How much money do you need to rest in Baden-Baden?


The cost of recreation in Baden-Baden depends on your budget, therefore, as in any other place the limit of the spent is not, especially since in the local casino you can lose how much money, hoping to get the hot-bird for the tail and win a million. However, everyone knows that the casino can be won, only if you are the owner of the casino.

The main spending falls on the flight and accommodation. These spending can be foreseen and cut by choosing cheapest hotel and flight to Loauser. If you already have a Schengen multivisa, then the trip can be easily organized by ourselves, ordering and paying the flight and accommodation through the Internet Travel agency site or hotel.

Based on my own experience, I can argue that it makes sense to pay a full board no, because It will "creep" you to the feeder at the hotel and does not allow you to freely plan the routine of the day.

How much money do you need to rest in Baden-Baden? 21238_1

If the cost of breakfast is not included in the room rate and amounts to 14-19 euros, then it is better to abandon breakfast. A cup with fragrant coffee and a hot croissant can be served in a cafe with even greater pleasure than to rush to breakfast until 10 am and try not to sleep.

Special savings payment of a full boarding is not brings, but adds fuddle. Sometimes, if there is a significant discount when booking a room with half board, it is justified, because Most often you can decide every day or you will dine or dinner. We prefer to visit different restaurants every day to visit every day to try as much overseas dishes, desserts and beer varieties.

How much money do you need to rest in Baden-Baden? 21238_2

You can save in Baden-Baden when visiting the thermal pools if you buy a subscription for several days and several people. Also significant savings will be the absence of the need for a public transport, because All places of interest for tourists are concentrated in the center, so a small town.

To avoid unforeseen spending, you need to take medicines with you that you usually use with colds, as well as other non-hazardous diseases. A visit to the doctor will not be cheap, and an attempt to get compensation from insurance can turn into another attraction with unforeseen expenses, for example, for prolonged conversations on mobile, because roaming is not a cheap pleasure.

If you need to call home, it is better to do this from the Internet cafe. A short conversation will cost approximately one euro. In hotels there are Wi-Fi and, most likely, it is the connection on Skype that will be the best that neither is the best. You can save on a taxi from the airport to the hotel, using public transport, although if you are traveling in four, then it will be more profitable and more comfortable about 25 km from the airport to drive to the hotel by taxi.

As for the lowest prices in Baden-Baden, they, as well as everywhere, will be more acceptable in the low season. Its dates are adjusted annually and are directly dependent on the mass of various events, events and competitions that will be held in it. If you do not have a binding to certain dates when you want to visit Baden-Baden, I would advise you to start with the search for dates, when the price of living and the flight is cheap, and then there would be a vacation for these dates.

Not counting accommodation and flight, you need to at least have 30 euro / day per person, but it is very modest, I would even say a meager budget. More realistic figures are 50 euro / day to be able to eat modestly, but to visit the pool, museums, exhibitions. Before entering the restaurant, it will be worthwhile from the entrance to the menu and rates.

How much money do you need to rest in Baden-Baden? 21238_3

I believe that it is better to go for a few days and not refuse to yourself in the necessary thing to fly to Baden-Baden for a couple of weeks and not be able to afford to sit throughout the day in a cafe or restaurant, especially - to visit the pool, as well as other interesting things. Places.

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