Where can I eat in Ahungal?


Restaurants in the town of Akhungalla are not so much, however, almost with every hotel there is a restaurant. If you rented a house, you either prepare themselves or, accordingly, go to restaurants. In general, here are the restaurants that can be visited in the city (we do not consider Belampitia).

"Jungle Beach Restaurant & Watersport Ahungalla"

Seafood restaurant and traditional Sri Lanka cuisine. We need to pay tribute to amazing food that you will be offered there. It is truly delicious, besides the prices in the institution are quite affordable. How to find a restaurant? Go for five minutes on the beach left from Heritance Ahungalla. The location is ideal, because there is a restaurant on the beach and offers a nice view of the coast. The service is fast, the staff is unobtrusive and kind, and the seafood ordered is brought with rice and salad (for example, from cabbage). And be sure to try shrimp here in garlic oil. Such here is hidden from the eyes of human pearl coast!

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"Sunshine Restaurant"

Look for this seafood restaurant at the northern end of Ahungalla Beach. Before ordering seafood, fish can be selected from the stand. Prices are adequate. Shrimps are more expensive than fish, but still, prices are very pleasant that it is possible to have a very sort of dinner and drink it all with a beer or wine, for example, for only 4000 rupees is cheaper than in a number of resorts of the city and the surroundings. The restaurant is strongly recommended to anyone who wants to try fresh, delicious food at very reasonable prices.

"Daniel's Pub Ahungalla"

This bar literally is a hole in the wall and is located close to the famous Heritance Ahungalla hotel, away from the road - it is quite easy to miss sight of it. But it's worth looking for it! Here, cold beer, here is an excellent interior (heavy wooden doors turned into tables, on the walls - photos of historic bars in Sri Lanka and international figures from around the world (Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, etc.). Here there are cocktails, however, they Hand on the heart, so-so. But there are various varieties of a liqueur (mostly local varieties). More here you can eat - in general, everything is not bad: fried rice with chicken, something from pork, some more simple dishes. Not a fountain But you can chew. If you stayed in a coastal hotel in the Ahungalla region or Bentotes, then often a small glass of beer stands in local restaurants nearly 500 rupees (which is 400 more than it follows). Sweets in this bar will do not hit the pocket! This service is better here than even in 5-star hotels in the city. The bar is not quite configured to take women, but nobody has hostile to them here. In any case, the workers of the bar are polite (but no one shares visitors).


This cafe is located next to the White Villa Resort and Walauwa Villa Ahungalla, on the coast. The situation is modest, but dear: plastic / wicker chairs and low tables with a bright tablecloth, all this is partially under the canopy, right on the sand nearby, with a hut, where there are different types of coffee and offer cakes and cookies. Opposite the cafe you can see cute fishing boats, at the shore, if you wish, you can swim or take pictures on picturesque stones. The shop sells different oils and tea, as well as cute decorations, like bracelets on the wrist or ankle, beach clothes ("hippie" -sarovars, shirts with patterns, shawls, etc.). The shop is very entertaining, and the cafe itself is a solid relax! :) And this cafe holds interesting promotions, for example, invites everyone to remove the beach Ahungallas from the garbage, and for it they will see you a coffee maker and feed home cakes. Watch out for their Facebook page.

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This cafe is located next to the Buddhist Temple of Ambagachapia Moula Maha Vihara, a little south of the La Maison Nil Manel hotel, for the main road. A small restaurant of traditional Srilatesky food.

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