Features of rest in Senegal


People who have never attended this African state, the main idea is only connected with its capital, the city of Dakar, the finish or more correctly, the end point of the popular, until recently, the International Paris-Dakar.

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But Senegal is interesting not only by this. Despite the fact that the rally was canceled and postponed to the South American continent (indefinion), due to the threat of terrorist attacks, the interest in this country in foreign tourists did not decrease. Rather, even increased, since Senegal combines the beautiful natural landscape of the editorous and savannah, Kazamans and Senegal rivers flowing through its territory, interesting lake Lac de Gaerse holding an area of ​​one hundred seventy square kilometers, pink lake Retba

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and amazing beaches on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, washing the entire western part of the country.

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And the most important thing is that the atmosphere of the past reigns, not strongly affected by the development of civilization, which during the rest helps to forget about everyday problems and a fussy life in the modern world. I must say that among African states, Senegal is considered one of the safe countries, and in the light of recent events it is far from average.

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The main tourist contingent coming here is citizens of the European Union, especially French-speaking, because in Senegal, as a former French colony, is French, and this greatly simplifies the situation with communication during rest. Not the last role during the journey, prices for accommodation, food, travel and other, which are quite acceptable in this country are playing. For example, to get it on a minibus from Dakar, to the fourth largest city of Saint-Louis (rather popular with tourists), to which two hundred fifty kilometers can be in eight or ten euros.

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Why did I write in the euro? Just in this country, along with a local currency, which is Frank CFA

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(The currency unit used by eight African countries) is actively walking and euro, and much more efficient than the American dollar. To date, the euro rate is 1 euro = 657 francs of the CFA. So if you are going to visit Senegal, it is better to come with a European currency. By the way, from Dakar to Saint Louis can be reached by rail, which was built another hundred and thirty years ago (it is the very first of the continent built in the western part). Travel in the first grade will cost five euros (in the second even cheaper). Railway transport with a large number of messages does not have and limited to three directions: to Saint-Louis, Kolan and Tambakundy (after which Mali, the city of Bamako).

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So tourists have the opportunity to visit and this is an African state, making a trip to the train. The fare on this route, depending on the type of train (with air conditioning or without), hesitates from thirty to fifty euros.

Because it was about transport, it is necessary to say about no less popular tourist destination in Senegal, the island of Hoe, which is located in two and a half kilometers from Dakar.

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This is a purely tourist object, on which even the use of cars is prohibited. In more detail, I will tell you about it in another article, I will only add that the ferry crossing this island is carried out from the Dakar port every hour and costs five euros. It should be noted that Hoe since 1978 is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its attractiveness is that for a long time he was one of the largest in Africa in Africa on the slave trade, from the period of which the buildings were preserved on the maintenance of slaves and houses themselves.

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In addition, ships arrived on the island from different countries not only for slaves, but also goods produced and produced on this part of the continent. A greater share of the sale, as in principle, and now, occupied peanuts. From here to Europe was carried spices, gold, skin, and so on.

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The attractiveness of Senegal is that it is possible to relax here, almost, at any time of the year. But since this is a country with a subequatorial climate, moving to the tropical (in the north of the country), then the best time for visiting will be the winter months, when not such a high temperature and the amount of precipitation is minimal. The summer period is accompanied by periodic rains and high temperatures, thereby creating a real greenhouse effect. At the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, the climate is a bit different, as the trade winds are blowing in the summer months and this is not so hot, as in the inner areas of the country. It is the coastal part of Senegal that is the most visited by tourists.

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I want to draw your attention to the fact that before going to this country, it is necessary to pre-make vaccinations from the yellow fever. At the entrance to the country, you may ask for a certificate that vaccination against this disease has been carried out, so do not forget to capture the appropriate document on the road. As for the opening of a visa to enter the country, for different countries, these conditions and a list of necessary documents may differ, and on this score you need to be interested in your place of residence. But, as a rule, receiving a visa does not take more than two weeks.

This is about general information about what is this African country and what it attracts tourists from around the world.

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I advise you to visit it in the form in which it is now, until a wave of mass tourism has reached before it. After all, it is this fact and is a highlight of Senegal. To plunge into the past and feel the atmosphere of the colonial system, the traces of which are still found everywhere, while traveling around the country.

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Perhaps a small minus is the lack of direct flights between the airport Dakar Leopold Cedar Sangor and other countries. Many flights are carried out with a change in France.

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Literally a few words about local cuisine. The choice of restaurants and the menu is quite decent, and the Senegalese cuisine itself is not very different from the usual for us. Apparently the centuries-old colonial rule of Europeans affects. It is decent to eat within five to ten euros, although there are cheaper restaurants with no less good meal.

As for recreation with children, everything depends on your plans. If the trip provides only a beach holiday and you are not going to travel around the country, you can quite take with you children. With constant movement along Senegal, in order to familiarize themselves and examine the sights, it is better to make such a journey without young children, as it will be quite not just. Do not forget that this is Africa and the usual supermarkets and other benefits of civilization at every step, to which we are accustomed, there is no.

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