The advantages of self-rest in Russia.


In recent years, independent travel has become quite popular among tourists. If we talk about this form of rest in the Russian Federation, then it attracts not only citizens from abroad, but also the inhabitants of the country itself. After all, the immense expanses of Russia are rich in both natural and historical attractions and cultural values ​​of multinational peoples living in its territory.

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The attractiveness of self-rest, first of all, is that you can choose the route yourself and plan the future journey, getting so much time to him as you need, but in the course of the tour you make appropriate changes. It is very convenient and significantly different from the standard offers of tour operators, since acquiring a finished excursion or a ticket, you are limited to the framework of a certain program and time allocated to this.

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I think, quite a few tourists during his journey, faced with such a situation when visiting one or another landmark, as part of a standard tour, I wanted to get acquainted with a closer look and deeper to learn the story of this place, but the time settled for this, let's say, the object was limited What caused some regret and not complete satisfaction from his visit.

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And the other way is that the attraction or this topic is not of interest, but since the tour is held as part of the tourist group, then you have to obediently follow everyone and listen to the guide, all the time that this tour will take place. Such moments not only cause negative emotions, but also extra financial expenses, since in the total value of the acquired tour there are some of the funds spent on that excursion, and maybe not one that are uninteresting for you. So, in the case of an independent trip, you are insured from such moments, as you visiting only the places that have chosen themselves.

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Planning such a rest is better to do in advance, in this case you can save more funds. If you are going to visit several objects, different in your location, you need to correctly calculate the sequence and the route for which you have to follow. Try more information to learn about places and attractions to see. Fortunately, now with the help of the Internet, you can get a complete idea of ​​one or another place, or object. This is me to the fact that I had more than once when the time settled at the inspection of the next place visited did not fit into my plans. But such cases were before the Internet thoroughly entered our lives.

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So, for example, in 1997, I rest in Kemer (by the way, also on my own), I decided to go to Pamukkale. Excursion in this direction, from the street travel agency was then about forty dollars and continued from five in the morning, until eleven nights. If you consider that from this time, only the road was occupied by nine-ten hours, it seemed to me not enough, articles and photos were as described for a complete inspection, and the two-day excursions cost much more expensive. For this reason, we, the whole family, decided to go on their own for two days, the benefit I always traveled on a personal car. I had to sacrifice and reduce stay at sea, dedicated two days to Pamukkale, after which go home straight from there. In short, having left at night, I was in the morning and got into the territory of this attraction with its discovery. It turned out that even with a slow inspection of the ancient city of Hyherapolis, with a visit to the museum and swimming in the "Cleopatra pool", all about everything had enough time to lunch. The benefit that I am on personal transport and then continued to move towards the house, although I could have even extra day on the beach. Be then the Internet and numerous tourist reviews, I would clearly knew how much time it is worth going to Pamukkale. This is to the fact that if you want to travel on a personal car,

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That is no problem in time, but going to move in public transport and booking tickets in advance (and in this case, especially the aircraft so that the cost is minimal), you must clearly calculate the last time.

Because it came about transport, then I, for example, I prefer to move on a personal car or a minibus (if there is a suitable company).

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It is convenient, because the more the person, the cheaper the road costs. Repeatedly, while still a tourist, went to relax in Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and other countries, on a minibus, fighting with you two or three families of friends. As for public transport, the cost of the railway or bus route,

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Practically does not change from time or early booking, but by plane prices may differ, and significantly. Therefore, if you have a flight, then search for tickets in advance. Now there are no special problems with this, no need to go to the Aeroflot cashier, as before. You can safely order an electronic ticket online, sites selling flights provide plenty, but try to use proven, will not prevent reading customer reviews. With a suitable option in terms of cost and time, a place to be placed on the flight and is paid using a bank card or electronic wallets, such as Kiwi, web mana and others (if you have such). There is nothing difficult in this and everything is done without leaving the house. On the day of departure, the window of registration for flight, you will only need to present a passport, after which the air ticket is issued.

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Pay special attention to those objects you want to visit. If this is a popular direction, for sure, there is your official website. This is why it does not work out that you went on a journey, and this attraction is closed for restoration or for another reason and its visit is not available. This is not often, but it happens, so try to get accurate information on this score.

I can not say with one hundred percent confidence that an independent journey costs cheaper than standard tours, because it depends on many factors as types of transport,

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The number of people and others, but the fact that pleasure and positive you will get much more, so it is for sure. Believe me, I have many years of experience in this area and I know what I say. Travel yourself and expand your horizons.

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