Where to go to Smolensk and what to see?


Smolensk - One of the oldest cities of Russia, so, of course, there are tourists there, to which look.

The city itself is not very large, its length is 25 kilometers, and the width is 15. About 330 thousand people live in it, but nevertheless there are both antiquity monuments and more modern attractions.

Cultural and Exhibition Center named after Tenishevy

This center was opened relatively recently - in 2013, in honor of the celebration of the anniversary of the city of Smolensk. It is conveniently located - in the city center, you can easily walk on foot.

Where to go to Smolensk and what to see? 21151_1

The center is a variety of exhibitions and events.

For example, in the beginning of November of the current year, the night of the arts "at the turn of the century" took place in the center. As part of this event, the guests looked at fashionable defile, met with painting of Dutch artists, and also listened to a concert of organ music. In addition, everyone listened to the story about the feast ethics, considered the ancient table silver and visited the master class "Horseshoe for happiness". All this could be done on a single ticket.

Currently in the cultural and exhibition center you also Can visit the following exhibitions:

  • Portrait and smell (interactive exhibition telling about perfumery)
  • Design-Smolensk 2015 (creativity designer from Russia, Belarus and Poland - interior design, design in architecture, landscape and graphic design, suit design, etc.)

The very building of the cultural and exhibition center and the very building of the cultural and exhibition center, since it is built in the style of High-tech and is very different from most buildings of the city.

Helpful information

Address: Smolensk, Street Przhevalsky, d. 3

How to get to: Route buses number 21 and 42.

Opening hours: from 10 to 19 hours, day off - Monday

Ticket price: Depends on the specific event


Booking excursions: 8 (4812) 20-54-18, 8 (920) 325-84-90

Telephone for references: 8 (4812) 20-54-02, 8 (4812) 20-54-29

Those who like painting, you can recommend the art gallery.

The gallery is located in the 19th century building, in which the Alexander Real School was located before. In the building three floors, it looks great and striking first of all with its sizes.

The gallery collection is impressive - there is presented as an ancient Russian art, which was collected by the Princess Tenishev, mainly in this department presents the icons and works of Russian artists - among them V.A.Tropinin, I.K. Ayvazovsky, A.I.Kyujji, .A.Serova, I.E. Pepina, K.A. Korovina, A.N. Benua, as well as sculpture. However, the exposition is not limited to domestic creators - the museum's special city is the museum canvas are the brush of the Italian, Dutch and Flemish artists, as well as the Spaniards - including the picture of Francisco de Surbaran.

The museum is engaged in exhibitions - there are held both exhibitions collected on the basis of the Funds of the Museum itself and the exhibitions of modern artists.

Where to go to Smolensk and what to see? 21151_2

Helpful information

Address: G. Smolensk, Communist Street, d. four

Telephone: (4812) 38-06-95 (Cashier); 38-74-41, 8-910-113-26-98 (guides)

Ticket price: 120 rubles for adults + 80 rubles for excursion service, for pensioners 50 and 50 rubles, respectively.

Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 18.00,

Thursday - from 11.00 to 19.00,

Friday - from 10.00 to 17.00,

Cashier closes 30 minutes earlier,

day off - Monday,

Sanitary day - last Tuesday of the month

How to get: On buses number 8,13,17,38,40,44 (to the October Revolution Street), 35.42 (before stopping Hotel Smolenskotel)

Historical Museum

Where to go to Smolensk and what to see? 21151_3

One of the oldest museums of the city, he was open at the end of the 19th century. It can be recommended to those who are interested in history. The following departments are open to visitors: "The Ancient History of Smolensk Land" (100 thousand years ago - Nach. IX century. N.E.) and "Smolensk as part of an ancient Russian state in the IX - NAK.XIII century" and many others. The number of exhibits includes fragments of vessels, bronze ornaments, tools and hunting, as well as a variety of layouts and cards. One of the outstanding exhibits is the preserved skeleton of mammoth.

Not so long ago, a new department of a permanent exhibition called "History and Culture of Smolencins in the XIII-XVIII centuries" was opened. There you can get acquainted with unique objects that reflect that or me the moment of Smolensk history. Some of them are exhibited for the first time.

Helpful information

Address: Smolensk, Lenin Street, House 8

How to get to: By bus number 3,9,10,13,14,16,17,21,22,23,27,29,33,38,41,46,47 (before stopping Street Tukhachevsky), bus number 42 (before stopping Hotel Smolenskotel )

Telephone: (4812) 38-38-62 (researchers), 65-68-71 (cash desk)

Ticket price: For adults - 100 rubles + 80 rubles for excursion services, schoolchildren - 20 and 30 rubles, respectively, pensioners - 30 and 40 rubles, respectively

Opening hours: The museum is open for daily from 10.00 to 18.00

Friday - from 10.00 to 17.00,

Cashier closes 30 minutes earlier,

day off - Monday

Smolenshchina during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

This museum will be interesting to everyone who is interested in the military history of our country, military equipment and those who would like to learn more about the life of the region during the Great Patriotic War.

The exposition presents photos and documents that tell about the period of the beginning of the war, its stroke, ending, liberation of the Smolensk region, and so on.

There are arms samples, which used the USSR and Germany, personal stuff soldiers and commanders, military uniform, awards, combat banners, as well as trophies.

You can see the "Birth of the Soviet Guard" diorama, dugout, as well as the exhibition of military equipment, which attracts both adults and children. Among them - Katyusha, T-34 Tank, self-propelled anti-aircraft installations, cars, fighter and much more.

Helpful information

Address: Smolensk, Dzerzhinsky Street, 4a

Telephone: (4812) 38-31-19, 38-32-65

Opening hours: The museum is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00,

Friday - from 10.00 to 17.00,

Cashier closes 30 minutes earlier,

day off - Monday,

Sanitary day - the last Tuesday of the month

How to get: On buses number 2,3,8,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,21,22,23,24,27,29,32,35,38,40,41,42,44,46 , 47 (before stopping the Victory Square, Street Isakovsky), on the tram number 1,2,4 (before stopping the Victory Square, Street Isakovsky).

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