What is worth viewing in Benton?


Sightseeing in the town itself is not enough. Almost not. But still, in addition to the beach recreation and river safaris, you will have the opportunity to capture something from the cultural component of the area on the chamber. So, the sights of Bentotes.

Temple of Galapatha Raja Maha Vihara

The history of the temple is long and is rooted during the times of King Dutugemu. Dutugemunu. Built this temple his brother, Saddhatissa. The ingestion of the temple was placed the most valuable relic - the dignity of the Kassada Arkhata Mahakassap Teres, the most respected and revered student of the Buddha. Later was the White Stupa - already king Parakramabha, who explored that such an important relic is kept in the temple.

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Next to the terrace is a huge stone plate, which is necessary for colors and light bulbs illuminating the design. For several centuries, the temple was in the destroyed state. The last major overhaul was held in 1959. The temple is not in the center of Bentota, but in the east city, by the river.

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In the temple you can see amazing frescoes, Buddha statues and stone with inscriptions. Once upon a time the temple was associated with underground tunnels with other temples in the area, traces of which are traced today. In January of each temple in this temple, the festival is held in honor of the first visit of the Buddha in the country.

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Temple Kanda Vihara

The temple is located in the southern part of Geruvela, a 10-minute drive to the north of the center of Bentota. This is a Buddhist temple and an important landmark of the region. The temple, erected in 1734, is located on the Makushka Hill, so it can be seen from afar. The remarkable part of the complex is a huge Golden Buddha statue of 48 meters - it is believed that this is the largest statue of the Buddha in the lotus position. The place where the temple is, perfect, quiet, calm.In order not to insult the monks working at the temple, get dressed in suitable (better for something more authentic). When entering the temple you need to go up - do not worry, no one whispel your shoes. The temple is stunning: bright frescoes with scenes from the life of the Buddha (sins and tsunami, for example, especially impressive) is some impressive giant comic! Before the temple is a small lake and lawn.

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Turtle farm

The organization is engaged in maintaining the life of sea turtles. The fact is that due to poaching and developing tourism, there is a high probability that part of the skip simply never will never get out or fall into the ocean. Thus, the population of marine turtles is reduced.

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And on this farm, kids-turtle wounded by the turtles will save. So, this farm is a sort of maternity hospital for dozens of turtles, the eggs of which fishermen and volunteers are collected throughout the beach. Then the young is released into the ocean, but for now they are on the farm, visitors can admire hatching toddles. The farm is small, but here you will be shown and tell about the reproduction of the population of these wonderful animals. Turtles can even touch hands! For a ticket to 1000 rupees in the evening, you can release a few pieces into the ocean. Very interesting, I advise you to visit. There is a farm in the industry.

Lighthouse Barberin

Sometimes this lighthouse is also called Peruveli Lighthouse, because he is opposite the shores of the town of Beruvela. It is a lighthouse on a tiny isochka called Barberin (the area of ​​which is only 3.25 hectares), located at 800 meters from the coast. A 34-meter white conical lighthouse is a total of 46 meters above sea level. He is very old, built it in 1889! Progress does not stand still, so 80 years after construction in the lighthouse, the equipment was changed, and then again, 15 years ago. Today, the lighthouse is one of the four international lighthouses in the country. The island and the lighthouse is a tight piece for the photographer, and the species that open from the lighthouse are amazing - from the ocean to the distant mountains of Sri Lanka. At least these species are worthy to go to the lighthouse!

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Mosque Kishimalay

A visit to the lighthouse can be combined with a room of one of the oldest mosques of the island - Kishimalay Mosque. It is worth noting that earved - it is probably the most Muslim city of the district, and there are several mosques there. In Bentota, for example, as far as I know, there are no mosques at all. So, the mosque of Kishimalay is located next to the Geruvela port. This is a high white building and sophisticated "lace" decorations, besides in a picturesque environment of coconut palms with emerald leaves. Snow-white minarets of the old mosque are visible from everywhere. The history of the construction of a sheaven building with numerous legends, which you will certainly tell or local, or guides. Do not forget to dress correctly for visiting the mosque - girls need to completely close the head, shoulders and legs.

Temple of Spagoda Sri Maha Vihara

And one more attraction of the neighboring town, Peruvela. Well, he is definitely a coolest to the ancient buildings! There is a temple near the Kishimalay mosque, but closer to the main road (thus, from the center of Bentotes to the temple is only 15 minutes away). The temple was built in 1750.

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Once in the village of Gerowel was only one temple, where it was difficult to fit all believers, so the construction of another temple was simply necessary. The temple is very beautiful, with three large statues of the Buddha. Buddha in the lotus - about 5 meters high; Vacationer Buddha in length of about 8 meters. Among other things, the temple boasts 24 more beautiful statues - this is not in every temple you will see! Today, the temple is one of the most visited temples in the district.

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Museum of Masks "Ariyapala & Sons"

To get to the museum, you will have to make a half-hour trip down along the coast. Not so scary, especially since the place is worth. This is the Museum Center of Local Arts and Crafts, where you can simultaneize in more than 200 traditional masks that are used in the ritual dances of the inhabitants of the region. Each mask expresses different emotions.

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Great interest is that it is possible to even watch the process of producing these wonderful products. Museum workers offer excursions, as well as ready to answer all the questions of visitors to the institution. The mask can and buy - prices are quite adequate - however, of course, the masks are much more expensive than simple souvenirs.

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