What excursions to choose in Mombasa?


For those who are going to visit Kenya, and in particular the resort of Mombasu, located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and wants to make a variety of recreation, this information may be interesting, because it will go on tours offered for tourists and guests of the city.

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First of all, it should be noted that almost all tours are conducted in English, and Russian-speaking vacationers resort to the services of private guides. As a rule, it is a leaving from the former USSR who have moved to permanent residence in Kenya, who know Russian and local attractions. But in the presence of a larger number of tourists, local travel agencies sometimes find a Russian-speaking guide, however, the cost of the excursion can be somewhat increasing. On this issue it is worth consulted immediately in the agency. Some travel agencies have their own offices or representatives in hotels. As for private guides, you should use information on the Internet, where there are similar sites with a list of excursions and approximate prices. Here are the excursions about which I want to tell, will be roughly described (since programs in different agencies may differ from each other), and call the estimated prices for them, in order to help you draw up a general idea.

The most massive is City tour As it is cheaper than others and takes only half a day by duration. It turns out, as a rule, at nine o'clock in the morning. You are taken from the hotel (or other previously stipulated place). The program of this tour includes a visit to the Akamba factory, which is located in the Changamwe district. This factory is engaged in the manufacture of wood items.

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You will show you how the various figures from the valuable tree of the tree are shown manually, after which they will be offered to visit the factory store, where you can buy liked products. The following should be visited Hindu temple,

What excursions to choose in Mombasa? 21574_3

Which is located on Mombasa Island. On the main street of the city of Mua Avenue, decorated with gigantic animals, there is an opportunity to stroll and make wonderful photos.

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It is also worth looking at the Indian Bazaar in the area. Then a visit to the Liconi region, where the age-old baobabs grow. The final stage of this excursion will be the main attraction of Mombasa. This is the Portuguese Fifteenth Century Fortress Fort Jesus.

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There is also the oldest port in the city. After that, tourists are delivered along hotels. The cost of this excursion is about fifty dollars per person, but may vary depending on the program.

A tour of Malindi is quite popular and interesting, with a visit to the abandoned old city of Jedi (Gedi).

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There is a trip along the coast, past the plantations of Agava and other plants.

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In the thick of the forest, the ruins of the city of Gedi, allegedly founded in the thirteenth century and existed about three centuries, after which it was abandoned by the population.

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The reason for this, in all likelihood, began to seize the coast of Portuguese. Next, the path lies in the town of Malindi, where the group lies and goes to National Marine Park Malindi Vatamu . Rerep by boats with a glass bottom, you can admire the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants.

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After that, a visit to the African village, where the inhabitants of the Giryaama tribe will demonstrate their ethnic dances. By evening, tourists return to Mombasa, on their hotels. The cost of such an excursion is about a hundred dollars.

You can spend great time in the floating restaurant Tamarind, which also organized tours.

What excursions to choose in Mombasa? 21574_10

This restaurant is working on board Dow (Arab Sailing Ship), where a large selection of seafood dishes, African and other kitchens is offered. During lunch or dinner (programs begin at 12.00 and 18.30), you serve a variety of dishes. Under the sounds of live music, the ship comes travel along the coast, and passengers admiring the beauty of the trapping.

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Blowing past you can see the old city and Fort Jesus on the ocean side. Just as seafliers arrived, arriving or passing by Mombasy five centuries ago. The end of these programs at 14.45 and 22.30, after which the vessel moisters to the shore, and tourists are delivered along hotels. The cost of this entertainment is one hundred dollars.

Excursion "Trail of Nature", begins in the morning, from visiting the Fort of Jesus and its inspection.

What excursions to choose in Mombasa? 21574_12

Next, the group goes to the village of Mamba, where the crocodile farm is located. After her and subsequent lunch, everyone goes in a bamburi quarry, which are called "trail of nature." Here, among thickets of tropical plants, you can meet antelope, buffalo, various birds and reptiles, including crocodiles.

What excursions to choose in Mombasa? 21574_13

Also, during an excursion, private aqua cultural complex is visited. This tour continues until the evening, after which the tourists return to their hotels. Such an excursion is in the area of ​​a hundred-hundred twenty dollars.

Very interesting is the excursion to the island of Vasini, where National Marine Park Kisayt.

What excursions to choose in Mombasa? 21574_14

It begins early in the morning (6.00-6.30), when tourists are collected and dismantled to the pier in the village of Shimoni (about eighty kilometers from Mombasa). By the way, this village is famous for its caves, which contained slaves for subsequent sale and dispatch. Here everyone is transplanted to dough and sail to the island of Kisayt. Do not forget about bathing accessories, as the tour program includes bathing and diving with a mask and a tube in the coral reef area, from which you get a lot of impressions and positive emotions.

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This place is considered the best in Kenya for diving, so do not miss this opportunity. After that, everyone goes to lunch to Arabic restaurant, located on the island of Vasini.

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Vasni Vasini village, the inhabitants of which are adherents of Arab traditions, will deliver great pleasure and interest. In the afternoon, the group returns to the mainland and then, after arriving in Mombas, everyone is delivered along hotels. The cost of such a tour is one hundred and ten-hundred twenty dollars.

This is not the entire list of excursions that can be visited during the rest in Mombasa. There is also an ethnographic tour along the coast, with a visit to the villages and tribes of Kenya (cost in the area of ​​50-60 dollars). The evening light-sound show "Fort Jesus", which begins at 17.30 from walking aboard the traditional Arab ship, followed by a visit to the fort, where tourists meet disguised in the costumes of the fifteenth century people with torches.

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During the half-hour story about the history of Fort and the city of Mombasa, a light music show is held, after which a luxurious dinner is satisfied. In the conclusion of this program, tourists on buses are delivered by hotels. The approximate cost of such a program is 90-100 dollars.

In a word, what to see and do in Mombasa, you will find. So you can safely go on the road.

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