How to take yourself on vacation in Hambantote?


Bandala National Park

This reserve (which is also called Bundala) is very close to Hambantoto. And, first of all, he is glorified by its unique ecosystem and living birds living in the territory. The territory of Bundaly is about 25,000 hectares - these are numerous lakes, islets, shallow and lagoon. Present aquatic kingdom! In the park, the four largest lagows: Bundale (520 hectares), emiliation (430 hectares), Malala (650 hectares) and Koholankala (390 hectares). There are in this area, statics, and sandy beaches, and meadows, and forests. You can go here at least in order to admire how the shores are filled with pink flamingos (although you can not see them) and Marabou birds.Theoretically, Srilaskian elephants, banks, leopards, bears, gubachi and other amazing animals should live in the park, but meetings with them, if honestly, are unlikely. Although mangoshos, salamander, cows, crocodiles, monkeys you will see for sure. In general, this park is a bird by and large (which is also very cool!). You can come to the park yourself, but it is impossible to roam one on it: you have to jump into a jeep with a driver (payment for a tour is included in the price of the input ticket). Especially great ride in the park at dawn - the wonderful sight!

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Calamety Berd Reserve

Calamety Berd Reserve is, on the contrary, west side from the town, half an hour away, on the coast. It is less in the area, rather than the bandala, but no less interesting. There are also lakes and once again lakes (in Bata Ata, for example, water salty), and to the south-west - large lagunies of Calamethie and Lunam. The territory of the park is completely covered with jungle, the terrain is hilly. There are many meadows that are mainly used for grazing livestock. And the reserve is famous for extensive mangroves.

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As already clear from the name, the main value of the park is birds. There are more than 180 species of birds (some migratory) - Herons, Ibis, Collections, storks ... And Asian deer lives in the forests, a variety of monkeys and a little elephants (though most of them were forced to go to nearby protected areas due to destructive actions of a person In the past, but, nevertheless, sometimes tourists are shown and pleasing). The best way to explore the beauty of the park is to slowly ride a boat (although you can wander and walking). True, it is not at all necessary to surround the birds from all sides - here it is already, because you, alas, not in the zoo, but in nature (moreover, it all depends on the season). Be sure to bargain with the boat, and then they love to overestimate the price! By the way, in the park there is a small rock, which you can climb and admire from there with fantastic views of the surroundings. Next to this place is a good untouched quiet beach, where you can sunbathe and swim.

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International cricket stadium. Mahinda Rajapax

To begin with, Mahinda Rajapax - President of Sri Lanka from 2005 to 2015 (he was not re-elected for the third term, but the person is definitely dear). During his reign in the country, many useful objects were erected, including this stadium (it was built in 2009, especially for the 2011 Cricket Championship). The stadium accommodates up to 35,000 people, and this is the second largest stadium of Sri Lanka. It is unlikely that our compatriots are the main fans of cricket. Most of generally presents little, what it is. But, nevertheless, persons interested in a hiking on the next match in cricket, unless, of course, something like this will occur during the visit of the city. The stadium is well equipped, comfortable, beautiful. Tickets can be purchased at the stadium ticket office (ticket prices start from 1000 to 3000 rupees, sometimes higher).

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National Park Kumana

The National Park (this territory has acquired its own status in 1970) is famous for its rich ornithofauna, especially large flocks of migratory waterfowl and chain birds (consistently up to 255 species!). The territory of the park is huge (35664 hectares) - and it begins approximately 40 kilometers from the hambantotot. Here are 20 lagoon and reservoir depth of no more than 2 meters.

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Unfortunately, the number of birds observed in the National Park fell in recent years, so catch the moment! The best moment for observation - from April to July, when tens of thousands of birds migrate to these edges (from Siberia fly, the birthplace! And not only, of course). There are very rare birds, such as yellow-green pigeons. There are animals here - marsh crocodiles (maghers), deer, and Indian paddle turtles (it, by the way, eat - in Pakistan, India, Burma and Sri Lanka), for example, the most common residents of land. If you are lucky, meet the jackal, boar, warter, buffalo, wipe, a cat-fisherman (meanwhile, this is a rare animal, with a torso length up to 120 cm and the jaw, like Pit Bull) or even elephants that come to enjoy grass on meadows and drink Water from the lakes.Elephants are a little - there are no more than 30-40 individuals (of course, to meet everyone will not work simultaneously). As in other parks in the country, in the meadows forests you can ride on the jeep. The park opens at 6:30 am. In short, the place is amazing and not so conceived by tourists, as in the parks of the central part of the island.

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Hot springs Mahapelessa

Natural hot springs are located in three areas of Sri Lanka. Some of them, the sources of Mahapelessa (also known as Madunagala Hot Spring) are located just in the HamMBANTOTOS area - or more specifically, 10 kilometers from emblediness, an hour's drive from Hambantota. It is believed that water in these sources has healing properties.

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Thermal waters are treated with skin and rheumatic diseases. Moreover, they learned nationwide about these sources only in the early 60s of the last century. Currently, the sources are well "decorated", and the road leading to them is also very good.

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Walk through the Botanical Garden of Mirijiavil (Mirijjawila)

To stroll through the kindergarten, it is not necessary to go far - there are gardens in the north-west of the city. The territory of the park area of ​​about 120 hectares was once completely covered with spiny shrubs. In 2006, funds were allocated to the extraction of abandoned territories - voila, a pretty kindergarten turned out! The entrance to the park costs about 1000 rupees; Places are very beautiful, the park is well-groomed.

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