What should you expect from rest in Hambantote?


Hambantota is the main city of the same name in the southeast of Sri Lanka Island. This once completely underdeveloped region suffered greatly from the devastating tsunami, which happened in 2004, but since then a number of large development projects have been carried out in the town, which include the construction of a new maritime port and airport ( Mattal Rajapax International Airport , also known as Hambantota International Airport, is half an hour from the city; By the way, this is one of the two airports of the island).

What should you expect from rest in Hambantote? 21356_1

These and other projects (in particular, the construction of a Hambantot Cricket Stadium, where the World Cricket Championship was held 2011) - part of the Governmental Plan for the Global Conversion of Hambantothots in Sri Lanka, after Colombo. By the way, in 2017, III Youth Asian Games will be held here, as well as near the city, there is a phased body-cinema village - the application is not sick!

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Of the plans for the near future - the construction of the exclusive entertainment island off the coast of the Hambantothot of about 48 hectares, where hotels, restaurants, duty-free shopping centers, entertainment and tourist facilities will be accommodated. In short, plans for the future of Hambantota is really very impressive!

What should you expect from rest in Hambantote? 21356_3

But a little of the history of the town. First, it should be noted that the city is old. During existence Kingdom Rukhuna (And it was based on 200 g. BC. and was then located on the southern and eastern part of Sri Lanka) in the natural harbor of the town seated many merchant ships from Siam, Indonesia and China. Ships or big boats, on which these merchants arrived, were called "Sampany" and "Thhots", which means "port" or "anchor" - thus, the port where Sampany threw anchor, began to be called "sampantota" (now known as her year 20 ). After some time, the whole area around the harbor began to be called "Hambantota".

What should you expect from rest in Hambantote? 21356_4

In general, in ancient times, this region was the center of prosperous civilization. Sources prove that in that era of the Earth were extremely fertile (as well as now, however), and the locals used the grand irrigation system. This region has played an important role in the "cultivation" of the nation and the development of the Srilaskian Buddhist culture. For example, near (well, like nearby - 30 minutes) with a hambantota, in the town Tissamaharam (Which even in comparison with Galle seems huge - because of the vast reservoir of Teessaveva), a large temple was built, where the Buddha's tooth's part was the most valuable shrine. Today it is one of the main attractions of the region.

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At the beginning of the 19th century, the British had already commissioned in the city (after the so-called Kandian war), which, by the way, built Martello Tower at the tip of the Rocky Cape next to the Lighthouse. Today there is a fishery museum. By the way, Leonard Wolfe, the future husband of the famous British writer Virginia Wolfe, was the British colonial ruler of Hambantothot at the beginning of the last century.

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Shot in Hambantote is nice almost at any time of the year - Actually, as on all Sri Lanka. It always reigns here Tropical hot climate with an average air temperature in 26-28 ° C. The pronounced "dry season" is not there, but a little less rain is from January to March and from June to August. However, in October and November, visit the town is not recommended - yet it rains at this time are not enough.

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Small (and not so interesting) Sightseeing of Hambantota - windmills . The fact is that it was in Hambantote that the first wind power station was built (today there are two more). The development of wind power, however, prevented huge obstacles like bad roads and an unstable power grid. Today, the roads are much better, and a new motorway is built (what are the great!).

What should you expect from rest in Hambantote? 21356_8

Residents in Hambantote are more busy in the agricultural sector, partly in industry, and the remaining 35% in the service sector. Singles confessing in most Buddhism live here, but there are also Muslims here. The fact is that during the Second World War, the Malay Regiment was housed here, whose warriors were Muslims. Military part has long been not, but religion has rooted. Therefore, in the city at least three mosques. There are so-called burghers, descendants of European immigrants, who once moved to the island during the colonization of Sri Lanka and remained (though, it was in Hambantote of these numbers there are units, but in other cities of the island there are whole communities "indigenous white").

What should you expect from rest in Hambantote? 21356_9

Ocean in hambantote Madly beautiful, the coast is thoroughly "decorated" with huge boulders, please the eyes of small coves with purple sand and fishing flotilla from multicolored boats. There is I. Beach - Wild and urban. So far, in the city reigns complete calm. Well, right outside the city - the milestone pastoral landscapes, simple temples surrounded by the cultivated fields, the countryside, where they sell Papaya on the side of the roads, and spotted bows are bathed in the ditch.

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There are almost no attractions in the city of entertainment and attractions, so tourists prefer to get out to safari in the next insanently beautiful coastal Bandala National Park either in Calamety Berd Reserve Located just 40 minutes away along the coast to the West. Not far from the city to the east spread his possessions National Park Kumana , and wishing to improve health it is recommended to go on Hot Springs (about an hour go deep into the island).

Generally, Hambantota - The city is small And it can be all "walking" almost in a couple of hours. Hotels in hambantote little But everyone is on the coast. If more nature is more interested, rather than urban life, it is easier (although more expensive, of course) settle in the hotels of the neighboring reserve. But in general, some Cafe , city buses, mail and ATMs are there (by the way, there are no problems when calculating a plastic card here, like on the whole Sri Lanka, does not occur). In general, Hambantota and Far South Sri Lanka reasonably claim to be an exceptional status of the asian edge, where the main value is the wonderful ocean coast, pretty Buddhist temples, fruit plantations, national parks and the amazing immediacy of local residents.

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