What excursions worth visiting in Crimea?


Crimea can be called an inexhaustible storage room of various kinds of sights of historical, architectural and natural character. Even the most significant and popular places, during the rest, visit in full will not work. I unambiguously, I can not describe everything worth seeing, but briefly list the most interesting and attention objects, and you already choose what will seem most interesting and, perhaps, in the future, when visiting the Crimea, visit the sights of you personally.

I will start with historical and architectural monuments. First of all I want to call one of the most popular and visited by tourists the object, which is located in the city of Alupka, is Vorontsov Palace.

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It was built in the first half of the nineteenth century, and more precisely in 1848 and served as a summer residence of Count M.S. Vorontsov, who at that time, the post of general governor of the Novorossiysk Territory.

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The architecture of the palace is quite interesting and attractive. At the moment, the Vorontsov Palace is a museum in which the exhibits and painting of the first of its owners are presented, as well as artistic exhibitions of painting of various directions. In addition, Alupkinsky Park is located on the territory, which takes a total of almost thirty-seven hectares and represents about two hundred species of plants.

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Excursions in the park are held three times a day, at 11.00; 13.00 and 15.00, with a set of twenty people and cost is 100 rubles for adults and 50 for children. Visiting the exposition of the main building of the Palace costs 300 rubles for adults and 150 for children. In addition, there are several other expositions on the territory, for example House of Count Shvalov , for inspection and visiting which will have to pay extra.

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In Bakhchisara, it is worth a visit Khansky Palace,

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The residence of Crimean Khanov, and after the Crimean War, and how the peninsula entered the Russian Empire, he was repeatedly repaired and rebuilt. This palace became the museum at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the last capital restoration was held in the sixties of the last century, when the complex was devoted to its original appearance.

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The exposition is quite interesting and consists of twenty-six objects. This is: Mosque, Khan Cemetery, Falcon Tower, Golden Cabinet, Fountain of Tears and so on.

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For visiting tourists, it is open daily from 9.00 to 18.00. Ticket price is 270 rubles for adults and 130 for children and students.

In the village of Livadia, not far from Yalta, there is a former residence of Russian emperors Livadia Palace.

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It was built at the end of the nineteenth century. After the revolution, throughout the almost all of the Soviet period, the palace was used as a sanatorium and only in 1993 received the status of the museum. It must be said that in 1945 the famous "Yalta conference" was held here on which Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met.

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One of the expositions is devoted to this historical moment. It must be said that in its beauty, the Livadia Palace competes with Vorontsovsky, so visiting both of these monuments of architecture you can make your decision on this issue. The cost of a sightseeing tour of the palace is 350 rubles, for children and students of 100 rubles. It is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00, in winter (from the first of October), Monday is a weekend.

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One of the main attractions of the Crimea is undoubtedly located in the village of Gaspra, an architectural and historical monument called "Swallow's Nest".

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It is built on the edge of the forty-meter sheer cliff. Initially, the design was wooden, and in the form we observe now, the building was rebuilt in 1912. Even before the revolution, not one owner changed here. During the strong earthquake of 1927, the rock on which the construction is located, gave a strong crack, but the building itself practically did not suffer. Later and the rock itself and the foundation platform were fortified. Today there is a wonderful restaurant, which can visit everyone. The impression of it will remain unforgettable.

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And such palaces in the Crimea have not yet not enough, for example, Massandrovsky

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or Yusopovsky.

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Their description may take no little time, but I want to tell in two words and about other interesting places. Lovers of religious directions, for sure, will want to visit some temples that are located on the peninsula. The most significant can be attributed to such as: Church of the Resurrection of Christ,

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relating to the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese. It is located on the top of the cloudless cliff, close to the village of Foros and is a monument of the architecture of the nineteenth century. In Yalta itself it is worth a visit Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

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It was opened in 1902, in the presence of the last Russian emperor Nicholas of the second. Located a cathedral at ul. Garden 2.

There will be no less interesting to visit Vladimir Cathedral In the city of Chersonese.

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After all, by giving in 988, it was in Chersonese (which was previously called Corsun) the baptism of the Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich took place. The construction of the cathedral was completed at the end of the nineteenth century, at the place where the excavations were carried out before that, and the ruins of the fortress wall and an ancient church were found, in which, according to the main version, the prince accepted baptism.

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Not far from Sevastopol is located Inkerman cave monastery , one of the oldest in the Crimea.

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No one knows the exact date of its foundation, but scientists are inclined to the fact that it was founded in the eighth-ninth century. The main premises of the monastery carved into the rock. His story is quite interesting and rich. I will not describe it, because it can pour out an article with a decent volume. It can be found in numerous literary and Internet sources, and it is better to visit yourself. BUT Assumption Monastery , in the area of ​​Bakhchisaraya, visits a large number of not only tourists, but also pilgrims.

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You can add architectural monuments such as Baidar gate. built in 1848 on the Bajdar Passing of the Yalta-Sevastopol highway or Monument to flooded ships

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In Sevastopol, which was installed in 1905, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the first defense of the city, when a large number of sailing ships had to be flooded, so as not to give the enemy to enter the Waterwater of Sevastopol.

As for natural attractions, they are also a large number of them in the Crimea. Name only some of them. This is the highest waterfall on the peninsula. Study-Su. , on the territory of the Yalta Mining and Forest Reserve. Rock Golden Gate.

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Mountain Ai-Petri,

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Ayu Dag. or Cat,

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in the vicinity of Simeiz. Rocks Diva,

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Sail and many many others. List everything, and even more so, it will be quite difficult to describe. That's why I recommend personally to visit the Crimea, and the attractions there are not enough for one trip.

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