What entertainment is in trincomal?


MARBLE Beach (Marble Beach)

The "Marble Beach" is located at a distance of just over 20 kilometers from the center of Trinkomali, south of the city, on the peninsula, performing in the bay, if you go to the side of McCyatt (oriented on Marble Beach Resort). The easiest way, of course, get by car or other own transport, but you can also take a taxi. Very nice, protected, quite calm, neat and pure sandy beach (however, sand, it seems, the same as on most beaches of Trincomal). If you want to know why the beach is called "marble", it is better to arrive here by 6 am (at another time - the beach and yellow beach, to be honest).But, of course, in the dry season, otherwise all the charm is confused. However, and after noon here is very beautiful when the bay is painted by silhouettes of green mountains surrounding the bay. The entrance to the beach costs 20 rupees from the locals and foreigners (by the way, I would recommend to dress at the beach not very openly so that local Muslims are so much so much - local girls, for example, bathe in dresses or T-shirts). In general, the beach is very well suitable for recreation, swimming, games with children (especially since the waters off the shores of the beach are small enough).

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In general, many beaches on Sri Lanka are really supported in good condition - it is nice. True, sometimes (let's say, most often) there are quite a lot of people. The most calm part is a private beach reserved for guests Marble Beach Resort (you can try to squeeze there).

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Next to the beach are shoppers selling drinks and snacks; There is also a couple of restaurants, locker rooms, umbrellas (and towels need to bring with you). For snorkeling, these places are not very suitable. And yet - from the beach you can see the industrial harbor of Trincomal on the left (of course, in this sense, the species are not like the "dream beach"). But still, a great place!

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Arisimale Beach

This beach is approximately 30 kilometers from Trincomal, only north, next to the temple of Arisi Canda Purana Rajamha. To get to the sand strip, you will have to wade through the jungle, the stream and rocks are at least 10 minutes from the parking lot - but this is such a nonsense! Assemble at the local, how to get to the beach - you will certainly help you find this place.After you make a "hike", the beach will honor you a very exciting look - the efforts were not completely in vain. In addition, it certainly will not be a crowd of tourists and local. The sand on the beach is large (by the way, "Arisi" on Tamil is "rice" - here and the sands here, as if rice, large; and all the name of the beach means "rice mountain"). The beach is very beautiful and very clean, with really crystal clear water compared to other beaches in the area (Nilaway, you managed, etc.). The beach is not very wide, but surprisingly peaceful - already scary, as it is quiet. The entrance to the beach is free.

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Golf game

It is unlikely that Russians are considered to be playing golf nation. Well, many never even tried the "taste" of this sport, we will be frank. However, on such luxurious fields, do not try something new just sin! Golf fields are at the hotel Golf Link Hotel. located on a narrow peninsula. Very polite staff, a great golf course, a good restaurant. In order not to hide behind the game, proceed to the golf early in the morning. It can be said that this field does not have two identical wells, so, of course, the place is not for beginners, but also beginners here are very happy. In addition, views of the bay are awesome!

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Be sure that you can easily find where to order a dive tour in Trincomali. At the east coast of Sri Lanka is considered to be between those, one of the best places for diving in Asia, because it offers an amazing immersion experience for all levels of skill divers. Not far from the coast can be stumbled upon the underwater hills, the seaside life.

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As a rule, tourists do not carry too far away from the coast, but still you will have (maybe) a chance to meet face to face with different interesting fish and other ocean inhabitants. Sunken vessel - a special chip of the Eastern coast, which is also called the "Cemetery of Ships". Sri Lanka has long been an important point on a map of international trade routes - from here exported spices and tea to Europe and Eastern Asia - and, alas, for centuries, a cunning coastline sank many vessels. Among the most famous - British aircraft carrier HMS Hermes, which sank in the east coast during World War II. Many of the sunken ships have already broken down due to old age and the natural effects of water - and maybe because of persistent visits of local divers. But the remaining fragments of the hulls, scattered along the bottom, are still very interesting and mysterious for submariners, since the metal pieces for many years managed to miss beautiful corals and algae.

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Ride to National Park Pidgen Island

Pidgen Island (Pigeon Island) is one of the two Sri Lanka National Parks (and one of the 17th Island Reserves). It is approximately a kilometer from the beach of Nilali (about 10-12 km from Trincomali). And called the island in honor of the doves inhabiting here. The island is famous, however, by its divine coral reef.The island consists of two islets: big and small. Large (in length it is not more than 200 meters, in width and is less) surrounds coral forests, the same is surrounded by rocky islands. It come here to engage in snorkeling - to watch ten more types of corals, hundreds of reef fish (including artistic reef sharks - of course, completely harmless) and turtles. If hike guide, you will have to be cheerful, but it can show secret places. Visiting the park, oddly enough, is not particularly regulated, so that you can come there yourself. True, the entrance is paid - about 10 dollars with an adult (for a boat 125 rupees).

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You need to pay at the ticket office of National Park - Pidgen Island (from 6 am to 17:30) before sailing (this does not concern those who bought a ready tour in travel agency). The beach can be reached on the local bus or Tuk Tuka from Trinomal or on a sightseeing boat from the bus.

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