Why is Ushuaia suitable for recreation with children?


Want to show your offspring "in the animal world" live? Go to the edge of the earth. In the literal sense of the word. This will be one of the most remarkable adventures in your family history. Even in the passport you will be a very extraordinary stamp - "End of Light". For those who are used to traveling to find all the "most-most", the places are better not to find. The abundance of animals and birds, which sees the overwhelming majority of the world's population only in pictures; Stunning nature, preserved the primordial, almost wild look; An amazing story, which includes the chronicle of one of the indigenous tribes of the Indians - all this and still quite a lot attracts to the most southern city of our planet - Ushuaia - a huge number of tourists.

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As if it was not enough for this corner of the title of the end of the world, so even with the light hand of the legendary navigator Magellan Province, whose capital and is Ushuaia, wearing a colorful name - fiery ground. There is nothing fire here now, yes, in fact, and there was no, because Magellan, waking up to new lands, mistakenly accepted many fires of local residents for something more ambitious. However, again, the "most" southern in the world National Park with this name is famous for its natural wealth. Those who were in the Alpine resorts, Ushuaia will certainly remind those edges - the same neat multicolored houses, "delicious" restaurants and, of course, impressive snow-covered tops of the mountains . Meanwhile, the town is located far enough from the Alps - in the south of Argentina, with which the flame tango is primarily associated. The peculiarity of this country is a large climatic scatter, so in one part of the state, tourists enjoy a chocolate tan at sea resorts, and in the other - just in Ushuaye, for example - moderate temperatures against the background "inverted" on European standards of winter and summer. In this way, If there are schoolchildren in your family, then the ride is just more convenient in the winter (on Russian slander) vacation, because from December to February the air temperature is warm - up to +15 , But from May to October she fluctuates within +6 .. + 11. But, nevertheless, the famous Park "Fire Earth" is more expedient to visit in spring or autumn, despite the cool air. The climate is here - the oceanic, but also at the same time - the polar. Hence such a variety and non-standard set of animals and plants: Guanako, red foxes, imperial penguins, cormorants, sea lions, etc. Surprisingly and unique combination of marine, tundra, forest, mountain landscapes. Cozy in the city Thanks to and geography - the mountain range reliably protects the settlement, which makes it easy to the edge of the bay, and the "human factor" - above the two-storey buildings you will not meet, on the streets purely, you see bright colors everywhere, in which buildings, fences, trading shops are painted , cafes ... a kind of open-air shopping center called the main street - San Martin. It was here for one and a half kilometers there are shops, restaurants, souvenir shops. What can be purchased here than pamper yourself and kids? Qualitatively made funny Plush Picks, magnificent homemade chocolate, jams and jams from their local - raw materials, as well as good liqueurs. Big plus - all this is decorated beautiful, very tasty (we are talking about the products, of course) and, that is important, quite inexpensive. Last - due to the fact that Ushuaia declared a free economic zone, and therefore is famous in Argentina as one of the most "wealthy" cities.

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Just amazing - as such a relatively small piece of Argentinean land (meaning and the city, and its surroundings) managed to accommodate so much interesting, and, for family review. These are museums, national parks, and the Lighthouse Faro-Far-Eclairers 1920 Buildings on a tiny coastal island, and the farm - Harberton's manor with her quite live inhabitants and an old history, originated in 1886. If the question arises what to do parents with children, then the answers are a great set: Water strings on the catamaran to the islands or boat along the coast, in the National Park - Horse riding excursions or mountain biking . A little more than 25 km separate the city from the fairly popular ski resort of Serro Castor-Ushuaia with a very high service and well-developed infrastructure. The Martial glacier is another very taking place for adult tourists who know how to dangle into the ice and bring to the mountains, - with the kids you can get, using the lift, and then frozen in admiration, hitting the sightseeing site ... Island of birds, Penguin Island and Reserved Parks themselves will give a sea of ​​impressions and little travelers, and their parents - Numerous animals and birds, not paying attention to people, are engaged in their affairs, drowning, turning out, running, flying past the awesome-admiring people. Even the city port itself will deliver a lot of pleasant moments as an observation point, because it is here that all cruise liners and yachts come in front of further sending to such a popular Antarctica. The windows of many hotels located right on the shore of the bay, have a panoramic view of these magnificent, more similar to mini city, ships and luxury private vessels. It is worth noting that it is not worried about the level of crime in this village not worth it. Not counting, of course, the considerations of an ordinary common sense (take care of personal belongings and documents, for example). As for the hotel Foundation, the rather large number of hotels is focused on the "family" contingent - there are playgrounds on the serviced territories, you can order innocence services, the widespread "buffet" is quite suitable for nutrition of even young children, etc.

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