Cape Verde visa


In terms of visa regime for visiting Cape Verde, things are quite simple. It is not necessary to look at the consulate of this country and waste time on his visit. Upon arrival, and this could be a flight or maritime message, the visa is affixed during passport control. Its cost is twenty-five euros.

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The validity of this visa is thirty days, but if necessary, in the migration service (Direcção de Emigração E Fronteiras), it is possible to extend this period to one year. If children are at visiting the country with you, it is despite whether there are separate passports or they are inscribed in the passport of parents, the visa is issued for them.

At the moment, direct flights from Russia and CIS countries, Cape Verde, and all flights are provided with a transfer to one to the European countries. A large number of flights are performed through Lisbon, since this country has been the colony of Portugal for a long time. But do not forget that with a large range between docking flights, to go out into the city, you will need a Schengen visa. Without accessing the airport building, the presence of this visa is not required.

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Another important point. The term of your overseas passport should not be less than six months.

It should be noted that in Cape Verde there is a free import and export of such goods as: tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, jewels and jewelry. It applies even to cultural and historical values. It is forbidden to import and export of narcotic drugs. As for weapons and ammunition, this will require a special police permit.

At the entrance or departure from the country with domestic or other animals, there should be a certificate from the veterinary service of the country from where the animal leaves or what leaves.

This is the overall picture associated with this issue. For residents of Ukraine or Belarus, the same rules apply. Citizens of Moldova, in the presence of a biometric passport, even when entering the city, during transplantation in Europe, the Schengen visa is not required, since a visa-free regime has been operating to the ninety days with this country and the European Union.

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