Why should I go to the skeleton?


Italy is a very beautiful country with a rich history, unique nature. There are a lot of places that you should visit. About this, of course, know everything. But often, the question arises where to go. If you have already visited the main historical part of Italy. And the main purpose of the trip is just a vacation, then consider the ischian island. This is the largest and beautiful island in the Naples Bay.

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Acute inchistan on the map relative to the mainland Italy.

Picturesque scenery witness, olive groves, rocky mountains, beautiful beaches, all this in the aggregate, manitis tourists from all over the earth.

This year and I stopped my choice in favor of Ischia Island. In comparison with other places, it seems not so much popular with tourists, but the holidays here it turned out not enough, I will tell you. Right here not only for the beach holiday, but also see local attractions, both cultural and natural. Also, it is a unique place, since ancient times, is famous for its thermal mineral sources.

Ischia - island of volcanic origin True, it applies more to the Western coast.

You can reach the skeleton on the ferry from Naples. The island is drowning in greenery. Vineyards, oranges grow everywhere. By the way, the Italians themselves call this place the best from the point of view of the winery. The local population is very good-natured, hospitable. It is customary to smile.

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Sand Beach Island Ischia

I will start right away from the fact that on the island mostly rocky beaches, so those who want to spend their holidays on the beautiful sandy beach with a good visation in the water, it is worth going to another resort of Italy. Ischia in this regard will disappoint such lovers of the recreational type of rest. Although there are several places with good sandy windows, there are also shell beaches.

Ischoe is first of all the thermo resort. Here come for health and rejuvenating procedures. For this, there are specially equipped thermal parks with pools, geysers. Inside them, you can swim yourself in thermal sources. Test the real contrast of temperatures. It certainly stands no small money. If you are interested only in a single visit to such a thermal park, you can pay for entry around 30-40 euros and test for yourself all the charm of these unique natural sources. But, usually, after a one-time visit, tourists take a subscription for a week.

Similar thermal parks on the island 6. All of them are equipped with everything necessary: ​​there are locker rooms, rental bathrobes and towels, there are a large number of sun beds and umbrellas. If you want to eat or drink, you can easily find a cozy restaurant or bar.

The one-time cost includes bathing in all sources, pools and geysers. But here are the procedures aimed at treating any diseases will be provided for an additional fee. It is more profitable to take the course immediately, it is cheaper on money and will be more effectively in the treatment of your problem.

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Thermal Park "Poseidon Gardens"

Often, thermal sources are located directly in the territories of hotels. There are special thermal offices within them, where you can assign treatment, usually designed for 2 weeks. No doubt it is very convenient.

You can come for therapeutic procedures, both in summer and in winter. Therefore, the resort of the artist is in demand at any time of the year.

Treatment in thermal sources will suit people of absolutely all ages. Most often, go here to treat: gynecological diseases, psoriasis, arthritis, diseases associated with the nervous system, rheumatism, all sorts of problems of metabolic disorders.

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Aragon castle.

If you want to travel to see the island, then you will be not bored. The most important attraction of Czi is the Aragon Castle. Also, probably interesting will visit the churches of Santo Spirito, Madonna Del Soccorso. Most tourists like to come to Rifu Fungio, created by nature itself and reminiscent of a real mushroom. If you want to look at the skeleton from a bird's eye view, you can visit Monte Epomeo, once it was a valid volcano, but today it is extinct. The view from it offers stunning.

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