What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis?


Assembly to go to St. Louis, one of the most popular among tourists the city of Senegal, naturally may arise what to have currency with him, for convenience in its use and calculations for goods and services. In principle, as in any country, in the banks of this African state, you can exchange any popular currency (euro, US dollars, English pounds, Swiss francs and others), Frank CFA,

What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis? 21326_1

having a walking not only in Senegal, but also seven African countries in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (ZAEVA). This currency was initially tied to the French franc, but with the transition of France on the euro, the ratio in which one euro was leveling 656 francs of the CFA was calculated. Such a relation is also valid now, since the banking system of these countries is closely related to the French treasury, which contains 65% of their foreign exchange reserves. Only if you decide to purchase this currency at home, do not confuse with francs of the CFA, which have borrowing in the states of Central Africa (Economic Community of Central African countries of EcoCas). This system includes six states, the course is also tied to the euro and corresponds to the above (1 euro = 656 francs of the CFA), but the monetary signs themselves differ outwardly different from each other. Pay attention to it. This is how the francs of the KFA West African countries look like and Senegal.

What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis? 21326_2

And so francs CFA countries of Central Africa.

What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis? 21326_3

Based on the foregoing, you know what to come better with the euro, since the course will always be stable, and it is necessary to pay, if necessary, if there are no francs of the CFA, you can have a European currency that is given greater preference than, for example, US dollars. But, as in any other country, it is more profitable to pay in local currency. You can change some amount at once at Dakar Airport or Saint-Louis (depending on where you arrive), and then, as needed, you should do it in banks, which are quite a few in Dakar, Saint-Louis and other cities of Senegal. I will write several banks in Dakar and their addresses that you may come in handy, and in a couple of euro you will not be difficult for a taxi. Money transfer can be obtained or issued in the department Money Gram. , which is located in Banque Syngalo-Tunisienne (BST) , by the address 97, Avenue Andri Peytavin . Department Western Union There is a address 5, Rue Docteur THZEZE BP 129 . central bank Banque Centrale Des etats de l'afrique de l'Ouest Located at the address Avenue Abdulaye Fadiga. , Dakar, Senegal. Postal Address: BP 3108.

What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis? 21326_4

As for banks and branches directly in the Saint-Louis itself, some of them are located at the following addresses. Western Union Located at the address Avenue Général de Gaulle . Bank CBAO Groupe Attijariwafa Bank Agence St Louis Ile du Nord located at Rue Khalifa A. SY X RUE POTIN, SAINT-LO . I think that there is no sense to list them. Schedule of banks throughout the country, practically standard. Opening at 8.00-8.30 to 11.15, then break and then from 14.15 to 16.00. On holidays (in most religious Muslim holidays), banks work from 8.00 to 14.00. Weekends Saturday and Sunday.

Many, especially large hotels, have a list of services for those living with their tourists, currency exchange that is usually carried out at the reception rack, where the table is even hung with a course of accepted currencies, so that in the search for a bank of necessity may not be. True, the course may be a bit lowered, but on a small amount it does not play a special role.

In addition to cash, you can use bank cards that support Visa systems, American Express and Diners Club (a commission is charged 1-5%).

What currency is better to take with you in Saint-Louis? 21326_5

But do not forget that being outside the limits of large cities, while traveling or traveling around the country, it will be extremely difficult to use the card, so cash, you still need and have some amount does not hurt.

There are no big abundance of ATMs, as we used to see in European countries, there is no, but nevertheless they encounter and their number increases annually. Apparently, tourism is also plays a significant role in this, which is noticeably revived lately.

As for Russian rubles, most likely they do not need you, since this currency in Senegal does not use the demand. Perhaps they are exchanged in the central bank, but I definitely can not say anything about this.

Try not to make exchanges on the street and not strongly show the contents of your wallet, because in this country, as in principle, and any other, no cases of fraud and pocket theft are not eradicated. Therefore, use the services of banks and be vigilant so that such an incident does not overshax your vacation and an idea of ​​this African state.

Here is an approximate picture of what concerns the financial side of the journey and the priority of currency in Senegal. I hope that this information will help you in the future.

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