What can I buy in Baku?


The city of Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. And is the real oil kingdom on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Oil is swinging from about everywhere, due to her, the city is transformed. Changing literally in front of her eyes. Skyscrapers, new streets, brilliant shopping centers appear. Baku becomes more european, the traditions of the Caucasus begin to lose. Old historical buildings are demolished, and in their place, modern buildings are erected, in something contrary to the strata of the mentality of Azerbaijanis.

A large number of tourists rushed to Baku to see how this city has changed strongly since the USSR. But, despite all this power, the old town of the capital, remains not touching, it is appreciated and respect. Here they love to walk the local, every self-respecting tourist, in the mandatory program, puts a visit to the old town in the first place.

Mandatory tradition of any tourist trip, is shopping . Purchase memorable souvenirs about the place where you were. Baku will not be an exception. Fans of shopping will be here where to get roaring. Here you can leave a lot of money and a royal to twitch. But, do not forget about the local flavor. Azerbaijanis love to bargain, it is in their blood. Therefore, if you want to throw a pair of manat with the goods you like, do not hesitate, here it is in the order of things.

Now I will tell you that you can buy a memorable and interesting in the capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku.

one. Beads . Azerbaijan Country Muslim, so the rosary here is mainly used for prayer. They are sold in mosques or in the bazaars. But time goes, everything changes. Now the rosary have become not only religious, but also to twist something in your hand. In Baku, there are no little craftsmen who can make unimaginable circle with the help of these clearest.

What can I buy in Baku? 21455_1

Rosary are bone, phosphoric, plastic. They are on average about 5 dollars. There are more expensive - 25-30 dollars. It all depends on what material they are made.

2. Lovers of sweet, will be relevant Azerbaijani Pakhlava . She is very tasty here. It is in different ways, but on average 1 pc. up to 1 dollars. Shelf life is usually 15 days.

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3. He who has not eaten for a long time Normal black caviar may acquire it in one of the groceries Baku. The price depends on whose one. Beluga will be more expensive, the Serry is cheaper. The average cost of 100 grams is 100 dollars.

4. As a good souvenir, there will be special Glasses for tea drinking . They are sold by sets of 2 pcs. There are ordinary glass, and there are beautiful with a variety of ornaments. The average cost of 20 dollars. They are called Armud in Azerbaijan. Armud is translated like a pear. If you look closely, it is really very similar to the pear.

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5. Lovers of sweet sauces, it is worth buying as a souvenir Pomegranate sauce - Narsharab . It will become an excellent addition to meat dishes. But maybe he will not be unique. Nursing sauce is actively importing. For example, in Russia, find it will not be much labor. But, nevertheless, the grenade sauce is one of the traditions of Azerbaijan. As a gift, it is suitable as it is impossible by the way.

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Pomegranate Nursarab Sauce

6. If you need to buy something completely colorful, get hot National Azerbaijan Caper . They are not sold everywhere, but still, several places in Baku are left. Where else, with you, for 2 hours of the tailor, makes a real cap. And the price will be only about 20 dollars.

7. The very first thing that comes probably to the mind most tourists. This is buying carpet . True, not everyone can afford this pleasure. Carpets in Baku are expensive, but here they are a real work of art. And if you have accumulated a certain amount, and you have long like to buy a good room or a house, high-quality carpet. Buy it in Baku.

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Baku carpets

eight. Clothing. There are a lot of clothing stores in Baku. These are well-known international brands, luxury. Especially interesting clothes from young local designers. It is not very expensive, but you will not find any such original styles and colors. Moreover, everything is very beautiful and stylish. Prices are swearing colossal. You can buy a cute dress for 20 manat, and it is possible for 3,000 manat.

For understanding, the approximate course of the local currency is 1 dollar - 1.05 manat.

Shopping centers in Baku are a lot, they are scattered throughout the city. The most interesting Park Boulevard. It will be interesting to visit the Teza Bazaar on Seda Vurgun Street.

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Shopping center Park Boulevard.

9. For lovers of everything unusual, I can recommend purchaacing in Baku - Pictures written by oil . It `s very unusual. They paint them with fingers, artistically smearing on the canvas. The average price for such a masterpiece is about 30,000 dollars. If this is expensive for you, you can take a picture painted by half oil and paints, the price is about 1000 dollars.

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Picture written by oil.

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