Impressions from rest in Bavaria.


Bavaria - Freistaat Bayern, is the most southern and largest federal land in the FRG. It is divided into seven administrative districts, which are largely different from each other, according to mentality and dialect, because The three main peoples are represented: Bavarians, Franconians and Schwabs (Alemannes). The nature of the Earth is diverse and rich: there are lakes, rivers, mountains, fields, meadows, forests.

In one of the Saturdays of October, we decided from Munich on the train, as the Germans called it - S-Bahn, go to the town of Ebersberg - Ebersberg, such a kind of Bavarian depth to visit the regional jazz festival.

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He passed on the basis of a local music school.

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The town struck us with its purity and comfort. The festival was held in the concert hall located on the monument architecture on the main square of the city. Nearby were all the same supermarkets, shops and boutiques, which is in Munich. It turned out that in Eborberg there is a large rehabilitation cardiological center and even a small bank / workshop for the manufacture of prostheses and other orthopedic products.

In the building of the old brewing

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The Museum of Contemporary Art, which we visited with interest,

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Having found there many original exhibits.

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Here, on the square, we dare have lunch in the Italian restaurant. Young red wine and unmatched Lassen were amazing. In the evening, passing about 400 m to the railway station, we returned back to Munich and involuntarily appreciated the benefits of life in a small town, compared to the capital. In other words: As for the development of infrastructure, public transport, roads, having a variety of shops, educational institutions (middle link), the Bavarian depth is not inferior to the capital, only the air here is cleaner and the rhythm of life is more calm and measured. People on the streets are very welcoming, everyone smiles and greet and greet each other.

Thought why in our country life is also not organized well, safe and comfortable. What prevents us from being as happy and prosperous as in this case, Bavarians? A girl, even one, is completely safe to go on a trip to Bavaria.

I can not answer the question why you need to rest and have fun in Bavaria, and not in Baden-Würtemburg. I am sure that the answer will correct: it's great if you manage to visit various lands of Germany. After all, except for recreation and entertainment, from these trips you can learn a lot of new things and interesting things that can be introduced in your hometown. An example is the excellent organization of the jazz music festival, in the final concert of which about two dozen performers who passed the preliminary selection, and three hundred guests from different parts, not only Bavaria, but also from other land, as well as from Austria and Switzerland.

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