Rest in Battikalo: where to eat and how much does it cost?


If you settled at the hotel or a guest house in Battikalo, then the restaurant there will be for sure. Well, in general, housing options without the attached restaurant in the area very little. And yet, in five-star hotels, prices for food are quite high, and sometimes you want a variety. What are restaurants? For the most part, quite simple (I'm talking about separately standing), with dishes of Indian cuisine, there are several vegetarian cafes. Western cuisine dishes are most often found at the hotel restaurants. Since Battikalo is standing on "solid water", and, of different origins, then the fish can be tasted here yourself - both river and sea. And besides fish - crabs, shrimps and other sea shoes in stock, naturally. In general, here are some good restaurants and cafes in Battikalo, where to go to dinner or lunch, if you want something new.


(Slaughter House Lake Road, next to the Church of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of Blue and Bridge, leading to the island of Pulianitiva)

This is an exceptionally vegetarian restaurant with Indian dishes. However, there may be daring and not vegetarians, because here in any case is very tasty. This restaurant is very popular, so there is always full of people - up to 40 people. Dishes Simple: Dosai (DOSAI) - Thin Indian pancakes from rice and lental flour, WADA PAV (sandwich from buns (surfactant) and two potato cutlets (WADA)), went (small steam cakes from fermented black Masha and rice flour; served Usually with sauces of chutney and sambar). Something here is only $ 1.5-2! A wallet will not fit for sure. In short, the usual such simple restaurant, besides, close to the center of the city and with a pretty view of the lagoon. The atmosphere in the evening is especially pleasant here.

Rest in Battikalo: where to eat and how much does it cost? 21119_1


(136, Trinco Road, near refueling and blue church)This is an Indian cuisine restaurant and not only. Food is not bad, albeit standard; The place is cozy and comfortable, clean and neat. Roasted rice with vegetables, Masala Mushrooms (Mushrooms with Indian Spices), Fruit Juices, Baking and Much-Much. Of the minuses - a little overpriced prices and crowds of visitors (probably, it is one of the only places in the city where you can find so many people at the same time - popularity!).

"Tomato Family Restaurant"

(next to the restaurant "Sunshine")

This family restaurant from the owners of the Sunshine Group network is the place where people can dine with a smile, so to speak. Here all the necessary amenities are clean toilets, air conditioning, perfect cleanliness. Great place for lunch with children. Works from 10:30 am to 10:30 pm.

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(Pioneer Road, near the hotel 15 LMD, opposite the island of Pulianiva and the Dutch Fort)

A pleasant place for a cup of coffee or tea, a glass of fresh juice or cervix, ice cream and desserts. There is here and some food, but quite a bit. There is wifi. Perhaps this is one of those places in the city where you can really just relax and relax with your favorite drink in your hand. Pleasant atmosphere and design of the room.

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Rest in Battikalo: where to eat and how much does it cost? 21119_4


(on the island of Pulianiva, 42 Covington RD, near the hotel Subaraj 2 and not far from the monastery of St. Joseph)

Sriskyskaya cuisine restaurant with some additions from other kitchens. Extremely hospitable hosts with perfect English. Yes, and the location is excellent, almost in the center of the island and a 7-minute walk from the bus station - here you can eat and go to the study of the sights of the island.

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"Sivashakthi Chettinad Restaurant"

(on Old-Rest House Road, near the dressing, 100 meters north of the temple Sri Mangalaaram)

This is the only restaurant in the city with a similar kitchen. First, Chttinad (Chettinad) is the area of ​​Shivaganga County in India. The word "Chettinad" means both a social cast specializing in cooking. That is, Chettressians are considered real culinary, and their kitchen is one of the most sharp and most fragrant in all of India. Dishes of this kitchen, as a rule, decorated with a rolled boiled egg. Most often prepare from boiled lentils, they love eggplant curry and sambar with chicken legs, use for rice foiled oil, and for dessert, they prefer soldered (rice pudding with tapile or vermicelline with milk and sugar) and Paal Paniam (nothing but fried in Fryer balls from rice and black Masha, which swim in coconut milk). Dishes from beef and pork dishes are not served. Preferred dishes from chicken and seafood. There are a number of vegetarian dishes in the menu (thin, crunchy lential and rice flour pancakes), the UPPU (beloved local breakfast; thick porridge from semolina or coarse rice flour), Puri (fresh Indian bread), etc.

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Rest in Battikalo: where to eat and how much does it cost? 21119_7

So, this is the only restaurant in Battikalo, where you can enjoy these unusual dishes. By the way, this is a restaurant-hotel, and it is conveniently located in the city center. The restaurant is most often delicious and even some kind of sleepy - but these are almost all restaurants in the city.


(near the intersection of Colombo-Batticaloa Hwy and Wanigisinghe St, a little west of Extern University, 50 meters from Calladi Bridge)

This is perhaps the only place in the center of Battikalo, where you can enjoy fresh and hot pizza, hamburgers, roasted chicken, kebabs, etc. In short, everything is fat and harmful, but so tasty! Guests feel very good here, and I want to believe that products and truth are delivered from local farms, as the restaurant workers assure. Well, in the end, here you can dine for less than 10 dollars. Of course, not a high kitchen, but for snacks just right! The restaurant works from 15:00 about 10 pm daily.

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Rest in Battikalo: where to eat and how much does it cost? 21119_9

"Lakshmi Diner"

(on the island of Pulianiva, right at the bridge, at 23 Munai St., not far from the bus stop)

There is no signs in English on this small cafe, but the restaurant is quite easy to detect. The setting, of course, is not "Laksheri", in some places and flies fly, and the floors will creak, but the food is tasty, the good and cheap is the vegetarian curry here you just lick your fingers! In addition, the restaurant works almost from 5:30 am and up to 9 pm.

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