What should you expect from recreation in Nuvara Elia?


Nuwar Elya is a city located in the central part of the island (closer to the south), which is part of the central province. The name of the city means "the city on the plain" or "City of Light". The city is the administrative center of Nuwar Elia, and is famous for its picturesque mountain landscapes, a gorgeous view of the mountain peak wasponed (also known as Mount Pedro), the highest point of the island, and a pleasant temperate climate - this area of ​​the island is considered the coolest on all Sri Lanka. The town is located at an altitude of 1868 meters and is considered the most important place for the production of tea in Sri Lanka.

Nuwara Elia was founded by Samuel Baker, who was also discovered by Lake Albert in East Africa and studied the Nile basin. It was in 1846. The British researcher looked around a lot in the world, and at some point he, together with his wife and his brother, moved to Mauritius to control there cases on family plantations, and in two years he dotted, actually, to Ceylon, i.e. On Sri Lanka, where next year and founded an agricultural settlement and mountain resort - Nuwar Ely.

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What should you expect from recreation in Nuvara Elia? 21161_2

With the support of his family, he invited several more emigrants from England to a new settlement, and soon the young village began to develop and grow. The village with a pleasant British climate became a favorite refuge of British civil servants and planters on Ceylon - came to the resort, tired of the ocean. The village was even called "Little England" Residents Local and traveling Guests, English colonialists, could finally relax for their favorite games and classes, such as fox hunting, deer (and later elephants), polo, golf and cricket.

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Although the city was founded and populated in the 19th century exclusively by the British, today there are local travelers much more often, and especially in April, in days Singal and Tamil New Year and numerous events related to motor racing, jumps and golf . Most (almost half) of today's population of the city (and it is approximately 43 thousand people) - Singala , However, there are also large communities of other ethnic groups - for example, the Indian and Srisky Tamils ​​live here, as well as a couple of thousand "Mavrov" (or laracylov, descendants of the Arab merchants) and a little Malayians. Sinhalean and Tamil - these are the two main languages, which are spoken in Nuwar Elia. However, do not worry: English is also widely used by local residents.

What should you expect from recreation in Nuvara Elia? 21161_4

In the town reigns a pleasant atmosphere - Many buildings remained from the colonial period , for example, the Queen Cottage, the House of General, Grand Hotel, Hill Club, city post office. Yes, even new hotels are often building and decorated with a colonial style, supporting the overall style of streets. Many owners of private houses still decorate their lawns and English-style gardens. So, tourists here can plunge into the nostalgic feelings of the long-lasting days by visiting these iconic buildings and places.

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Attractions of the city are Park Victoria, Lake Gregory in which fishing and on which boats are riding, local golf Club. Also, the city is considered to be the starting point for visiting. National Park Horton Plains - Reserve with chic wildlife, numerous animals, lush nature, Baker waterfall and the main "entertainment" called WORLD'S END. - with a sheer rock height of 1200 meters.

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Let's go back to the weather. In Mountain Nuvara Elia reigns Subtropical mountain climates with an average annual temperature in + 16 ° C. In the winter months there is pretty cool at night (+ 9-10 ° C), and sometimes Even cold (although the thermometer bar is never lowered below, yet, + 1-2 degrees are an ordinary phenomenon). However, the air in these parts quickly warms up - the tropical sun does its own business! The highest possible fixed temperature - + 27.7 ° C, although it is a big rarity, and in the afternoon there are mainly about + 20-22 ° C. Since this weather has gotten this area, then it is actively and productively engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and colors that usually grow only in Europe.

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In the cool "Little England", potatoes, carrots, leeks and roses are grown on typical Asian terraces, mixed with tea bushes on steep slopes. And yes! These tea shrubs in the Alpine Area are subsequently born one of the world's best tea varieties Orange Pico, with long pointed leaves twisted along the axis. This tea is going when the kidneys have already revealed. Near the town there are some tea factories that can be visited as part of the excursion and buy this very marvelous tea.

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What other sights? Somewhere there is a gravestone stone of one British governor who killed thousands of elephants, there is Hindu Temple Hanuman Kovil with a romantic legend of creation Church of the Holy Trinity On the road to the old cemetery, where most gravestone plates are with engraved British names.

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Hotels In the city, a variety of - it is necessary to place all arriving, for example, for the new year! And in general, tourists here, of course, are, and not for one day (too long from the coast to go to return to the same night). Moreover, many hotels are five star and four-star, good, and with fairly high prices. Restaurants are also above the roof.

What should you expect from recreation in Nuvara Elia? 21161_10

In general, the city is interesting, nature there is insanely beautiful, the infrastructure is good, and the architecture definitely deserves attention. An interesting place for a pleasant stay. Until the west coast of only about 4-4.5 hours from there, so, you can combine holidays in the mountains with rest on the coast.

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