Why should I go to Savonlinna?


Sometimes you want to go far, far away, and sometimes, on the contrary, you think: it would be good for not to drive away from homeland, but still to change the place to dramatically ... In this case, you should remember about St. Petersburg, from which it is very easy to get into the neighboring Finland. The most pleasant thing is that such a tour - whether it is multi-day or just a crash for a couple of days - can accommodate quite a lot of interesting things. For example, "Finnish Venice" - Savonlinna.

Why should I go to Savonlinna? 21175_1

Yes - the ancient settlements in any state cause curiosity, and Savonlinna refers to such. But in addition, it is still famous for its truly with the original location - on the islands of the lake system with the dominant Lake Saima. Perhaps, The main advantage of the city remains its natural attraction . From here - excellent water entertainment: swimming and sunbathing, fishing, traveling on various plaques and just unhurried walks - whether on a bike or as ... Of course, Preserved Already from the 15th century, architectural monuments will be included in your route. - The fortress of Olavinlinna, the Dome Cathedral, a whole street of buildings of the 18th century - Linnakatu and much more. Usually, tourists usually do not reach the museums, but at least one, let's say, the local fishing museum is worth it. After getting to know the city, take time and for a walk through its surroundings. From the heading "The Most" here you can find the church from the tree - the largest in world standards (Designed for 3,000 people, erected in the middle of the 19th century, is a pair of tens of kilometers from Savonlinna). Linnanananari Park remains a separate tourist area: on the territory of more than 3,500 hectares - over hundreds of islands and islands. Developed routes and cozy camping, where you can put your tent, is not all. The abundance of a variety of animals and birds is the main richness of the park. And, of course, the famous Siemena Nerpe, whose individuals left 250 goals on the entire planet. By the way, she is even devoted to the sculpture in the city. The Finnish side is characterized, of course, the harsh climate, however, in the summer and here, in Savonlinna, you can enjoy having fun in the local aquapark - Mayamaa. In contrast to the usual hot seashest resorts of Mayamaa, there will also offer man-made reservoirs, where we can take rowing, and in addition to the restaurant to visit the stores.

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Surely A separate story deserves a very unusual cultural facility - also located in nature: mystical forest . It should be noted that Finland generally produces a mysterious impression, it is its landscaped nature (the Finns themselves are reasonable and practical people, although the humor is not devoid of humor and respect their folklore). The mystical forest is not fulfilled with elfs and twisted, it is quite a man-made "product." It is unlikely to find a second all over the world. Located at all next to the border, if you go through the 6th road in the direction of Savonlinna, already on a path, which is existing on the right to the depths of the forest, the park begins with individual figures, and then there will be so much that the feeling appears as if you are standing in the crowd. Figures of people and animals are made in full size. Some brightly painted. Many such that are completely covered with moss, which adds mystrusticity to this place. And yet the sculptures are the hands of an ordinary person. Weo Rökkenen was not a professional, but for almost his entire life created from concrete and had over 400 figures around his house around his house. Self-taught artist died in 2010. They say he did not take money for visiting his shit, but only asked to write a review in the guest book. Probably, you should not take with me kids on an evening excursion - all the same ...

Why should I go to Savonlinna? 21175_3

Not all places on a world map can boast year-round attractiveness. Somewhere better ride only in the midst of winter, and somewhere well only in the summer. Savonlinna is beautiful with his "versatility", because it is equally interesting at any time of the year.

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