What should you expect from rest in Malindi?


If you decide to go to Kenya, with the goal of dating and traveling through this country, then one of the points of stopping or choosing a place of residence is undoubtedly you can pay attention to the small resort town of Malindi,

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Which is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, a hundred and twenty kilometers to the northeast of Mombasa, the second largest city and the capital earlier (until 1906). Why can preference be given exactly this resort? There are plenty of reasons for this. First of all, you can combine a trip to the country with a beautiful beach holiday on the ocean coast, staying in one of the good hotels in Malindi, or a clean African style villa, and at quite a deocratic accommodation prices.

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Coastal coral reefs protect the coast from ocean storms, which is an important fact for a comfortable bathing not only children, but also adults.

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The city has a centuries-old, quite an interesting story and one time even competed with Mombasoy, as it was also a port and there were shopping representative offices of different countries. A lot of famous navigators and travelers visited it, among whom was the Portuguese Vasco da Gama, who arrived here at the end of the fifteenth century, in search of conductors for traveling to India. Since then, a memorable pillar has been preserved, erected on this occasion.

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But besides this and other attractions, there are more attractive moments to select this place. In Malindi, in addition to the motor transport and bus service with other cities of the country, there is an airport that carries out domestic flights to Nairobi, Lama and Mombasa.

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It is very convenient, especially by making a trip to Kenya. And since it came about the journey, you can start it just with Malindi, because less than thirty kilometers from here, there is the first in the country National Marine Park Vatama which opened in 1968 and after eleven years later was included in the list Biosphere reserves.

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I will not now describe the features of this Park, as this is the topic of another article that you can read both on this site and from other sources.

There are others, it may not be so significant arguments in favor of choosing Malindi, as a place of stop or visiting, but I think that the above is quite enough to understand and evaluate the general picture. As for safety during the rest, this resort is not very criminalized any other city of Kenya. The choice, in this case, remains only for you.

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