What entertainment is in Benton?


In the bentt of entertainment, there is little - mostly, this is what the hotel offers. Well, and beach holidays, of course. And yet, what can take yourself on vacation in Bentota?

Walk on Brief Garden

Brief Garden is a garden complex located approximately 20 minutes from the center of Bentotes to the northeast. His creator is Bevis Bava, a landscape designer and architects of the country, now the deceased.

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These are in the territory of the ex-rubber plantation of huge sizes, which once was in possession of his father, the descendant of English planters. When the father of the family went to the world of another, the mother of the Bevis insisted that the son was looking for the plantations. By the way, "Brief", which means "Summary" - this is a tribute to the late father (he dealt with legal issues in the Military Administration of Ceylon). Bevis, however, decided that the rubber was too boring, and in the thirties of the last century it was tightly engaged in refining the territories for his taste. It turned out very pompous and unusual!In the rebuilt residence subsequently rested numerous "Celebrity", and not only Sri Lanka - for example, there were the honor of being British artists of Lawn Olivier and Vivien Lee, Duke of Windsor, Agatha Christie and artist Donald Frendard from Australia. The latter, by the way, initially wanted to vomit in the residence for a week, but delayed for six years. In the gardens of Bavy, 15 gardeners worked, and Bevis himself took direct participation in the creation of a masterpiece (naturally, all this magnificence was built). He, in particular, was engaged in creating sculptures.

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Up until the death of Bevis improved his brainchild, well, after 1992, the garden passed into the possession of the head gardener Bavy. Today Brief Garden is one of the main attractions of the region. This, you can say, "Mast Si" not only Bentotes, but also all Sri Lanka! Oh, how interesting wander through the intricate trails, flowing through the aromatic tropical greens, up and down the hills, and how pleasantly surprise how the paths suddenly go to the stairs, patio, pond or sculptures.

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Or to a water cascade framed by bamboo thickets, to "live" arows, mosaic benches, square lawns, etc. In the garden "no living place" from greenery - wonderful compositions from shrubs and flowers often seem to guests of the garden only by chaotic accumulation of different styles and directions But in fact, there is a clear layout. Interestingly, the fact that the flora of the garden is not like a palpal area of ​​the surrounding regions.

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For example, you can see about 160 trees! By the way, the residence itself (or the bungalow, as they yet called) deserves undoubted attention: a complex combination of a veranda, courtyards with beautiful furniture and paintings (almost all - friends and souvenirs from Asia). By the way, in the Bava family was another creator - Junior Brother Jeffrey. And he also broke the garden. This garden is located in Lunagang. But about him another time. Tickets to the Brief Garden Park are about 1000 rupees per person (someone will seem expensive, but it is necessary to visit).

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Beach Bentota

On the Internet you can read not very positive reviews about Bentota Beach (as well as neighboring earvela). But they are more often written by those who stayed at the hotel at the mouth of the river, where water in the rainy season can be dirty (and raging). This is normal. In the dry season and in the mouth calm and quiet. But in general, Bentota Beach is wonderful! Most often he is desertless, quiet, pleasant. Yes, the place for recreation is known, but in the afternoon you note for yourself that there are not a lot of tourists on the beaches. The fact is that the coast of Bentotes, like almost all the south-west coast, strong waves are often played, plus strong underwater flows are observed.The ocean here is in most cases troubled. Therefore, childish tourists - and this is mainly pensioners, newlyweds and families with children - prefer to stay in their hotels and swim in the pools. But, of course, not to swim in the ocean is simply irrevilibly, therefore, if it is neat, then you can and need. Bentotes beaches are extremely romantic: sandy, long, with beautiful coconut palm trees. Right on the beaches are almost do not build anything (which is very rare for Lanka), and therefore the shore is almost the original form. But not wild, of course, and the entire infrastructure for recreation is available.

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Sevements of the sand is so pleasant that even the sun beds are not needed! By the way, the beach is much little more than in the next earvele is a very and very pleasant fact.

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"Sunshine Water Sports Cente"

For tourists who prefer an active lifestyle, can be advised to contact the Center for Water Sports. True, he is located in the neighboring village of Alutgame, on the banks of the river, next to Hotel Hemadan 1 *. Here you will be offered rental of equipment for wakeboarding, bodyboarding, as well as water entertainment like Tubing ("buns" in our opinion), hydrocycles, etc. Also, you can ask about fishing and sign up for a diving excursion.

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River Safari on the River Bentota Ganges

Bentota Ganga River is looking for the town from all sides. This river is the pride of the city and the main entertainment. River safari is one of the main functions and the recommended occupation for bored tourists. Drive on the motorcy on the river - it means to admire the mangrove thickets that form a plant tunnel, stunning landscapes of the shores, crocodiles collapsed on warm stones (how did you think? Yes, crocodiles are found in the river, so it is not advisable to swim here). On the branches of coastal trees, dark red monkey jumps, and how good the paintings of the life and rural life of local, fishing and weaving mats of coconut fibers on the shores of a full-water river.

Spa salons

Naturally, to visit the paradise Sri Lanka and not to go to the local spa - unforgivable. Spa centers in Bentota, of course, is. And during hotels, and separately worth it. One of the most visited - "Bentota Ayurveda Center", located on the shores of Lake Dondow (landmark on Lunuganga 4 *). It is not very clear why he became so popular because there is a fact of some antisanitarian, and at the same time prices are almost the same as in 5-star hotels. It is better to go to "PANCHI VILLA AYURVEDA CENTER" (with Panci Villa, on the coast).

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On each part of the body there is its own specialist: one makes only a massage of the brushes, the other is a stop, the third - back, and during the procedure "Sharnyar" you destroy the heaven. Immediately it can be noted that it is better to come to the salon in clothes, which is not sorry, and I don't need to wash it specially. This, of course, is not the only spa spa.

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