What should you expect from rest in Kandy?


Candy is one of the most important Ceylon centers. The city is almost in the heart of the island and this is the second city of Sri Lanka after Colombo. And also - this is the last capital of the era of the ancient kings of the island. Candy cozy cute among the hills of the Kanda plateau and the picturesque tea plantations.

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The city is both administrative (the capital of the central province), and the religious center. And the famous candy is probably most of all its important structure - Temple tooth Buddha , one of the sacred places of worship in the Buddhist world.

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In general, the city and the whole region was known at different times under many different names. Historians believe that the initial name of the city sounded like "Katubul Nuzara". Although more often mentions Historical title "Sencadagal Sirivardhal Maha Nuwara (which means" the great city of growing magnificence of Senkadagal "), and it is usually reduced to" Mach Nuvara ". According to local folklore, this magnificent name appeared for various reasons. For example, there is an assumption that the city was named after Brahman (spiritual mentor) named Exkand, who lived in a cave nearby. The name "Kandy" originated during the years of the colonial era, and this is derived from the English version of Sinhalean "Canda Uda Rata" (which means "Country / Earth on Mount"). Portuguese colonists have reduced the long name to Kandy. But to this day, the city is often referred to as Maha Nuvara (the "Great City" or "Capital") is either often reduced to Nuvara.

History Kandy Long and interesting, but we will not go into it especially. It will be enough to say that the city was founded in the 14th century on the shores of the longest River Ceylon; At the end of the 16th century, Candy became the capital, and in the 60s of the 18th century, the Dutch was already fought here (by the way, in the battle of the islanders, they still won, while the coastal zones were already subordinate to the "white"); At the beginning of the 19th century, local successfully dismissed the invasion of the Anglean, after which, the Kingdom of Kandy entered into an agreement on entering the British Empire.

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Candy's position made the town with a large transport hub: it can be said that Candy is a "gate" in Central Highlands, and in the city itself can be reached by the main highways from any part of the island. Town is B. Mountain woody area - In essence, it is concluded between the mountain ranges, being At an altitude of 465 meters above sea level.

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Candy is two zones: space with administrative buildings and old houses and artificial Lake Kandy . Although today the city will grow rarely by adding to his own ownership Paradenia district With 50 thousand inhabitants, university and Botanic Sadom , Kangugastota district in the north and districts of Kundasale, Tennecumbur and Buddania in the East.

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In the sever-east of the town runs historic forest Reserve Uduwatt Kele An area of ​​104 hectares, which is famous for its extensive ornithofauna (I mean, the most different birds).

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Climate The town is somewhat different than on the coast, which is not surprising at all. It is relatively humble and cool here, although another famous mountain resort, Nuwar Elia, located in the mountains, but south, is rare in a sharper climate (as it is at a higher point). In Candy, it is most often about + 24-26 ° C, but evenings and nights are lowered to + 19-20 degrees. Above +30 degrees here is very rare. So, going to Kandy, capture just in case A pair of warm COFT.

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In total, more than 110 thousand people live in the town. And this is for the most part Singala , confessing Buddhism - more than 70% live here. However, there is in Kandy and significant communities of other ethnic groups, for example, Maurines (representatives of the People of Laracalles, more often Muslims), Tamilov, Burgers (descendants of European colonialists), Malaysev. But all the same, the town is still an important religious center for Singalov and Place pilgrimage Buddhist In the whole world, especially those who relate to themselves to the school of Tharavada (the oldest surviving school of Buddhism). By the way, not all Singals - Buddhists. Some of them are Christians, and moreover, there are Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church , founded in 1883.

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Tourist in Candy is interesting, of course. In addition to the notorious Temple of the Buddha's tooth, here you can admire the old Royal Palace, The temple of Lancatilaka Vihara, the temple of the Guadament , chic Parks , as well as a series of temples, which are externally different from a number of temples that you could have already seen on the island.

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In Kandy, many vacation and entertainment options. Not in the "Egyptian-Turkish sense", a gripping, drunk, and icy-cultural and informative, rather. For example, Kandy is very popular due to its annual procession called Esala Perharan , held in the glory of Buddha's relics in the famous local temple. The procession is insanely interesting - here and dancing in catchy costumes, and the show drummers, and the march of the bannamers (carry the flags of the provinces of the old kingdom of Candy), and the Torch, and the majestic elephants in bright capes. This magnificent parade is carried out every year in July or August, attracting a bunch of spectators from all parts of the island and foreign tourists. With shopping in the city, too, everything is in order.Here, for example, is "KANDY CITY CENTR" - A ten-story shopping complex, located just near the Temple of the Buddha Tooth (he was opened for more than ten years ago).

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FROM Restaurants in Kandy is quite modest, but bowl and confectionery a lot. In local restaurants you can enjoy not only Srilasky cuisine, but also Indian, Chinese, European, as well as restaurants of well-known fast food networks, for example, Pizza Hut and KFC. By the way, it is not necessary to book a hotel in Kandy in advance (very many complain of inconsistencies in the description and the specified location). Footing around the city, you will very quickly find a suitable price, view and location hotel complex.

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Unlike the rest of Lanka, the most popular sport is here ... rugby . Yes Yes! There is even a local rugby club club! Although B. cricket Here also play.

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But this, I guess tourists (at least Russian, as I suppose), can not be interested in little.

In short, life in Kandy is very entertaining! Generally, Candy is right One of the most interesting towns of the country . He is very very picturesque - already the spirit captures (especially along the way from the west coast: gorgeous mountains and valleys! Without a camera can not do). Candy is a wonderful place, ideally suitable for getting into yourself, remove the bustle and problems, find harmony with me.

What should you expect from rest in Kandy? 21447_13

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