What to do on vacation on Siemilane? Best entertainment.


Similan is one of the most beautiful archipelago of Thailand, consisting of nine small islands. For a long stay of tourists, unfortunately, only two islands are open to Similan and Ko Mihang. The remaining corners of the archipelago or are of little interesting for tourists, or access to them is limited in order to preserve the nature of Mu to the Similan National Park. However, this does not affect the entertainment program of tourists. The fact is that the main entertainment on Siemilane is diving, snorkeling and beach holidays. Most active travelers are sent to the islands just for the sake of acquaintance with the local diverse underwater world.

Diving on Siemilana

Since the most visited island of the archipelago is Similan, respectively, in the waters around him, beginner divers and are offered to have fun. The depth of local coastal water reaches 30 meters. For the beginnings of the dive most often organized in the Beacon Beach area. This place is interesting for the presence of a solid coral reef Point and the sunken ship covered with corals. There are many large stones in the water near the reef, among which the divers will manage to see sea rods, a fish tiger and bright fish.

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The underwater flow in the area is practically absent, and the depth on some sites is only 4 meters. As for experienced divers, they will be much more interesting to make a dive near Reef Fantasy. To detect his fans of underwater depths will be able to be 180 meters from the shore on the western side of Ko Similan Island. By the way, the plot places are marked here. Visibility under water near the reef varies from 10 to 20 meters, and the depth is 15-32 meters. Diving occupation in this place will be remembered for a long time. The only drawback of the reef is the strong course with which even experienced divers can not always cope.

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Another place suitable for clamping a snorkeling in the area of ​​Ko Similan is a rocky education on the southern coast, the nicknamed "Elephant Head". Such a funny name This rocky corner of the island turned out to be due to its form that resembles the head of the wise animal. Under water near Elephant Head, there are enough deep caves and tunnels, as well as soft and solid coral reefs. Nevertheless, only experienced divers can cope with a strong underwater flow can admire this beauty.

If you wish, you can go on diving and near the rest of the Similan Islands. In the area of ​​Koh Huong, located closest to Phuket, dives are organized extremely rare. Despite the fact that the currently underwater flow of a mesmer, fascinating diving lacks depth. But the underwater world near Paian Island will please both newcomers and experienced divers. The course in this part of the archipelago is average, the depth is sufficient - about 30 meters. When doing underwater swimming, tourists will be able to observe the life of large fish, spotted sharks and corals.

Diving on the second largest island of the archipelago - Miyg is not very popular. Although there are corals in the local waters, barracuda, fish-unicorns and other representatives of the sea fauna. The underwater flow near the island is non-mounted, visibility under water is excellent, but, despite this, tourists are most often invited to engage in snorkeling.

  • In order to engage in diving on Siemilana, tourists are enough to buy a dive tour in one of the agencies of Phuket or Kao Laca. The average cost of one-day entertainment is approximately five thousand baht per person. If this time does not seem enough, then a longer dive safari should be ordered overnight on board the boat. The minimum cost of such a two-day fun will be nine thousand baht.


The lagoon of Donald Daca is considered the best place to exercise snorkeling near the island of Ko Similan. It is not very deep here, the water is clean and transparent, so you can easily watch the rainbow small fish and turtles, swimming just with a mask and a tube. By the way, renting the simplest gear Tourists can be on a boat that brought them to the island. Rental will cost about 100-120 baht.

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Suitable conditions for swimming for the surface of water are created by nature itself on Mihange. The local coastal marine waters are not particularly deep, but rich in exotic inhabitants. As for the necessary equipment for snorkeling, it can be taken into temporary use in a tent camp.

Beach rest

Of all the nine Isles of the Archipelago, offer the best conditions for lazy and relaxing entertainment are ready only two to Mihang and Ko Similan. On the island of MIANG for this there are two magnificent beach - Hat Yak and Hat Lek. Of course, it will not be possible to call them a little ones, but splash in turquoise water, sunbathing and relaxing in clean sand from tourists will definitely work out. As for the island of Ko Similan, there are also two magnificent beach on its territory. One of them is located near the Sail Rock cliff in Donald Daca Bay, and the second is hiding on the opposite side of the island. Both beaches are famous for transparent water, white sand and picturesque landscapes.

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Standard beach attractions in the form of "bananas" and scooters on Similana beaches did not come across.

Other entertainment

On the island of Miyng is very popular with hiking through the jungle. You can find the conductor for the promenade in the picturesque trails in a tent camp. For its services, the accompanying will take from 400 baht and at the same time will show all the most amazing corners of the island with tropical vegetation, and will also take to the places where it will be possible to listen to the singing of exotic birds and admire the two-color fruit dove.

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There are no familiar night entertainment on Siemilana. After sunset, tourists can except to organize a romantic evening on the shore, during which it turns out to enjoy the sounds of nature and the noise of the surf. True, on the island of Ko Similan, the travelers remaining for the night are invited to go for a kind of hunt. It begins at about 8 pm. Losts not more than half an hour. The essence of an unusual hunt is to find crabs that are found in the dark not only near the water, but also in the jungle.

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The main weapon for hunting is a flashlight. It is worth such entertainment in a penny penny. And if you are lucky, then a Russian-speaking conductor will be accompanied by a group of "hunters".

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