What should we expect from recreation in Baden-Baden?


Each city and land of Germany is not like each other and has its own highlight. Does not cease to attract tourists from different countries, including traditionally from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, as from other former Soviet republics, which is famous for its thermal springs, Baaden Baden, located on the Western Slopes of the Black Forest, one of the richest land FRG Baden Württemberg.

You can visit this city as much as possible and in every visit to discover something new and interesting.

The name of the city of Baden-Baden itself says that its main chicken is thermal sources, numerous pools. Much in it and attractions, museums, theaters and art galleries, including modern artists and sculptors of various styles and trends.

What should we expect from recreation in Baden-Baden? 21199_1

Compare holidays in Baden-Baden with rest in other places in Germany, it is possible, but why? If you faced the goal to relax comfortably and with comfort, improve health using the healing properties of thermal sources, drink therapeutic mineral water, have fun, to visit unique museums, breathe fresh air, make every day hiking, taste the various dishes of German cuisine, then you It is necessary to go to Baden-Baden, which since the end of the XVIII - early XIX century has become the most popular European resort for Russians, who left a marked track in his history.

At different times, not only well-known Russian aristocrats have visited Baden-Baden, such as Volkonsky, Trubetskaya, but also Russian classics of Turgenev, Chekhov, Goncharov, Zhukovsky, Tolstoy and others. The memorial plaques installed on buildings and architectural monuments are evidenced about their stay in this city.

You can safely go to the Baden-Baden with children of any age. They will joyfully splashing in the pools with water from thermal sources, walk around the city, playing in playgrounds, communicating with their peers. Such a journey will go to children only to benefit, both from the point of health promotion and expansion of the horizons, receiving new knowledge and impressions.

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The only disadvantage of rest in Baden-Baden can be called, sometimes astronomical prices in numerous boutiques located in the historic center of the city, as well as not always tasty, but always very expensive food in a variety of restaurants in which various national cuisine are represented.

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From the point of view of security, the way, as well as throughout Germany, in Baden-Baden, it is not particularly bred by this topic, unless, of course, do not go somewhere on the outskirts in the dark. However, you should not lose vigilance and caution, even living in five or four star hotel. Baden-Baden has long been drawn by a lot of fraudsters of different masters and shades that are looking for "creative" ways to facilitate your wallet.

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