Best time to relax on the island of Mafia


The geographical location of the Tanzanian Island of Mafia (an unusual name, which has nothing in common with the meaning of this word), as in principle, and all the inhabited and uninhabited islands of this small archipelago, allows you to fully carry a beach vacation, throughout all twelve months.

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This is understandable, since the Indian Ocean, the surrounding island, on the temperature of the water never falls below twenty-five degrees of heat. And the air, in the coldest period, even at night, hesitate not less than plus twenty. Nevertheless, despite such ideal indicators, there are certain intervals to which the rest will be more comfortable and preferable. The first reason is the features of the weather that presents surprises in the form of precipitation, and very abundant. Probably many have heard of such a phenomenon of nature as a tropical livne. So, this very period in the area of ​​the Mafia Island is March, April and May. Not so rainy, but also overcast from mid-October to mid-December. So it turns out that when planning a trip, it is better to exclude these intervals.

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The most visited tourists period is considered a segment from late June to October. Although according to our ideas, this is the most than a summer season, nevertheless, do not forget that in the southern hemisphere this time is considered in winter. And since the daytime temperatures in these months are low (twenty-five-thirty degrees of heat), then there are quite a few wishing to relax. Large demand may not affect the cost of residence and services provided, which increases significantly compared to other months.

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By summing up the above, it turns out that it is best to rest on the mafia from the end of December to the beginning of March. I agree that it will be a little hot (ocean +30 air +35), but our tourist is not accustomed. Moreover, it is even more pleasant and more special than at home the same temperature indicators, only with a minus sign. New Year's and Christmas holidays, Defender of the Fatherland or a gift for the female half on the eighth of March. What is not a fantastic holding of these events on the shores of the Indian Ocean?

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In the end, in the summer months you can relax in closest resorts than to fly at Tanzania.

As for recreation with children, the winter holidays are quite long in schools, and are quite suitable for such a journey.

I will not talk about the beauty of the island, as it is a separate topic, and as for the weather and climatic features of the Mafia Island, I tried to clarify them. Further everything will be dependent only on your desire and opportunities. Do not forget about the advertisement that tells about a bored tourist sitting in the hotel from the fact that there is a tropical shower on the street, and the room has no first Russian television channel.

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