What is worth viewing in Ahungal?


In the city of Ahungalla, attractions are practically no, with the exception of the aquatic lakes of Madugang and couples of inconspicuous temples (like Sri Pulinathala Ramaya, Sri Viiray Bodhi Rajarama, etc.). But within a few kilometers from the city you can find a couple of entertaining places. Here they are:

Museum of Masks Ariapal

The museum is located not quite in Ahungalle, and a 15-minute drive from him to the south, in the small town of Ambalangoda. This is the center of traditional art and crafts. In the building you will find a small museum and a small library (with literature on anthropology and culture). A little preface: The people of Karava, living in the Western and South-Western coastal areas of Sri Lanka, is distinguished by a large variety of social customs. And these nations are known in particular the art of creating masks and rituals in which these masks are used.

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For various reasons, some masks come out in recent decades - they are the most valuable. Some masks in collections more than 200 years! Today, more than 120 masks are presented in the museum - scary, funny, bright. Masks are mostly made from the wood wood of the famous "kaduru", which grows just on the swampy lands - this wood is soft, it is easy to cut out of it. Mask expressions vary, each mask has its own character associated with folk stories.

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It is sometimes very difficult for the expression on some masks, sometimes a mask is not only "wood and paint", but also the philosophical subtext. You can not only admire the product - a couple of masks can be bought. True, the prices here are a bit high, but everything is handmade! Perhaps this is the best mask museum in Sri Lanka. In addition, here you can admire and for the process of creating masks! In short, "Mast Si" Ahungalla and one of the best places on the island to buy a wonderful souvenir.

Temple of Covilavatta

This temple is a little south of the city, near the railway station Pathegamgoda, not far from the Roman Lake Hotel. Buddhist temple, from the words of local residents, miraculously survived after the 2004 tsunami. The temple hidden in the picturesque tropical thickets, next to whom Warana shook.

Dudley Silva Batiks.

On Sri Lanka you will find a lot of tourist shops, where fabrics claiming a batik are sold, but if you don't want to run into fake and see the real work of art and chat with the creator - this is the place. There are beautiful dresses, shirts, napkins, tablecloths and pillowcases - and you can admire the manufacturing process! And some more product can be ordered in accordance with your sizes and desired design (though, only if you have a week in stock). On the maps this center is indicated at: 53 ELPITIYA Road (in Ambalangoda).

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Temple of Sailalarm Vihara

The temple of Sailalarm Vihara is located 7 kilometers "deep into" the mainland from ambitant. The temple is located on the hill and offers excellent views of the spice plantations and the lake. And he is famous for its 35-meter long statue of the Sleeping Buddha, which was erected to donations. To climb into the temple, you need to take 208 steps - it is not easy, of course, but it is worth it (at least for the sake of gorgeous species!). The statue is relatively new and maybe not the most outstanding, moreover, for the entrance to the temple will have to pay a mandatory "donation" in the amount of 250 rupees (at least for foreigners), but still impressive. Also, rate the photo on the wall, which is captured by a monk facing the cow, which is put on the monk as a sign of gratitude from the salvation of her from the slaughter. A ride on a Tuk-Tuka from Ambalangodes costs about 500 rupees (taking into account the waiting and the offset). From Ahungalla, of course, it will be a little more expensive.

Academy of dance gang widget

The dance Academy teaches its visitors to the species of southern traditional dances of Sri Lanka, for example, dance Kolam (dramatic dance with masks), Kandyan and Sabaragam. Official dance courses last about a year, but often for foreigners suite short private courses. This Academy is located at 426 MAIN ST, in Ambalangoda.

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