What is interesting to see Panadour?


So, that's what sights are in the area of ​​Panadura:

Kalutar Temple Cheart (or Gangathilak Vihar)

Kalutar Teja (or Seiti, which means in Sinhalean "Stupa") - this is a stupa (Buddhist temple in the form of a bell), located south of Kalutary bridge. Built in the 1960s, the temple is seen from afar. This stupa is in the city center, not far from the local market, to the left after the bridge across the river Kalu Ganga, if cross it in the southern direction. This is the only one in the world of Buddhist stupa (as a rule, there is no emptiness inside the stupe, it is monolithic, only with small spaces for the burial shrines - the dust of the Buddha, in particular).

What is interesting to see Panadour? 21220_1

Inside a large stupa 74 paintings-frescoes depicting various aspects of Buddha's life and not only Buddha. Entering the stupas and overcoming several staircases, you will find yourself in a big round hall. In the center of the hall you can see another stamp of a small size (combined geometrically with an external large level), and four gold statues of the Buddha are placed around the small inner stupas.

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Be sure to enter inside - this is the truth quite interesting. Be sure to come in the skirt below the knees or trousers, and with covered shoulders. And here's another thing: the statues of the Buddha cannot be turned back or express disrespect in every way (for example, being photographed with them in an embrace). At the entrance to the territory of the temple (not only of this, and all others) you need to remove shoes.

Next to the temple, in the yard, you can see Kalutar Bodkhia - Bodhi's sacred tree (it is also called "Sacred Ficus"). It is considered one of 32 seedlings from Jaya Sri Mach Bodhi in Anuradhapur, the main sacred ficus grown from the Tree of Bodhi Tree, under which Gautama once reached enlightenment and became a Buddha. The very first tree was planted in the 2nd century BC. According to the chronicles, the first tree of Bodhi stood without until the 15th century, our era. In the 19th century, the British government dominated on Sri Lanka decided to lay the railways on the island - respectively, it was decided to cut down this tree Bodhi, which prevented the construction of the bridge.

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But still later decided to build a bridge without prejudice to the tree, since the local Buddhist community protested strongly. After Ceylon has received independence from the UK in 1948, the new government representatives led by Prime Minister D. Shenayakom took measures to remove other buildings and structures from the old tree region - now they came here only with religious goals.

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On the right after the bridge there are several more buildings of the temple and another sacred tree. In general, it is extremely pacifying and relaxed. Kalutara is a sufficiently dirty crowded city, a huge part of which occupies a natural market, but this step has an amazing calm. True, if you get here during the Buddhist holidays, for example, during the festival of the full moon, you will see a huge number of smartly dressed people, and the entire territory of the temple is decorated with flowers and aromatic chopsticks. The temple is not the masterpiece, but certainly charming. The temple and territory can be studied independently, but the guide will help explain the meaning of different rituals (you can even take part) and frescoes.

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Castle Richmond.

The entrance to the castle Park "announces" a huge graphic mosaic. A centenary country mansion, similar to the British residences of noble people in the 19th century, is located 35 minutes' drive from the center of Panadura to South - in the city of Kalutara, on the banks of the river Kalu Gangga. He was built the son of a rich and influential plantator Sri Lanka, the young Arthur de Silva Winezinghe.He studied in England, but returned, so to speak, in a senior position on Sri Lanka. Moreover, he returned with the thoughts about the chic palace, who drooped his school buddy, Maharaj Ramad in India - Arthur decided to turn a friend. All major materials for construction were obtained from abroad - ranging from gender to tiles, stained glass and decorative elements. Arthur moved to his new castle with a young spouse blue blood and healed happily. The park before the castle was completely planted with fruit trees and flowers, and in the mansion itself there were often banquets of important cones.

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Arthur even had a huge coach, which was harnessed with white horses - a symbol of power and wealth during the British rule on Sri Lanka; And the small group of the military worked on him, which was guarded. Such a provincial king. In short, very happy were young, but just could not conceive the baby. Someone said Arthur, what is needed throughout the park and just in case on the balcony of young you need to arrange marble statues of babies. In short, there was nothing good from this marriage - the couple broke up, and Arthur bequeathed all his wealth to one state trustee. The ruler himself lived, like a hermit, without any contact with the outside world, in the room 77 at the Queen's Hotel in Kandy. In the castle after the family drama, he did not return, he did not attend his possessions to death. And he died in 1947 at the age of 59.

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The mansion is an example of an architectural merge of Eastern and Western styles - in general, there are four different style of architecture. The castle covers an area of ​​almost 20 hectares, has 99 doors and 38 windows. In the banquet hall, complex carved decorations and 12 large columns from teak, supporting massive and skillfully decorated six arches. The giant ladder, meeting guests, is a separate work of art. Today in the former bedroom there is something like a museum dedicated to the history of the mansion. And in this castle, there was a school and an orphanage (so, generous tips are welcome).

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Buddhist temple asocaram

This attraction is located north of the city, closer to Colombo, an hour from the center of Panadura. This is a Buddhist temple, built in the 1870s for the Buddhist Monk who came to these edges named Aluthgam Sangharatne. Construction and further expansion of the temple financed the local rich, impressed by the preaching of a monk who had first in charge of a hut in the jungle. Today, this beautiful old temple is one of the main attractions of the coast.

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