Japhne: Entertainment on vacation


Jafna is not a "paradise bounty corner", as many think. It is rather a desert terrain with a small amount of vegetation and with the visible effects of the exhausting civil war. Destroyed buildings and houses, for example, have so far, let them partially and restore. Tourists, however, are interested in examining local attractions of the Fort with the Museum, the Kandas Temple near the city, an archaeological museum with ancient exhibits. What about entertainment? It is clear, no japhne you are not Turkey / Egypt with a bodic widespread animation. But still?

Casuarina Beach (Casuarina Beach)

Since the town is coastal, beach holidays here also takes place. Casoirina Beach is located on Karainagar's small island, located 20 kilometers from the city center of Japhne. In Tamil, the name of the island means "a place with numerous trees of Kaarei). Island Area - about 26 sq. Cm.; About 11,000 inhabitants live on it. With the mainland (let's call Lanka in this context, the island is connected by a long bridge. Well, so, the beach.The beach is good, with a soft sand, and especially cool here to meet the sunset. True, there is no soul with fresh water on the beach, which is uncomfortable for many (sometimes local residents set something like a soul, for the use of which it will have to pay about 50 rupees - tolerant). By the way, the entrance to the beach is paid - 100 rupees. There are no cafes and restaurants there, but there are beach merchants selling ice cream and other delicacies, and a couple of shops with beverages (non-alcoholic) and necessary for relaxing on the beach. The beach is clean, "unspecified", a few (although on weekends there is a decent number of local residents), unlike southern beaches of Sri Lanka.

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Coastal waters are shallow, maybe on the waist (maybe on the chest) very decent distance. In general, it is even difficult to believe that this is the ocean. But, since there is no waves, swim with children just right. In coastal waters, you can also swim from the mask - beautiful fish are seen. In general, many tourists are disappointed with the absence of the beach infrastructure of the proper level; Others, more unpretentious tourists find Casoirin Beach quite a romantic holiday destination.

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Ride around Kaits Kozeni

Take a Tuk-Tuk / Bike / Bike (or a bus for 65 rupees) and ride on this road leading from Fort Japhne through Kaits Island (Velany in our opinion) to the long-range islands. What for? To get a more complete picture of the beauties of this unusual district. On the way, you can admire the farms of lobster, tobacco farms around the sides, huge palm trees, lagunies, islands, birds walking in water, small beaches, local small temples, old abandoned colonial houses and the usual life of local residents.

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Many ruins, even somehow urgent (maybe, by the time of reading this article, a couple of years later from the ruins will get rid of). Very much - and nothing special, on the other hand. That is, it is not that those attractions that immediately need to be photographed (although, if we are going on our own transport, you can go out and look at everything), but it is generally very colorful species. The main thing is to go for me to have time to discern everything! It's a coolest to go closer to the sunset so that everything looks like an epicheter. The road is currently improved - thank you very much!

Trip to Nedunthevu / Delft Island (Nedunthevu / Delft Island)

This is the most "last" island of Japhne, the most distant and isolated. To him, even do not lead bridges, as to other islands in the lagoon. On old Admiralty maps, unlike other islands in the area, which were indicated by their Tamil names, this island is indicated as Delft. So they are called so far. The area of ​​Oval Island - 50 km ²; It is about 8 km long, and the maximum width is about 6 km. The island is a flat island surrounded by shallowwear, coral reefs and sandy beaches.The island runs wild pony - the offspring of the pony once left by the Dutch. Live on Tamil Island, mainly closer to the northern coast. The vegetation is notged - the meager meadows, palm trees, "dry" shrubs growing on light gray sorry coral soil.

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Next to the houses of the inhabitants, however, Papaya and bananas are growing. On the west coast of the island, you can find the ruins of the 1000-year-old ancient temple, built during the Tamil Dynasty of the Chola, as well as the ruins of the Dutch Fort, an old thick tree, planted by the Dutch (it seems, Baobab), a giant trail (Adam's trail), "pigeon houses" (For postal pigeons), etc. To ride the beauties of the island, it is better to hire a small truck or jeep. At the extreme case of Tuk-Tuk for 1500 rupees for the entire tour of the island (and it will take about 3 hours).

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Take more water, as there are no many places on the island where you can buy drinks. On the island, by the way, there is a hotel. Being before Delft will be on the bus (for example), and then on the ferry (go about 40 minutes). If you travel a big crowd, you can even rent a whole boat.

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Swimming in Kerimalay Sources (Keerimalai Hot Springs)

These sources are located in the town of Kerimalay, which is on the northern coast, which is a 25-minute drive from the center of Japhne. This city is famous for its temple of Nahleswaram and actually, sources located right next to the ocean. By the way, the name of the city is translated from Tamil as "Hill Mangoshos." Sources old, you can say historical.It is believed that here you can wash off sins and can be corrected healthy (because it is just next to the temple). Bathing are divided into two parts (women should swim in a separate way); Moreover, men are free, and women are paid (though, only 20 rupees or so). Water in swimsuits clean, heat (or even cool). There are locker rooms. Do not be surprised that there will be many people, especially on weekends. Therefore, if you want to swim alone, come early in the morning. It should be noted that the place is not too neat and trimmed, it looks dirty, unfortunately. But still, cool!

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