What should you expect from rest in Trincomal?


Trinomali is a port city in the Eastern Province County of the same name. It is located 215 km south of Japhne and 110 km north of Battikalo. The city is one of the main centers of Tamils ​​culture on the island - there are about 2/3 of them from the total population (and the population is a little less than 100 thousand people). Oddly enough, the city is one of the smallest in the area in the square, but its population is the largest (naturally, only in the district).

The city on the peninsula is known among tourists due to its Temple Konevaram (Koneswaram) and other historical monuments, for example, Temple Bhadkali Amman, Center for Hindu Culture Trincomal and etc.

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_1

By the way, since about a third of the city's population - Larakalla (descendants of Arabs), then there are several mosques in the city (over the past 30-35 years old, the number of Muslims in the city increased by almost 15%, while Buddhists and Hindus became a little less, but all Equal, the city is specifically Hindu).

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_2

The city of Trincoma is already at least more than two and a half thousand years and this One of the oldest cities in Asia . For many years, he was the main seaport in the international trade history between the island and the countries of Southeast Asia. But, of course, once the city was the usual rural settlement on the Cape formed around the Hindu Koneshera temple. The name of the city is a modified British, the old Tamil word "Thiru-Kona-Malai", which means "Lord of the Holy Hill".

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_3

Trincomali - The city of the sacred for Srilasky Tamils ​​and Hindus around the world. In the town Many Hindu temples (In addition to the Temple of Keeps) and other structures with the historical meaning where pilgrimage is made. There is still here Fort Frederick The 17th century, built by Portuguese and captured by the Dutch, and then the French.

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_4

But the main thing is, of course, harbor . The great European powers competed for the domination in this harbor. Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and the British in turn won the port, and how many bloody plastered battles here! Meanwhile, the harbor is this - the fifth largest natural harbor in the world.

And, of course, tourists attract Beaches Trincomali . They are alone among the most picturesque on all Sri Lanka, moreover, they are relatively untouched and quite clean. The area is quite suitable for swimming and swimming, however, water is more than one hundred meters from the coast, which is not deeper than on the chest to an adult man.

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_5

Come here and in order to admire Kitami who often belong to themselves are not so far from the shore. And next to the Trincoma there Seven hot springs Kanniya ("Cal" - a stone; "Niya" - land), which is with pleasure, drink and wash the face.

Not far from the city you can see an amazing phenomenon of nature, partly similar to the local attraction in Muin in Vietnam: fiery hills ! There are practically no tourists there, since many find a raped stony, we get a lonely tree not such an interesting landmark, but landscapes here are truly Martian, and behind the mountain you can find a lake with picturesque shores covered with a border of small shrubs on thin legs.

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Weather in Trincoma, as well as all the island, is different during the two main seasons - the rainy season and dry season. The dry season lasts from March to June, the wet season is the remainder of the year. On average, 1570 mm precipitation drops here (in Moscow, for example, 2-2.5 times less). The average temperature in Trincoma is about 26 ° C in December and January, and approximately 30 ° C during the warm months of the year from April to September. In short, the weather here is almost always, at least warm or hot, and so as not to spoil the impression of the trip, it is better to get out of the dry season.

With infrastructure in the city is not bad. You can get here by the motorway and by train; Roads are not bad but Little transport , everything is pretty calm (although there are road police).

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_7

In the town of more than 30 accommodation options (though, nothing specially luxury, mostly 2-3 - Star Hotels and Guest Houses ), restaurants and cafes. Tamils ​​are very not indifferent to Baking - Pellets and any other squirrels are very popular, sold not only on every corner, in the smashed bench itself, but it is preparing immediately, literally in front of her eyes (you can try with heat, with heat). Naturally, Everything is very sharp - Light in the mouth (but "no infection will stick," as local).

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Of course, it will not turn the tongue to be called the trincomal "resort town", although there are beaches. Streets of the street are very shabby and littered. On local landfills, they are happy to make a lot of healthy men of the population in search of useful healthy men - everything will be used in the house!

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_9

The most common male occupation in Trincoma, not counting Rybatsky, - trade, whether on the market or just on the pavement street. Little benches, shops, workshops It stretches along the main streets - in them the life of unusual for us and unusual curious mechanisms for us (it is interesting to observe, for example, by how spices are crushed at a kind of dopatory aggregate).

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_10

Those Trinocalians who could not be made on the civil service, and who could not open their work, works at the construction site. Physical work, which are engaged in local, heavy and non-mechanized (and in this you will easily make sure). As for the appearance, local men prefer the Sarong fabric (the most preferred clothing) to be in a cell and preferably white-blue tones. In this all strange stain, the Buddhist monk can flash in Orange-and what wind it brought him here? And, if seriously, in general it seems that people in trincomals are very open, simple and stone for the sinus do not hold.

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Walking around the streets of the city, you will not once again come across cows . They are here, as if, everything is allowed to lie in the temples, wander through the streets, like pedestrians, wallow on the coast and beaches.

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_12

Sometimes the streets run through the streets - the samples of the furious dogs run - they advise them, in the case of which, beat into sand (although it seems they are ready to break into parts). Dogs in Trincoma respect. But the cats are disliked, because they are practically not met here.

What should you expect from rest in Trincomal? 21317_13

In general, it is easy to appreciate the life and everyday life of Trincom - it's all here in sight, because you will have the opportunity to plunge not only in the hot ocean, but also in the flavor of the local life. The place is definitely interesting. Maybe not the best option for families with children or for couples who want exceptional comfort and service, but for a curious tourist there is a real paradise!

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