How to get to Smolensk?


Smolensk Located on the Dnipro River, and the distance from Smolensk to Moscow is about 400 kilometers.

First of all, I would like to tell you how to get from Moscow to Smolensk.


There is no airport in the city, so the air transport is noted immediately.

By train

One of the most popular options is the railway message.

On high-speed Train Swallow From Moscow to Smolensk you can get in 4 hours 37 minutes. The train leaves the Belorussian station in Moscow and arrives at Smolensk railway station. Swallow - the train is modern and quite comfortable, so the price of a ticket is relatively high - it is 1 160 rubles (places, of course, seating). Swallow is also the fastest way to get from Moscow to Smolensk, other trains go about 6 hours.

For those who would like to save, there is an option cheaper - you can go, for example, By train Novosibirsk - Brest that makes the stop both in Moscow and in Smolensk. Moving will be night, in Moscow the train stops at one o'clock, and arrives at 7:01 to Smolensk (time on the way will be 6 hours). A ticket to reservency costs only 712 rubles, thus, thus, the cheapest travel options by train. The location in the coupe will be already one and a half thousand rubles.

For those who prefer day moving, you can recommend the train Moscow - Brest who leaves the capital at 14:09, and arrives at Smolensk at 20:00. Time on the way is almost 6 hours. For a place in a placentar will have to give794 rubles, and in the coupe - one and a half thousand.

By bus

Another relatively inexpensive way to get to Smolensk. From the bus station "Tushinskaya" buses in Pskov. The bus leaves Moscow at 20:00, and in Smolensk stops at 2:30, so the time on the way is six and a half hours. There is such a trip 700 rubles.

By car

As mentioned above, the distance from Moscow to Smolensk is about 400 kilometers. By car, this distance can be driving for 4 - 6 hours (depending on traffic jams and, of course, speed).

For those who want to save, there are services of travelers who allow you for a small fee (on average about 500 rubles) a gap to the driver who goes on this route. So, the driver will save on gasoline, and you are on the ticket. Of the minuses - you have to go to the car with an unfamiliar (and maybe not the most pleasant) person.

St. Petersburg - Smolensk

From the northern capital to get to Smolensk more than from Moscow, since the distance between these cities is significantly more (about 750 kilometers).

Nevertheless, this can be done with the same types of transport as from Moscow - by train, bus and car.

By train

One of the most popular options is Train St. Petersburg - Smolensk.

From St. Petersburg, he departs at 20:45, and in Smolensk comes at 12:51 to the next day. Time on the way is 16 hours. A place in the placentar will cost you 1 030 rubles, and in the coupe - 2,730 rubles.

By bus

Cheaper option is a bus. Transportation is carried out by a variety of firms, on the site you can learn and their name, and the type of the bus on which you will be lucky.

For example, you can take a bus at 8:30 at the bus station number 2 (Embankment of the Owlock Canal), and at 23:00 the same day you will find yourself in Smolensk. Time in the way will be 14 and a half hours.

By car

Those 750 kilometers who separate St. Petersburg from Smolensk can be overcome for 8 or more hours. Facilching services offer prices from 900 rubles per person.

City Transport in Smolensk

And finally, we will proceed to the description of the transport within the city itself. If you have already reached Smolensk, then you get a new question in front of you - how to move around the city?

First of all, I note that the subway in Smolensk, of course, is not. But there are buses, trolley buses, trams, minibuses and, of course, a taxi.


How to get to Smolensk? 21173_1

Tram routes in five. We bring them below:

Route number 1. Lamp factory - Gagarin Ring

Route number 2. st. P.Alekseeva - ul. Bagration

Route number 3. Sitnikov - Ring Gagarina

Route number 4. Roslavl Ring - railway station

Route number 7. Ul. P.Alekseeva - railway station

Trolley buses

This type of transport is generally not very popular in Smolensk, so it is limited to just a few routes.

How to get to Smolensk? 21173_2

Route number 1. Polygraph admission - LLC "Sharm"

Route number 2. ULKSEEVA - NPO "Arcade"


Bus routes are already significantly more (so I will not bring them here). In general, the buses connect almost all areas and neighborhoods Smolensk.

How to get to Smolensk? 21173_3

The price of travel in any municipal transport is one and amounts to 14 rubles per trip.


Smolensk operates more than 10 different companies providing taxi services. They differ in price slightly.


From Smolensk railway station, you can get to the nearest suburbs and neighboring cities, where there are also to see (for example, to Vyazma, where you can admire various temples and monasteries). The distance to Vyazma is 175 kilometers, so consider that the train goes for several hours.

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