What should be expected from rest in Vatama?


Undoubtedly, it is worth considering Vatama as one of the priority resorts for rest in Kenya, especially supporters of a relaxing and family holiday, as well as fans of wildlife. Indeed, the townships and hotels located in its surroundings are in close proximity to the National Marine Park WATAMU MARINE NATIONAL PARK which is the first of this kind and is considered one of the best in the country, and included in the list of biosphere reserves, as part of a special program under the auspices of UNESCO. And this is not only a close acquaintance with marine plants and animals, thousands of species of which live in coral reefs located a few hundred meters from the coast and protecting the coast from the Storm Waves of the Indian Ocean.

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On the Gulf Coast Mida Creek. Included in the Park territory, the magnificent mangrove forest spread out, in which a large number of rare trees and plants grows.

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It is a habitat of more than a hundred species of birds, including: Black Korean, palm weaving, African shore cuckoo and others. And the beach is a place of laying eggs, several types of sea turtles, and is carefully protected by the authorities according to the current program "Watamu Turtle Watch". The most important thing is that all this beauty is available for your Ferris. Walk through the Bay of Mid Creek, on Canoe, which can be rented in your hotel or on the shore, gives a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions.

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But the proximity of the reserve is not the only sight of this resort. Minutes of fifteen ride by car, are the ruins of the abandoned the ancient city of Jedi or Gedi,

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which was supposedly founded in the thirteenth century, and leave after the neighboring Mombas was attacked by Portuguese in the sixteenth century.

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And besides this, you can go to the nearby town of Malindi, in which there is a museum and other historical sights, such as the post of Vasco da Gama,

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Estimated during his visit to this coast in the fifteenth century. By the way, in this city there is an excellent bazaar, which sells various products from the tree, made by local craftsmen. Handmade souvenirs will be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends. Whom will leave indifferent wooden mask brought from Africa, which since childhood is associated with us with this black continent. Just do not cease, some products exceed human growth, and with them you will have to get home quite comfortably.

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Fans of maritime, and in this case, this resort will probably have true oceanic fishing, since this passion, or more precisely, to say the hobby, can be done at any time.

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Some hotels, specially in their services, provide or put it more correctly, organize such a type of leisure. The coastal waters of the Indian Ocean are simply sisha by sea "monsters", I mean the trophy types of fish, catch which dreams of any fisherman.

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One of these hotels is HamingWays Watamu.,

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whose name speaks for itself. The Great Writer was a big fan of ocean fishing, and such close communication with nature, apparently helped him write so shiny novels.

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What else can be called as positive facts of this resort? The price of accommodation in hotels is quite different and with early booking you can find options starting with thirty-euros per double room. Food, like the products themselves in local stores or on the market, quite acceptable. It is necessary to note the immediate proximity to local airports, with which you can get to the capital of Kenya and further, to any destination destination. The airport is in Malindi, to which thirty kilometers, and in Mombasa (ninety kilometers). Moreover, the proximity of the airports is not only a convenient option for the road from home or back, and in traveling around the country itself. I must say that there are several dozen small inner airports in Kenya, and at different points. And this means that if desired, you can very quickly get into any place.

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The minus trips to Vatama may be the cost of the flight, which is rather not cheap, and with transfers, and not one. But if you correctly approach this issue, you can choose such a route that will significantly reduce the costs. Especially there are various shares on the sale of tickets. You can also use charter flights to other countries that are much cheaper, followed by a transplant. This option should also be considered to save money. For experienced travelers, this will not be difficult, and beginners should be more close to browse information and recommendations on the Internet, on this issue.

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Speaking of security, I note that Vatama is one of the most relaxed resorts in Kenya. Apparently intimacy with nature makes people kinder to each other.

Rest with children will be very successful, since the bulk of hotels and villas, which are intended for the residence of tourists, small sizes and will not be lost on such a minor territory.

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Speaking about the beach, I must say that besides coral reefs,

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There are several hundred meters from the coast and covering the coast even into stormy weather, the bottom of the bottom is rather small, at a decent distance, especially during the low tide.

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So the swimming of children does not threaten anything.

Such a picture is obtained, and the rest already depends on your desire. I repeat that this resort will be an ideal place to relax for fans of silence, peace and wildlife. For divers, this is a magical place at all, such beauty you are unlikely to see at other resorts of Kenya. No wonder here was founded by the marine park. And who does not present his holiday without noisy discos and nightclubs, Watama will seem boring and better, in this case, to stop his choice on Mombasa, which is more developed in this regard.

I am confident that Vatamu will not disappoint you and leave a lot of impressions and unforgettable moments from rest at this resort. And I only have to wish you good luck and a pleasant trip to this beautiful African country.

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