Where is the best stay in Krinice?


Those who seek to restore physical health and give vacation nerves, absolutely right, choosing sea resorts. And, of course, it is not surprising that preference is given to small towns and villages or as they call them to Cuban - the villages. The ratio "Spacious Beach" and "The Lack of Crowd" is a often distinctive feature of such places. At the same time, the infrastructure, even in the smallest village itself, is quite good - competition, however ... But the main income of the local population is mostly depends on tourists, so it is quite natural to meet the very attentive attitude of the owners and the private sector on the coast, and administrations to guests. One of the most tempting places in the vicinity, say, Gelendzhik (the location of which is almost just just in the middle of the Russian Black Sea) - Crynitsa Stanitsa.

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The attractiveness of Crintes - in her extremely advantageous (as they would have written in economic dictionaries), and simply speaking - in delightful natural conditions . There you have and scorn with the emerald rich greens of the mountain, and the sea with an extensive pebble beach, and the mouth of the Mountain River Pshad. The motorway passes almost through the village itself, and the proximity of settlements (including Gelendzhika) allows you to make high-balanced excursions. The remnants of the ancient settlements, excavated by archaeologists in these parts, indicate that the person appreciated the terrain of even in the second century BC. Now Crnitsa is a long-established, developed resort. Here You can stay in sanatoriums or boarding houses, subdued leave for the right time schedule and carefree rest - The menu is composed, household order is supported by employees, if desired, it turns out qualified medical care in choosing procedures. For those who are accustomed to an independent organization - a rich selection of private proposals, mini-hotels, hotels . At the same time, great competition moves housing owners for thorough preparation, design, entertainment, focus on families with children. One of the pleasant features of the villages and towns of the coast in the Krasnodar Territory is the desire for the originality of the hosts of buildings, so that the eyes rest on charming mini-locks, rounded wall shapes, or richly decorated with blooming plants and grapes. After the monotony of megalopold height from glass and concrete is one pleasure. Perhaps, it is not necessary to look for super-hotels like "Designer Suite", most correspond to the level of "3 stars", but they have their advantages and, most importantly, they are not better fit into the surrounding landscape. There is, for example, where 5-6 numbers are (or even less) - if you prefer a limited circle of communication and peaceful peace. There are complexes resembling Soviet Tourbases - Cases with a lot of rooms and a common extensive courtyard. Those who used to spend most of the time in active classes - on the beach, excursions, shopping - are quite satisfied with this option, because they return to the room only to sleep. You can also rent a house (or apartment) "turnkey" and feel at the south seaside almost like at home. As I have already managed to make sure of your own experience, for the most part of the hosts of mini-hotels - people are very calm, benevolent, practically imperceptible. This is the perfect option. But still, in any case, it is necessary to write down in advance on the Internet or be called up with the owners and find out all the nuances, important for you: the availability of parking, the pool (including the children's), game playground for the children, the dietary menu for kids in your own cafe, Proximity to the beach, the presence of an airletter in the room, etc. Mustache, for example, a guest house on the Street Street with the speaking name "Ah, Tale". Here, in addition to comfortable residential rooms, the territory is perfectly equipped - a fountain, a waterfall, a pool, with an occurrence of the evening - a multi-colored backlight. And for children, everything is so equipped, which comes to mind comparison with the summer children's camp - from the new playground to the center of board games and respiratory gymnastics in the morning. In a word, parents can safely pay the time and their loved ones. Another chic option is Welcome Villa, where you can rent entirely by Zdanian, and you can easily go to the room. The room, by the way, is chosen not only with the view from the window, but also by the color of the design of the room. The villa provides pleasant opportunities: you want - the shore of the river (where the complex is located), and you want a cozy sea beach at a distance of just over 500 m.

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Separate "song" - campgrounds and tent towns. Crinic has long been created conditions for those who prefer this type of recreation - with songs, fires, volleyball and new funny acquaintances. Places for campgrounds were chosen thoughtfully, equipped, as they say, "Civilians". It is worth considering such a moment as an approach to the beach in Krinice. The fact is that the coastal strip can be taken either on the stairs or gentle the usual way - through the field. Perhaps the staircase is more good for vacationers, it is not so long and cool as you might think, and with a sedentary beach image of a rest, it at least equalifies the motor disadvantage. But if you are still not configured to such a detail, then choose accommodation in the pshad valley - on the right, where the Gloria pension is located.

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