Where can I eat in Hambantote?


Restaurants in Hambantote are not so much. It is easier to say that they are almost no. But, if that, with each self-respecting hotel, the hotel has its own restaurant - although this is understandable. In any case, here are the best options:

Jade Green Restaurant

(Levaya Road, near Peacock Beach Hotel 4 *)The restaurant located near the reservoir Salt Pan, on the coast, offers its guests a cute patio and tables under the roof. Given that the city is often hot enough, many prefer the hall with air conditioning. The restaurant is quite cozy, surrounded by greenery, with large windows transmitting natural light. Toilets are clean, which is nice, but in general, cleanliness in the hall is sometimes not the most ideal (but everything is not so scary as you have time to think). The staff is brought up and friendly, prices are adequate. As for food - and it is mostly Srilaskaya and quite excellent - based on rice and curry. There are both wonderful desserts (for example, cheesecakes). In general, this is probably the only "reasonable restaurant", which you will find traveling in this city, except for those in nearby hotels. By the way, the restaurant opens very early, which makes it the only choice for early birds.

"Kash's Kitchen"

(Hambantota Road, after the River Wolo Ganga, 100 meters from West Cargills Food City)

Not so many restaurants can be found not only in the city, but also on the route between Tangalla and Hambantota. So, this cozy restaurant in Ambalantote, 6 kilometers from the center of Hambantoty to the West, is the desired place for any traveler who was hungry and accidentally ended up in those edges. Outside the restaurant is ordinary, with glass walls, wooden tables and chairs, almost without decor elements. But his big plus is that there is surprisingly clean, and there is a Wi-Fi. Kash's Kitchen is a restaurant and confectionery, where you can eat local dishes. The choice of dishes is large enough, and almost everything is served with rice, as it should be. Rice species, of course, also a lot: red rice, samba-rice, various types of fried rice.

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Try, for example, Birini (a second rice dish - most often basmati - and spices with the addition of meat, fish, eggs or vegetables). Noodle is also there. Dishes are served in a buffet style. That is, you can choose either red rice or white rice and one of several types of curry, including fish and chicken. Approximately 400 rupees can eat infinitely a lot (although it is infinite, of course, no one has eaten - as a rule, there is enough one portion in full), but you can also pay about 250 rupees to get one big portion. The buffet also includes desserts (for example, you should taste Vatalapan, pudding from coconut milk or condensed milk, cashew nuts, eggs, and various spices, including cardamom, cloves and nutmeg). "Kash's Kitchen", in general, is considered a "self-service restaurant", but the staff is always ready to help, and in general they behave extremely friendly.

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And I would also like to separately tell about one interesting dish, popular in Hambantote. More precisely, about sweets called Kalu Dodol. . This is a sweet dish, something like a bodice or a lamp (such a dark brown sticky jelly-shaped sweet mass). This dessert is made from the "natural sugar" of the wine palm (it is called "Jaggeri" And get it a simple evaporation of juice at low temperatures, thanks to which sugar retains all useful vitamins and minerals) or ordinary sugar, rice flour and coconut milk.

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Other components such as cashews, cardamom and raisins can be added optionally. In general, it is believed that the dish it was brought to the island of Malay migrants from Indonesia. Also, the appearance of sweets on the island is attributed to the Portuguese, who in the 16th and 17th centuries occupied Sri Lanka. And they prepare sweetness like this: the crude palm sugar and coconut milk are mixed and boiled in a large pan, while the liquid decreases in volume.

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After that, rice flour and other components are put in the saucepan, and everyone is carefully mixed again until the mixture does not fall properly. Then it is transferred to the tray and put it on the cold (before the feed cut into pieces). So that sweetness turned out is really tasty and tender, cook it needs at least nine hours. It is not surprising that many families refuse home cooking dessert preferring purchased.

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But this is sad - lately, when cooking, artificial ingredients are used when preparing Kala Dodol, and find "Rial" to Kalu Dodol on traditional recipes is becoming more complicated.

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Along with other traditional candy, this dessert is usually prepared and served during the celebration of the Singhalese New Year. In general, Hambantota is known for the entire Sri Lanka by the production of this sweetness, and sometimes the town is called "The capital of Kalub Dodol" . Production of these candies is the main source of income for many people in the area. Naturally, you can easily buy Cala Dodol in most parts of the country, but it is prepared everywhere in different ways. Dodol (just dodol, which is about the same) is not a unique Sri Lanka dish. Different versions you can enjoy both other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. And, of course, Dodlama Malaysian and Srilasky different.

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In the town there are several kiosks selling this dessert. There, as a rule, several types of Kala Dodol will be presented at different prices. The more used in the preparation of ingredients, the more expensive sweetness. Kilogram of dessert can cost only about 400-500 rupees. Kala Dodol, made with the addition of jaggerie, brown, and slices are smooth. Kala Dodol with Sugar is almost black and he is not as soft as Dodol with Jaggerie. Plus, the difference in taste is felt.

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