Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation?


Since Kenyan Resort is Vatama, in its geographical position is located in the southern hemisphere, a little below the equator, with a tropical climate, then you can relax here all year round. It is more correct to say, the beach season at this resort lasts all twelve months.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_1

But despite this, and for this region there are preferences when weather conditions are more favorable for a full-fledged rest. Since all the same is the southern hemisphere, then the seasons correspond to the full opposite of our understanding and perception. Or rather, the summer months in watama are cooled, and more likely to our autumn, with a large amount of precipitation, except with a higher air temperature. For example, in July (the cold month in this region), the night temperature can be lowered up to +15 degrees, and even the day will not even reach the plus thirty.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_2

And it differs from November indicators, which is considered the warmer month when the average temperature indicators are higher than July, degrees are ten. The same can be said about the water temperature in the Indian Ocean, which is washes by the shores of Kenya and Vatama in particular. The difference, depending on the time of year, is from twenty, to thirty degrees of heat. And how you yourself understand, warmer it is in the winter months familiar to us.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_3

But even such temperature indicators are not a priority, as some prefer not too hot weather. The winter period is better, which is more dry, even dry when the minimum amount of precipitation falls. It is clear to whom the hunt come for the thirty lands, and for the considerable cost of the airfare to periodically admire tropical rains, and not enjoy the warm sea and the gentle sun. But here too, there is my own. The most rainy months, according to statistics, are May and December.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_4

And the most dry: January, February and March. Based on the listed, it turns out that the best period for rest is worth choosing these three months. The water temperature at this time is kept in the area + 27 + 30 degrees. During the day the air warms up from thirty and higher, but the light ocean breeze, softens the feeling of heat. Rest with children should also be planned for one of these months. This is a bit inconvenient because of the school year, but to adjust into one of the periods of school holidays, which are in children, it is quite possible.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_5

As for the cost of living at this time, as at any resort, demand gives rise to a sentence. But financial expenses can be significantly reduced by making the hotel's earlier booking. They are in the vicinity of Vatamu about fifty, Russian tour operators, as far as I know, do not work tightly with this direction, so choose the appropriate option for rest, I think it will not be much difficulty.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_6

The bulk, these are small hotels, similar to African settlements, in traditional style, but possessing the benefits of civilization (air conditioners, bathrooms, pools, and so on). You can learn more about them in articles and sites on this topic.

Season relaxing in Vatama. When is it better to go to Vatama on vacation? 21513_7

The main thing is if you decide still to choose another season, with a maximum amount of precipitation (and there are also those who like rain), then take care of such a choice of hotel, where tropical showers will not give you trouble. Wet bed is not the most pleasant feeling.

Here is an approximate picture of the weather in this resort and the recommendations of the period for the rest, which will deliver the maximum pleasure.

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