How much will holidays cost in Saint-Louis?


This information may rather interest those who are going to visit Senegal, and in particular the city of Saint-Louis on their own to approximately calculate how much such a journey can do. Naturally, there can be many nuances relating to prices for everything, with which it will have to face, organizing such a tour and during the rest. But basic expenses I will try to disclose what will help create a general idea.

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First of all I will tell about the road. As a rule, tourists choose the airfare, since it is the easiest and fastest way to get to Senegal. Despite the fact that there are airport in the vicinity of Saint-Louis, almost all flights are made to the capital, Dakar. The cost of the flight depends on the point of your departure, as well as the time and flight itself. There are no direct flights from Russia to Senegal, and all airlines are landing or in one of the European countries (France, Portugal, Spain, etc.), or in Casablanca, the largest city of the Kingdom of Morocco. Turkish airlines flying, for example, from Moscow can make an intermediate landing in Istanbul or Ankara. Check out more information on flights and cost of the flight, you can at one of the numerous sites engaged in booking and selling tickets online. As for the approximate cost, then thousands of forty (rubles) begins to Dakar from Moscow. Landing is performed in the metropolitan international airport of Senegal, Dakar Leopold Cedar Sangor.

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If your flight coincided with an arrival in the evening or night, I advise you not to search for transport on Saint-Louis, to which more than two hundred fifty kilometers, and spend the night in one of the hotels, which in the area of ​​the airport and Dakar, a lot of many. A taxi will cost no more than five euros, because in the daytime to drive through the entire city (if you stretch with a taxi driver) in a couple of euros. Near the airport there are, for example, such hotels like Onomo Dakar Airport Hotel or Airport Hotel. . The room rate in them costs 80-90 euros per day. There are not so expensive, for example Sargal Airport Hotel. which is placed in 50-60 euros. Knowing the exact time of arrival, you can find in advance and book any hotel in Dakar.

Next, you need to get to the Saint Louis, and as I have already mentioned earlier, it is more than two hundred and fifty kilometers. This can be done using a small route bus that is sent as appropriately and costs about six thousand West African francs of the CFA (about nine euros).

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An even cheaper, but the duration of the following time is much longer, is railway transport. I must say that this is the oldest line in the country, which was built for another hundred and thirty years ago, when Saint-Louis was the capital of the state. The price of a ticket, depending on the class of the wagon, will be from four to six euros. As you can see, the cost of traveling around the country is rather low, which you can not say about the flight.

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Now as for hotels in Saint-Louis. The city is located in the Delta of the River Senegal and is located on a pair of islands, mainland and sandy spit, which on the one hand was washed by the water of the river, and with another Atlantic Ocean. All areas are interconnected by bridges, the most interesting of which, in my opinion, is Faidherbe , built almost one hundred twenty years ago.

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He is rightly considered one of the symbols of the city. The length of Faidherbe is five hundred eleven meters. Perhaps the most expensive area of ​​residence is the West Island, which is considered the center of the Old Town. Here the architecture has practically not changed since the reasons of the city and everything speaks of his colonial past.

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Of course, staying at the Old Construction Hotel gives a certain color,

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But you can not only save at the cost of living, but also combine the inspection of this oldest European settlement in West Africa with beach holidays, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, settling in one of the many hotels on the sandy spit. The cost here will depend on the level of the hotel itself, but it is quite realistic to find numbers at the price of forty-fifty euros per day. More details you can read about it in the article "In which hotel is better to stay in Saint-Louis?"

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Move around the city is the easiest way to take a taxi that will do one or two euros. City transport stands a hundred francs, thereby one euro you can ride in different directions and changing the routes six times, while the money will remain. If necessary, it is possible to take advantage of the car rental, the rental of which begins from thirty euros per day. The scooter can be taken for 15-20 euros, and a bike for ten. I advise you to bargain, prices can be reduced.

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Food, like everything else in this country, relatively cheap. In a small restaurant, it is really for two or three euros. In more elegant lunch will cost eight to ten euros. In many hotels, the price includes breakfast, and if you wish, you can find a hotel where a full board is offered. But I think it is better to choose only with breakfast, because the sightseeing can be delayed and you do not seek to dinner or dinner. Moreover, it is necessary to try a variety of African cuisine, visiting various cafes and restaurants to evaluate the culinary capabilities of local chefs.

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Products in stores, like the goods themselves, including traditional African souvenirs from wood, leather and other materials, are quite accessible and acceptable. Besides shops and shops, there are quite good markets, such as Avenue General De Gaulle Where a large selection of fruits, vegetables, souvenirs and other little things, which are brought from the surrounding villages. IN Guet n'dar A small fish market is opened, where they sell various freshly cast river and seafood.

How much will holidays cost in Saint-Louis? 21396_11

Here is an approximate picture pattern, from the calculation of which you can present the overall picture of an independent rest in Saint-Louis. Ask your tour operators, which cost is the tours of this direction and compare the benefits.

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