Is it worth going to Gabon?


As a choice of Africa for the upcoming journey, the question of which state of this continent will undoubtedly, will be more interesting, safe and priority among others. It must be said that the current world environment is quite tense and complicated, and at different points of the world, including on this continent. Nevertheless, there are many countries with definite stability, and Gabon can be called one of them.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_1

And this is one of the most, not only stable, but also rich states of Africa. Although not even this is the main factor. Of interest is the flora and fauna, which, due to the geographical position of the country, is quite rich and diverse.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_2

The huge territories of the Gabon Republic are covered with dense forests, in which national parks and reserves are organized.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_3

Natural feature is that there are mountain ranges Shay,

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_4

With the highest point of the country (1580 meters) and plain plateau, covered with forests and savannahs, as well as the beautiful coastal part, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_5

Mass tourism in Gabon is absent, which attracts lovers of independent travel, tired of the noisy and promoted resorts of the modern tourist industry. Equatorial and sub-screen climate of the country allows a full-fledged beach vacation, throughout the year, which also plays a certain positive role in choosing. Another positive fact can be called quite reasonable prices for accommodation in hotels, which of course depend on the place and class of the hotel itself. In early booking, in the capital of the country of Libreville,

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_6

For ten days you can remove the double room from three hundred euros. Food, according to Russian standards, may differ at the cost of both both in a smaller side, but an average of an approximate match is obtained. The food in the restaurant also depends on the type of establishment, but on average, it is possible to eat normally for seven or ten euros.

What, of course, upset, so it is a fairly expensive flight, which is carried out from Russia with a transplant (possibly not one), and in both ends, one thousand euros can cost per person. This is for standard flights, although some manage to find cheaper tickets to all sorts of promotions or using charter flights.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_7

For knowledgeable French, this country, as a former French colony, will be very convenient, since the state language is considered to be French. Moreover, most of the citizens of the Republic of Gabon are Catholics in their own religion (this is for those who are not fairly loyal to other religions).

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_8

An visa for visiting the country is not difficult to issue and in more detail this can be found in the article on this topic.

I did not try to describe Gabon to colorfully, telling about his sights and beauties, but only led the arguments that this African Republic can be chosen as an interesting place for the next visit and more close acquaintance.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_9

After all, there is a modernly developed society with the culture and customs of African tribes who lived on these lands to the time of centuries. If Semyonovich Gorbunkkov from the "Villantant Hand" visited the cruise here, then the lecture would have the topic "Gabon - a country of contrasts." And this without exaggeration is true.

Is it worth going to Gabon? 21511_10

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