Where can I eat in Prague?


Eating Prague

Eating can be enough inexpensive. If, say, in Helsinki or even Tallinn, the cafe will easily leave 30-40 euros at a time (for two), then in Prague you can do the amount by half a smaller (and if you look for something trip. And beer is generally often cheaper than a bottle of mineral water. Moreover, in contrast to the mentioned Helsinki - life here after 8 pm does not freeze, and quite a few places where you can eat and after 10 pm. At the Old Town Square, the cafes worked and after 23-00. There, by the way, in the evening there are a lot of pleasant places where you can sit and have a beer.

And in Prague, even buy products at night is not a problem - some of the TESCO supermarkets work around the clock.

Are there any cafe in Prague decent

In Prague per resident, a very large concentration of cafes. In the center of the city, one cafes goes after another cafe. Therefore, the choice is very large. But, of course, not all cafes are decent. We somehow were very hungry and went into somehow casual cafe in the Gradachas (not far from the Stretch Monastery on the pretty street Pohořelect). We not only served absolutely "in Soviet", but also the food was just a catastrophic. But usually this is an exception, more often in Prague food is very tasty, although fatna. The problem is solved, of course, beer.

Where can I eat in Prague? 2149_1

Kitchen in Prague

Previously, when Europe was not still united, and the euro was still only in the plans, the kitchen in Prague was more national. When I visited Prague for the first time in 1997, I was especially impressed by the squeezing. Then it seemed to me that they were a national dish. They were put everywhere)). On the first walked soup with dumplings, on the second something there with dumplings. And for dessert - sweet dumplings. And now, 15 years later, Czech cuisine looks much more standardized. I ate a duck with prunes in Tallinn, and a couple of weeks ate a duck with a pear in Prague. It was tasty and there and there, I can not say anything - the duck is beautiful (I will tell you where to eat it in Prague). But there were no radical features. Recipes are standardized, the European Union introduced its own, apparently the rules for the cafe. Many purely Czech national ever went somewhere. But one (u pivrnce) will advise below.

Beer and brewery in Prague

As with national food, exactly the same story happened and beer. 15 years ago, the beer cooked in fact almost every cafe. And each invented some of their appearance and features, their recipes. Now in any cafe to choose from the standard set usually: a crucible, goat, Pilsen, Gambrinus, Redegast.

Special varieties / types are boiled by extremely limited number of places. You can, for example, advise to look into the Streallo Monastery. There is a brewery Klasterni Pivovar Strahov. I'm not sure that the beer is boiled monks, in my opinion the monastery is just someone rent areas under a restaurant in a medieval style. But beer is boiled yourself. As for the recipes of the 13th century, I will not charge either, but dark brown beer with mustard - many like.

And I can also advise the terrace in front of the monastery with a species platform for the entire Prague (there is also a restaurant), views from there are just fantastic.

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And one more place where the beer is written by ourselves - Novomestsky Pivovar. Also very well-known, but too tourist: "U Fleku", "U Kalicha". They are written a lot about them in guidebooks. Prices for food here are not particularly expensive, but beer is more expensive than elsewhere. Flexovsky 13-degree lager, for example, under 60 kroons per mug of 0.4 l (despite the fact that on average, the cruculio and goat around the city are 25-40 kroons in 0.5 liters). One dish - in the region of 200 kroons and above (in the city on average 120-150kc).

Interesting cafes in Prague:

  • Restaurant overlooking the entire Prague www.nebozizek.cz

In addition to the terrace of a stirring monastery, you can still climb the funicular to Petrshinsky Hill and there is a restaurant. The prices of higher urban, the kitchen could be better (between us), but views are very pleasant. You can sit inside, but you can outside on the clearing. In the evenings, pleasant jazz melodies play on the piano. Prague from height is something!

Where can I eat in Prague? 2149_3

  • Restaurant www.restaurantugolema.cz. In the old Jewish quarter of Josephs. That's it used to eat a delicious duck with a pear. The duck is straightforward, not very cheap, but tasty. The dish is called "Zprudka Pečená Kachní PRSA S Restovanými Hruškami A Fíky S Omáčkou Z Hrubozrnné Hořčice, Pečený Brambor" and there is something about 290 kroons (1 euro approximately 27.5 kroons).
  • Zucchini www.upivrince.cz.

Everything is Czech. Menu on Czech (in the end of the clock). The waiters speak Czech. Beer is a lot of different - Redegast, Pilsen, Gambrinus, with different colors and varieties (prices for beer from 24 to 35 kroons). In general, prices are very low.

In addition to the main floor there is a podber. And there is the most interesting thing - caricatures on the walls (very frivolous), and the Czechs themselves who are sitting with a stack of drain and a mug of beer. Yes, if the waiter does not stop, it will be damaged to the mug of a mug without asking :)


Jidelni Listek - Menu with Food

Napajovy Listek - Blink

Zeleninovy ​​- Vegetable

Ovocny - fruit

ZMRZLINA - ice cream

Kurecim - Chicken

Sopsky - Shopsky, Mixed (Greek Salad with Variations)

Kachní - (Cahni) - Duck

Pečený - baked

Hruškami - pears (not pigs :)

BRAMBOR - Potato

Šťáva - (Shtyava) - juice

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