Sutomore or nothing more for rest


When I, I LIVE PRESS PRESSED, A few days later waking up and almost late to work, it became clear to me that it was time for a vacation. Chose the resort on the principle "as few people around both people around and warm, despite September" and saw an article about Sutomor. Finding the Internet apartments and having agreed with the owner that he will meet me the airport in Podgorica, I went to the road. The owner of the apartments did not deceive and met me and here, after 40 minutes drive, I'm in Sutomor. I settled in the room on the second floor of a three-story villa. The cost was 20 euros per day. To the sea - 10 minutes walk. Remove housing on the first line of the sea is very expensive - from 35 and higher euros per day.

I stayed in Sutomor exactly a week, during which the air temperature was at 28-30 degrees, and in the evening it was lowered to 18 degrees, and the wind was raised.

The first thing that rushed into the eyes is not a resort in my understanding of this word. There was no heaps of tourists, nor many cafes on the beaches. Rather, they are, but they are not so much, like, for example, on the yarn of Turkey. Yes, and the beaches themselves more resembled wild. But what struck - nature, all in greenery, despite the already coming autumn.

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Excursions Here I did not find any, so the city showed me the daughter of the owner of the apartment. The town is very quiet. Here you will not see noisy companies in a cafe or a lot of walking youth on the embankment. It was completely satisfied with it, since I came to relax from people. In the town, many immigrants from Russia, many times heard in the city as people who are clearly similar to local residents speak Russian.

My first visit to the beach was not very successful, going into the water, I almost came to the sea hedgehog, so immediately came out and ran to the store to buy special shoes for swimming, without it to go in the sea dangerous.

A couple of times for the trip, I took a rent of aquatic bike and sailed away from the coast, almost to the buoy. That's where you feel really on vacation. The only minus is a lot of garbage in the sea, which, apparently, threw the tourists themselves who went to me here.

When it was born to swim, I just lay on 10 euros for rent a sun bed and admired nature. I will say, the beaches here on an amateur, a lot of rocky and, at first glance, not adapted for swimming.

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I went to a sandy beach near the villa on which I lived. Most of the vacationers there were - local residents with children. It was added to the weekend people, guests from neighboring cities arrived, and was already quite close on the yarn.

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For the first two days of our trip, I fed at home, cooking me on myself, but then I decided to look at the cafe and came to the conclusion that it comes out in the price similarly, but time is saved. I left about 35 euros for our products for one day, and about 38 euros for three meals in the cafe. I decided that such savings is not worth my time. My favorite dish became cobra (thick fish soup). I ordered her almost every day, the price for a portion is 8 euros.

Walking in local shops, I came to the conclusion that the prices here are unreasonably high and the choice is small. In one of the shops I really liked the swimsuit, but the price for him struck me - 100 euros. And so on almost everything.

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Summing up, I will say that Sutomore is an ideal place to rest two categories of people. Those who want to relax from the bustle and people (such as me) and for families with children. For outdoor activities, the town will not fit. But I found a place for myself where you can relax the soul, so I will definitely go to Sutomore again.

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