What should you expect from rest in Koggale?


Coggal is a small coastal city located on the edge of the lagoon, on the south coast of Sri Lanka. Koggala - Part of the District of Galle (South Province). There is a town about 140 kilometers south of Colombo. Not so long ago, a trip from Colombo Airport (namely, you will arrive) to the village would require 4 - 5 hours by narrow killed roads, but relatively recently paved here, so to speak, "Autoban". It may not be completely German species and quality, but still in general it is a good road, with convenient marking, lighting, pointers, excellent congresses. True, also with paid check-points, where they will have to pay about 800 rupees in the amount (but it is possible to pay for such pleasure).

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_1

The resort is located next to the popular tourist town of Unawatuna, but in contrast to this resort Koggala is a relatively unexplored territory. On the one hand, the reef rhymed, on the other - Large lake Koggala . By the way, this lake was one of the largest airports of water aircraft in the difficult years of war and an important point of the British, where refueling within the framework of flights to Australia was made. Lake Airport can be seen today.Generally, the Coggal transport system is amazing: here is the ocean, along it - the main roadway, nearby - a pedestrian walkway, hereinafter, two meters away Railway , for her - this very Airport of air force which adjoins to a huge lake with boats and catamarans. Well, the lake, in which, by the way, crocodiles are found, is just one of the attractions of Galle, and another place for fishing.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_2

And koggala can offer its tourist one of the most Long and Cool Beaches In Sri Lanka. In general, Koggala is where neither Spit, the beach. Wide, with a soft sand, which does not burn legs in hot clock, and relatively deserted. For example, most often even at the rush hour, the density of holidaymakers on this beach does not exceed a hundred people - and it is about half a kilometer! That is, the feeling of privacy, intimacy is.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_3

The ocean is just wonderful here, and the bottom coastal is almost perfect. There are almost no living creatures in the water; Is that, in the dark, grills crap on the sand, and sometimes huge Turtles - puts eggs in the sand. Tides and fetches are more often weak, which is a rarity for the island. And most importantly, what is impressive and pleases - this Elegant waves (It is worth clarifying that this applies to the Koggal Beach, because the set of island's beaches in this regard are not perfect at all, and, by the way, the "corners of the bounty" are not at all similar).

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_4

Although on certain days, the waves are raging too much - and then it is necessary to ensure that the wave does not hit when the water is broken. On the other days, the entrance was only a little difficult to make these waves with human growth, but if sailing for 15-20 meters, then you can safely soak in the thermal water. Near The Fortress Sri Lanka lagoon without waves "However, if you are craving for privacy, then this place is not suitable for you, since there are local, and the bottom of the prickly and uneven there. And on the beach Koggali can be found very beautiful Suns - Well, not a paradise for newlyweds!

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_5

Some infrastructure in Koggal has. For example, about 30 Hotels and guest houses . Almost all of them are on the coast. There will be no problem with food - you can lunch / dinner almost in any hotel, plus there are separate cafes and restaurants. There are practically no shopping places in Koggal (But it does not particularly strain). However, there is something like a "supermarket" (this is called local) - although more similar to the usual hut with trading areas at about ten sq.m. On the shelves probably not the first month (or year?) There are some jars, bottles and bags. No cash register, of course, no. And the seller, it is likely that may not be in place - you have to search. Like the delivery of CO, say, bills in 1000 rupees. The range in this "Market" is not cheap, but, apparently, even a small purchase makes a very good revenue for the shy hostess of the store. Approximately the same species and some tea shops in the same edges.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_6

Among other local buildings in the villages close to the hotels - banks, shops, police office, stupes with Buddhas. Walking white on the tourist streets of Kaggali is a powerful stimulus and for local tubers. In five minutes you will notice you suggestions - just answer something like "Just Walking". There are no unnecessary inquosity to the tubers.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_7

True, it is worth becoming more careful with triggers and scarf battles that literally torment the soul to take out. But the village of Koggala himself, where there are no hotels - this is a blank poverty: one- and two-bedroom huts with a lot of garbage under the windows ... Local in traditional outfits are actively engaged, women are shyly looking at from afar, the ladder is charming - they are masting hands, greeting on English. In general, local residents are very kind and smiling, it seems to love Russians (or all tourists, probably). Sometimes they even run down to say hello to the whole family.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_8

What, besides the beaches, will be interested in a tourist in Koggal? It is worth it for starting to note that there is no particularly in the koggal, nothing is flavoring and especially unusual in the city. Although I lie - still, a couple of sights are available. For example, east of the center of the town is located Church of Katalwa Purvaram Maha Vihara , built in the 13th century. The temple is famous for its paintings depicting musicians, dancers and European figures - a very interesting element of social history. There are in Koggal and others Ancient temples . And koggala - is it the birthplace of the famous Lankan novelist Martin Vikaramasingha (who am I deceiving? It is unlikely that someone knows him), so there is in the city Museum devoted to his art and at the same time, the traditional traditions of the city.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_9

This area is also known for its Fishing on stilts : Fishermen pushed in the bottom of the stick a few meters from the coast, approximately at the chest level, sit on a transverse barrel and catch fish.

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_10

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_11

In addition to this near the city there is Turtle farm . Well, and excursions, excursions - this good will be offered to you (including two-day in Candy and Sigira).

What should you expect from rest in Koggale? 21539_12

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