The most interesting places in Harabane.


Reserve Rhygala Strict and Mount Ritigala

The rhytigala ridge consists of four peaks, among which the most famous and highest is located in the southern part - it is called Rhygala Kanda. With a height of 766 meters above sea level and 600 meters above the surrounding plain, Rhygala is the highest mountain in North Sri Lanka. The name "Ritigala" comes from the ancient name "Ariṭṭha Pabbata" (which means "terrible mountain") - under such a name it is mentioned in Mahavams, the historical poem about the kings of Sri Lanka, written in the Pali language. The sharp slopes of the mountains covered with forests, in the months of the influence of the monsoon (from December to February) get the greatest amount of precipitation in the entire area (which is considered dry). In general, such humidity is a rare phenomenon for the northern central plains, so that this area in ancient Singhale language was called "Wiew Bandi Rata", which means "earth of rainwater". Mountains and surrounding areas with a total area of ​​1582 hectares - this is the territory of the reserve Ritigala Strict (Ritigala Strict Natural Reserve).

There are many legends around this mountain. For example, local believed that the mountains grows in the mountains with an incredible miraculous effect. The grass is called "Sansevi", and she believes, gives a person a long life and heals any human disease. In general, according to legend, all the vegetation on the mountain is protected by the forces of Yakkas, the spirit-patron spirit.

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There are, for example, the legend that the prince of Pangukhabau (3 century BC) during a terrible battle of the foot of this very mountain helped, it was Yakkas - otherwise the death of the prince was death. Another popular legend says that Hanuman (not a person, but something supernatural, again), somehow traveled through this mountain rowing and accidentally dropped a piece of mountains with herbs growing on it, which he took in the Himalayas and carefully carried From India to Sri Lanka.

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Brother Rama, Prince Lakshman, was mortally wounded in battle, and only rare herbs with Himalayas could save his life. Thus, allegedly on top of the mountain and her lower slopes, therapeutic herbs appeared. Another Hanuman attended Sri Lanka when he called for a frame for searching for his spouse sieu. A woman kidnapped by the evil Ravana, loyal Shiva, and he brought her place Sitha Eliya (next to modern Nuzara-Eli). Hanuman found out where the poor thing was languid about the poor thing, rold to the top of the mountain of Rhygala Kanda, pushed himself and jumped up with straight to South India (where Nuwara-Elia is).

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Among modern tourists, Mountain is famous for, in addition to beautiful species and a serene situation, his monastery, which is lower.

Monastery Ritigala

The ancient Buddhist monastery is approximately half an hour from the north-west from the Khabaran and 43 kilometers from the ancient monastic city of Anuradhapura. Ruins of structures date back to about the 1st century of our era. They are on the eastern side of the mountain, at the foot of the gorge, which separates the main peak from the northern ridge. The ruins in total occupy an area of ​​24 hectares. To get to the temple to get, you will have to do a couple of kilometers on the primer (and it can be partially blurred).The monastery is obscured by a fence. Ancient people built an impressive reservoir near the temple - a real engineering feat of a circle of 366 meters. The construction of the well is attributed to the King Panguchand (437 -367 BC). The reservoir may have served for ritual ablutions before entering the monastery. This reservoir, as well as the ruins of the entrance complex and the pedestrian part of the path indicate that visitors of the ancient monastery were quite a few - but rather a lot.

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But in general, do not wait for something incredible - the ruins are only a few colorful ruins - the pool, palace, hospitals (where the medicinal herbs and roots were grinding and roots on grinding stones and where there were Ayurvedic oil baths), a stone bridge, double platforms that Characteristic for other forest monasteries - and past all this leads are stone steps.

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However, it all looks quite unusual together, if you take into account the surrounding solemn scenic jungle, boulders, the roots of trees, which, like snakes, are missing from under the ground ... Plus there is no fee for the entrance - you only need to pay for the church donation. Tip: Try to disable from the local Lankans, who will be imposed on, supposedly, to protect you from wild elephants with the help of homemade firefight - of course, for it will ask for money. Summarizing, we note that the temple, of course, is not the coolest on Sri Lanka, but the place is beautiful and surprisingly serene - in any case the trip will justify yourself.

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Buddhist church of Khabarana

Almost all residents of this area are Singals, confessing Buddhism. It is not surprising that the second attraction of the town is the Buddhist temple, blackened from the time and rain of the stupa to which a small staircase leads. An interesting and impressive attraction with a large number of interesting historical information. You can easily reach the bike. True, it really be restlessly here - the locals with their goods and suggestions do not give to relax and focus, clap on the shoulder (even if they politely refuse, they will still be trapped behind you on the heels throughout the territory; perhaps they will not retain until Do not buy). There is a barefoot around the temple around the temple - but it is almost unrealistic during the day, as the sand is very heated, so I highly recommend tying the socks to not burn the feet. Or come early in the morning. In general, the inspiring place: this is an amazing mix of smell, sounds and species. Wild animals run around, for example, deer, and, alas, crawl snakes.

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Temple of the Viharaya grated

In the ancient period of the existence of the State of Candy was the only type of Vihar, i.e. Buddhist monastery. And he was called "Tampita Vihara". The most characteristic feature of such monasteries was that they were built on wooden piles or monolithic small stone columns. Thus, lifting the building above the ground, people tried to prevent white ant raids or other parasites (dubious salvation). There is such a monastery and in Khabaran - it is located between the northern shore of Lake Habaran and Dear.

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