What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire.


Many vacationers in Kemer, taking a car for hire, wonder what interesting places can be visited independently in close proximity to the resort.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_1

Traveling in the local terrain is very easy, the Kemer district consists of six villages. The most interesting place is the ancient museum in the open sky, and it is called Faisis. From Kemer, these are fifteen minutes by car, driving on the main route two villages Kirish and Chamwya, look carefully on the Phaselis pointer. Running from the route and driving a few more hundred meters, you will find yourself near the barrier, where the ticket is located. The entrance ticket for one adult is worth ten Turkish lira, so we translate money in advance for local currency, children under six years old entrance. Then you come to the museum. This place has long been chosen by local residents, because there is a wonderful sandy beach.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_2

Here come with families to swim, sunbathe, arrange a picnic and just a pleasant time. And for lovers to touch the story, architectural attractions are preserved here.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_3

A little about the history of the city of Falesis. It was founded in the seventh century BC, he has a great location, the so-called three harbor, which served as a transit point for maritime trading paths. The city passed many times from one ruler to another, the Persians were dominated here, and Alexander Macedonian, and Lycons. Due to the fact that Facelis is on the seashore, he often endured raids and rabbire pirates. And in the forty-second year before our era, the city went to the power of Rome, and it was from this period that his development and prosperity began. In 1158, these territories were conquered by the Seljuk Turks, the ports of Antalya and Alanya became priorities, as follows, Facelis has lost its purpose, the locals left him to the thirteenth century.

Nevertheless, such a variety of history of the city left us interesting monuments. Immediately near the car parking, you will see an aquaker, which supplied the ancient city with fresh water.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_4

Then you can walk along the central street, on the right side there will be the ruins of an old bath, a little more further on the city square and on the left side you can climb on wooden steps and admire the amphitheater, which was built in the time of Roman rule.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_5

Next, following the Faisis, you can come to the sandy beach. Such a walk is very informative and comfortable, as the open-air museum is surrounded by the forest. Also for the convenience of tourists on site there is a small cafe, shower and pure bathroom.

I would like to tell, about one interesting place. Leaving on the main route, you need to keep a landmark on the village of Chiraly (çıralı). Seeing the pointer and by moving from the track, you expect a descent down the serpentine, but you should not worry, asphalt road and not heavy, even for those who are not used to mountainous areas. You will meet a quiet, small, but very cozy village. There is a huge number of guesthouses and campgrounds, and just an unusual amazing nature. You will not see noisy bars and discos here, but for the soul this place is number one. The bulk of tourists are Turks and Europeans, a lot of families with kids, but two years old, this resort is gaining popularity among guests from Russia and CIS countries. I would advise, stay there for several days, prices in guest houses are very tempting, the price includes breakfast.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_6

So, what is attractive this place, firstly, it is nature, secondly, an impeccable clean beach. The system of local holidays, no hotels on the first line, only cozy restaurants, if you wish to eat in one of them, lounge chairs near the shore for you for free, and the price policy in the menu will pleasantly surprise.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_7

In addition, there is a wild beach where you can safely relax. Immediately in the gorge is the ancient city of Olympos, the inspection of these attractions is five Turkish lira for one person. It was founded in the second century BC, just as Facelis, in the forty-second year, BC, passed under the authority of the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, it is not very well maintained as other historical places, but wander through it is also very curious.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_8

Fortress walls, colonnade, various ruins and remnants from ancient buildings have been preserved to the present day.

But the highlight of Chiral, is a burning mountain, called Chimera, the Turks call it to Yanartash. It is best to visit this place at twilight, the rise is quite steep, but absolutely everyone who wants to conquer this height is absolutely able to conquer this height. The entrance ticket at the foot is six Turkish lira. From the bowels of the mountain, natural gas is distinguished, due to which the fire burns all year round. The flame appears in different places from under the ground, this is an extraordinary spectacle.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_9

To the question of why this is happening, local residents who speak a little Russian language, will definitely tell you an interesting legend. Allegedly on the territory of Ancient Lycia, now the province of Antalya, there was a terrible monster - chimer with a head of a lion, a goat torso and a snake tail. A lot of troubles and losses it brought inhabitants, at that time, everyone was afraid of him and no one dared to kill this creature. But one day, the son of the Corinthian king, Bellerofont decided to marry the daughter of the Lycian king of Iobat, who he orders to kill the Chimera, only after which he will consent to their marriage. And then, the brave prince struck the monster from Luka, and the faithful horse Pegasus waste him to the ground. It is since then the lights go and surprise us.

Of course, this is not all interesting places that can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. You can also go to the village Gönyuk, where the famous Green Canyon is located, it will be a fun adventure for the whole of your family and unforgettable photos will remain for memory of those places. Immediately there is a Dino Park, where there are reconstructions of various types of dinosaurs, some of them make sounds similar to those who have been inherent in their real animals.

What interesting places can be visited in the vicinity of Kemer, taking a car for hire. 21252_10

And besides this, there is a small sandbox for young children, trampoline and other interesting amusement. Adults will not be bored too, you can visit the room of fear. And in the zoo you can see some kinds of animals.

In conclusion, I want to add, do not be afraid to travel yourself, because new impressions will always bring you a positive mood.

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