The first impression of the United States or rest in Miami


Last year, the family and I decided to go on a great trip to the United States, and the first point of our stay in America was the resort of Miami Beach. About this overseas place, of course, we read a lot and heard and imagined the same paradise on earth. A few years before that, my husband and I were on the opposite coast, in Cuba and we were, with what to compare.

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So, Miami Beach is a relatively small resort town on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. There are three main streets: Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue. We lived in a small old hotel on the dye dye, as it is the nearest street to the ocean. On this street there are weight of hotels, cafes, restaurants and shops, and the ocean is located across the road. In the evenings on Ocean Drive is very noisy and seesfully.

Miami Beach Beach Municipal and not equipped with nothing. There is no cafe on the beaches at all, but there are places where you can rent umbrellas and sun beds. We never rented them, as a set of 2 lounge chairs and 1 umbrella stood $ 150. The beaches themselves are sandy, wide, but they float algae in the water, and it was uncomfortable to swim on Mels. Weather in May was good: sunny, hot, the water in the ocean is warm, but almost every day for 30 minutes it was heavy rain.

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The prices in the resort are very high, and since our hotel did not offer any food, we had to have breakfast, dinner and dinner were forced in local cafes. For example, a comprehensive breakfast in a modest cafe accounted for us at about $ 15-20 per person. Lunches and dinners are even more expensive. Sometimes for breakfast we bought assorted sliced ​​fruits (7-9 $) and buns in one of the resort supermarkets. Also in Miami Beach there are fast food cafes such as McDonalds and KFC.

Lincoln Road has many different stores where you could buy, both souvenir products and branded things. There are boutiques of leading world brands, starting by democratic and, ending with luxury. We bought the magnets of $ 4-5 per piece and a cap for a son for $ 20. We did not take any excursions, as prices were too high.

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The resort is poorly developed urban transport. There are buses, but they were constantly clogged with local residents, so they accounted for a taxi, which here, as in all of America, work on the meter.

Whether ever returned to Miami Beach? Unlikely. Most likely, if I decide again to the transatlantic flight, I will choose Cuba, Mexico or the Dominican Republic for his rest.

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