many kilometers. At such moments, you feel the feeling of staying on a desert island. Not at any resort, in our time, this opportunity will present.

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For recreation with children, and the atmosphere itself and the Indian Ocean coast is very suitable. The seabed, for the most part, is quite smooth and smoothly passing that for swimming children is very convenient.

I must say, the bulk of the population of the island, and this is about fifty thousand people, are engaged in fishing and fishing of other seafood. And this means that the choice of the freshest sea delicacies on your desk will be provided. Moreover, as you know, at quite reasonable prices.

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At the very beginning I started talking about hotels. So, here you can settle for a fairly budget amount, although there are expensive, in which the rest can do not do one thousand euros (in spite of the standard living conditions and service).

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But tourists come here not for the sake of fashionable hotels, namely, the fact that the island is still not spoiled by tourism and retained its primary appearance. For more information about them, it is written in the article about where you can stay during the rest on the island of Mafia.

As for safety, the last time the most danger of the inhabitants of the island experienced in the nineteenth century, when the attack of cannibals from Madagascar was attacked. Now in this regard, things are normal.

Separate information for fans of ocean fishing. Avual fishermen come here from different countries of the world to engage in deep-sea fishing. Fishing tuna to describe in conventional words, such a number of adrenaline is produced, which will replace a dozen, and maybe more than other fishing.

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The best time for this occupation is considered the period from October to March.

I think that the arguments provided by me in favor of choosing the Mafia Island, for the upcoming rest, is enough to help you decide. I can only wish good journey and new, unforgettable impressions and sensations.

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